calculate : You can do math with numbers
the plus sign for addition; the negative sign for subtraction; the slash for division; the asterisk symbol for multiplication; exponent or to the power of is a double asterisk.
first_num=6 second_num=2 print(first_num+second_num) #8 print(first_num**second_num) #36
type conversion `convert from number to string: When displaying a string that contains numbers you must convert the numbers into strings. call these string function str()
days_in_feb=28 print(str(days_in_feb)+' days in February')
convert from string to number: different data type conversion ,changing from one data type to another.
int(): wil convert it into an integer.(a whole number)
float():wil convert it into a number of floating number or something that might have decimal palces.
first_num=input('enter first number') second_num=input('enter second number') print(int(first_num)+int(second_num)) print(float(first_num)+float(second_num))
Number values are used for math operations and to specify individual rows in lists and arrays.