
LightDB13.3-21.2 Release Note

本文主要是介绍LightDB13.3-21.2 Release Note,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!

E.1. Release 13.3-21.2

Release date: 2021-10-24

This release contains a variety of changes from LightDB 13.3-21.1.

  • This version contains a database monitor and management platform, the LightDB Enterprise Manager (LightDB-EM) embeded version, provides monitoring and management solution for LightDB.

  • New Installation Wizard, with GUI and CLI mode. Allows you to simply and easily install standalone or high-available deployment LightDB, including the LightDB-EM.

  • Enhanced PWR and ASH, especially wait-event. helps you to find out most resource-consuming activities and top SQL in your LightDB databases.

  • Enhanced Oracle compatibly, as follows: Function. rowid, sysdate, nvl function supports numeric, real, integer, text, varchar, bpchar, bit conversion. guid function. DataType. clob, blob, varchar2, number, rowid.

  • Enhanced MySQL compatibly, as follows: Function. uuid function. DataType. datetime. Syntax and features. supporting AUTO_INCREMENT, ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.

  • Add a new GUC parameter lightdb_keep_temp_file, for debug purpose. allowing temporary files, such as sort and hash temporary files, be retained.

  • Add Ordered optimizer hint, which is equivalent to Leading optimizer hint.

  • To Improve database design and best practice, LightDB introduce design checking throught DDL. Five kinds of checking are supported now: keyword_not_allowed,bad_datatype,must_have_pk,must_have_gmt,no_more_100cols. This rules can all enable or enable as need, like MySQL's sql-mode. GUC parameter lightdb_best_practice_mode and lightdb_best_practice_level used for control the rule. Existing object all not effected.

  • To improve legacy system pull-mode incremental-sync speed, LightDB support hidden auto-increment primary key column and hidden update timestamp column. Add WITH PRIMARY KEY to create a implicit column ltapk, which will be incremented automatically when new row is inserted. Add WITH UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to create a implicit column ltaut, which will be updated automatically when row is inserted or modified.

  • The following built-in extensions are auto enabled by default in every database, user don't need to perform CREATE EXTENSION manually.

    • pg_log_long_xact, pl/pgsql function to log long running transactions

    • pg_bulkload, pg_bulkload is a high speed data loading utility for LightDB, an replacement for COPY command

    • system_stats, System statistic functions for LightDB

    • timescaledb, enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data

    • zhparser, a parser for full-text search of Chinese. The default configuration name is zhcfg

    • rum, RUM index access method, a more faster full text search implementation.

    • tsvector2, a extended format of tsvector, a better space usage datatype for full text search.

  • The following two extensions also built-in but not enabled by default, perform CREATE EXTENSION before using them.

    • mysql_fdw, a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for MySQL

    • oracle_fdw, a Foreign Data Wrapper for Oracle


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