比如有3台服务器,分别给予 20%,30%和 50% 的流量;比如有3个厂商的接相似服务,分别给予 80%,5%,15% 的调用量配比。
使用 Apache Commons Math3 工具包的 EnumeratedDistribution 类
maven 仓库
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.commons/commons-math3 --> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId> <artifactId>commons-math3</artifactId> <version>3.6.1</version> </dependency>
package other.commons.math; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Data; @Data @AllArgsConstructor public class Tool { private String name; }
package other.commons.math; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.EnumeratedDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { // 构造数据 Tool tool1 = new Tool("第1个工具"); Tool tool2 = new Tool("第2个工具"); final List<Pair<Tool, Double>> toolWeights = new ArrayList<>(); toolWeights.add(new Pair<>(tool1, 20D)); toolWeights.add(new Pair<>(tool2, 80D)); // 测试1万次 int first = 0; int second = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // 执行带权重随机获取一个 Tool tool = new EnumeratedDistribution<>(toolWeights).sample(); if (tool.equals(tool1)) { first++; } if (tool.equals(tool2)) { second++; } } System.out.println("工具1出现" + first + "次;工具2出现" + second + "次"); } }
大致是将权重归一化到 0-1 的范围,然后随机获取 0-1 之间的 double 值,落在哪个区间就获取该区间对应的对象。
/** * Generate a random value sampled from this distribution. * * @return a random value. */ public T sample() { final double randomValue = random.nextDouble(); int index = Arrays.binarySearch(cumulativeProbabilities, randomValue); if (index < 0) { index = -index-1; } if (index >= 0 && index < probabilities.length && randomValue < cumulativeProbabilities[index]) { return singletons.get(index); } /* This should never happen, but it ensures we will return a correct * object in case there is some floating point inequality problem * wrt the cumulative probabilities. */ return singletons.get(singletons.size() - 1); }
借助 NavigableMap 的 higherEntry 定位该元素应该落的权重区间,权重未做归一化处理,定位的速度依赖于底层实现。
public class RandomCollection<E> { private final NavigableMap<Double, E> map = new TreeMap<Double, E>(); private double total = 0; public void add(double weight, E result) { if (weight <= 0 || map.containsValue(result)) return; total += weight; map.put(total, result); } public E next() { double value = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble() * total; return map.higherEntry(value).getValue(); } }
package other.commons.math; public class Demo3 { public static void main(String[] args) { Tool tool1 = new Tool("第1个工具"); Tool tool2 = new Tool("第2个工具"); RandomCollection<Tool> util = new RandomCollection<>(); util.add(20, tool1); util.add(80, tool2); // 测试1万次 int first = 0; int second = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { Tool tool = util.next(); if (tool.equals(tool1)) { first++; } if (tool.equals(tool2)) { second++; } } System.out.println("工具1出现" + first + "次;工具2出现" + second + "次"); } }
/** * Gets the entry for the least key greater than the specified * key; if no such entry exists, returns the entry for the least * key greater than the specified key; if no such entry exists * returns {@code null}. */ final Entry<K,V> getHigherEntry(K key) { Entry<K,V> p = root; while (p != null) { int cmp = compare(key, p.key); if (cmp < 0) { if (p.left != null) p = p.left; else return p; } else { if (p.right != null) { p = p.right; } else { Entry<K,V> parent = p.parent; Entry<K,V> ch = p; while (parent != null && ch == parent.right) { ch = parent; parent = parent.parent; } return parent; } } } return null; }
package other.commons.math; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class RandomWeightUtils { /** * 带权重随机 * @param map 元素和对应权重 * @param <K> 元素类型 * @return 符合权重的随机元素 */ public static <K> K random(Map<K, Integer> map) { if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) { return null; } List<K> list = new LinkedList<>(); // 放入权重个 K for (Map.Entry<K, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) { for (int i = 0; i < entry.getValue(); i++) { list.add(entry.getKey()); } } // 随机打散 list Collections.shuffle(list); // 取第一个 (最后一个也可以) return list.get(0); } }
package other.commons.math; import java.util.*; public class demo2 { public static void main(String[] args) { Tool tool1 = new Tool("第1个工具"); Tool tool2 = new Tool("第2个工具"); Map<Tool, Integer> map = new HashMap<Tool, Integer>() {{ put(tool1, 3); put(tool2, 7); }}; // 测试1万次 int first = 0; int second = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { Tool tool = RandomWeightUtils.random(map); if (tool.equals(tool1)) { first++; } if (tool.equals(tool2)) { second++; } } System.out.println("工具1出现" + first + "次;工具2出现" + second + "次"); } }