
【21天精听打卡 1/21】20211109 TED How daylight saving time affects our bodies,mind and world

本文主要是介绍【21天精听打卡 1/21】20211109 TED How daylight saving time affects our bodies,mind and world,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!

20211109 TED精听 MattWalker:How daylight saving time affects our bodies,mind and world

  1. Did you know that is a global experiment perform on approxiamately 1.6 billion people across 75 country twice a year.

    【Did you know that there is a global experiment performed on approximately 1.6 billion people across 75 countries twice a year?】

    • that + there [两个单词音近,容易听漏]
    • performed[Did 过去式;-ed 没听出来]
    • 75 countries[复数改y为i加es; 听写时候忘记语法]
  2. It’s called daylight saving time.

    【It’s called daylight saving time.】

    • ​ 短句子不容易犯错
  3. The sleeper associate consequence on more cenificant new may ralive ???

    【The sleep-associated /consequences /are more /significant/ than you may realize.】

    • sleep-associated [连字符的使用,睡眠相关(这个怎么听出来?); -ed没听出来]
    • consequences[复数-s 没听出来]
    • are [弱读]
    • signficant[单词问题,s/c不分]
    • “than” you may[超级弱读??]
  4. For example , in the spring when we lose one hour sleep , there is a subciquence ???

    【For example in the spring,when we lose one hour of sleep, there is a subsequent/ 24 percent relative increase in heart attacks.

    • For example , in the spring[中间没有逗号]
    • one hour of sleep [of 弱读]
    • subsequent [词汇生疏, adj. 随后的,接着的;(河,谷)后成的]
    • 24 percent [percent 没有s]
    • relative increase in heart attacks[长句子听到后边,脑子跟不上了。还在想subsequent怎么拼/什么意思]
  5. In contrast,in the fall and the winter, when we gain one hour sleep, there is 21% reduction in hastex???

    【In contrast, in the fall and in the autumn, when we gain an hour of sleep, there is a 21 percent reduction in heart attacks. 】

    • and in the autumn[逻辑上想着是fall+winter ,但是其实是autumn]
    • an hour of sleep [an 和 of 弱读]
    • in heart attacks[heart attacks 连读,没反应过来]
  6. Isn’t that incredible?

    【Isn’t that incredible?】

    • 短句子,容易听
  7. And we can also know we see the similar change ,like road accident ???

    【And I should also note that we see similar changes / in things such as road traffic accidents, strokes and tragically ,suicide rates as well.

    • I should [不是we, 开小差了?]
    • note that[不是know ,音近]
    • changes[similar changes, 类似的变化\(\rightarrow\)复数 -s]
    • in things [连读]
    • road traffic accident [漏词]
    • strokes and tragically , suicide rates as well [tragically 悲剧地,放句中表情绪,没反应过来;长句子,脑子跟不上]
  8. In fact, even the a economic dawn swing and that one hour lost sleep.???

    【In fact, even the economy suffers with certain stock market returns taking a downswing/ following the swift to daylight saving time and that one hour of lost sleep】

    • the/a [重复,错打?]
    • economy[发音不熟]
    • suffers with certain stock market returns [特定股票市场的回报率,耳朵生,没听过这种用法,然后一直思考中文意思,导致卡住]
    • taking a downswing [downswing 下滑,第一次听,没反应过来]
    • following the swift to daylight saving time [固定搭配,前文反复提到的词组]
    • and that [连接词]
  9. This is how fragile of spring or body and even society come to sleep lost.

    【This is how fragile our brains, our bodies and even our societies are/ when it comes to sleep loss】

    • our brains~ our bodies~[语气,单词的发音生疏]
    • our society [or? our? 傻傻分不清]
    • are when it comes to [状从用法,没反应过来]
  10. But say more pos_tively even just a small increase in sleep can have a media as well as long tern help benifit.

    【But said more positively, even just small increases in sleep can have immediate as well as long-term health benefits

    • said , positively [语法&拼写]
    • immediate[立即。单词不熟]
    • health benefits[同上]
  11. So rather than thinking of sleep as a cost we can instead think sleep as a very best investment we can make.

    【So rather than thinking of sleep as a cost, we can instead think of sleep as one of the very best investments we can make.】

    • think of sleep as one of the [弱读较多]


  1. 从第一遍粗听,到单句重复3遍精听,到最后总结。毛用时为2小时。专注度还不够高,浪费时间。
  2. 10min 听写,40min总结。较为合适。
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