本系列将通过大概十篇左右文章来分析 PyTorch 的自动微分功能如何实现。本文是前向传播的第一篇,介绍自动微分(梯度计算)所涉及的部分 PyTorch 基础类。因为字数太多(1万两千字),所以拆分成上下两篇。
深度学习利器之自动微分(3) --- 示例解读
前向计算依赖一些基础类,在具体分析前向传播之前,我们先要看看这些基础类之间的逻辑关系。从DAG角度来分析 PyTorch 这个系统,其具体逻辑如下。
,节点执行计算之后会产生 0 个或多个 Tensor
+---------------------+ +----------------------+ | SubBackward0 | | PowBackward0 | | | Edge | | Edge | next_functions +-----+--------> | next_functions +----------> ... | | | | | +---------------------+ | +----------------------+ | | | +----------------------+ | Edge | MulBackward0 | +--------> | | Edge | next_functions +----------> ... | | +----------------------+
在0.4.0版本之后,Tensor和Variable 的功能进行了合并,自动微分的使用就更加简单了。现在,Variable 其实就是Tensor,只是为了向后兼容,才保留这个名字。
Variable (deprecated) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. warning:: The Variable API has been deprecated: Variables are no longer necessary to use autograd with tensors. Autograd automatically supports Tensors with ``requires_grad`` set to ``True``. Below please find a quick guide on what has changed: - ``Variable(tensor)`` and ``Variable(tensor, requires_grad)`` still work as expected, but they return Tensors instead of Variables. - ``var.data`` is the same thing as ``tensor.data``.
Variable 的定义在:torch/csrc/autograd/variable.h,我们可以看看注释中 "Gradient Edges" 的相关部分。可以看出来,"Variable" 具有"gradient_edge"的概念,这是自动梯度计算图的边,在反向传播之中用来把变量和梯度函数的特定输入联系起来。
,如果variable 在图的内部。这是产生梯度变量的梯度函数。grad_accumulator
变量之中。namespace torch { namespace autograd { /// `Variable` is exactly the same as `Tensor` (i.e. we have `using Variable = at::Tensor`). /// This means you can perform all the usual mathematical and other /// operations you can perform on `Tensor`s also on `Variable`s. /// /// The only reason we are keeping the `Variable` class is backward compatibility /// with external user's legacy C++ frontend code. Our intention is to eliminate /// the `Variable` class in the near future. using Variable = at::Tensor; } // namespace autograd } // namespace torch /// Gradient Edges ///~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /// Furthermore, `Variable`s have the notion of a `gradient_edge`, which is the /// edge in the autograd graph that connects the variable to a particular input /// of the gradient function that will be invoked with the variable during the /// backward pass. More precisely, this gradient function can be one of two /// things: /// 1. A `grad_fn`, if the variable is in the interior of the graph. This is the /// gradient of the function that produced the variable. /// 2. A `grad_accumulator`, if the variable is a leaf, which accumulates a /// scalar gradient value into its `grad` variable.
我们结合前面 Variable 的概念来看,Function 指的是在计算图中某个节点所进行的运算,比如加减乘除卷积等等。每当对Tensor施加一个运算的时候,就会产生一个Function对象,它记录运算的输入,记录运算的发生,产生运算的结果。Tensor
Function 内部有 forward()
和 backward()
在最新的代码中,Function 已经被 Node 类替代,这样是为了更好的表达 节点 这个概念。但是因为旧代码中依然使用了 Function,所以我们可能会混用这两个概念。
Function 定义如下:
/// To use custom autograd operations, implement a Function subclass with /// static forward and backward functions: /// /// `forward` can take as many arguments as you want and should return either a /// variable list or a Variable. Use of any direct Variable arguments will be /// registered in the graph but no vectors/sets or any other data structures /// will be traversed. You can use c10::optional<Tensor> as one of the arguments /// and it will be registered as a variable in the graph if the argument has a /// value. It should take a pointer to `torch::autograd::AutogradContext` as the /// first argument. Variables can be saved in the `ctx` using /// `ctx->save_for_backward` /// (see `torch::autograd::AutogradContext::save_for_backward`) and other data /// can be saved in the `ctx->saved_data` map /// (see `torch::autograd::AutogradContext::saved_data`) /// in the form of `<std::string, at::IValue>` pairs. /// /// `backward` should take a pointer to `torch::autograd::AutogradContext` /// and a variable list containing as many Variables as there were outputs from /// `forward` as arguments. It should return as many Variables as there were /// inputs with each of them containing the gradient w.r.t. its corresponding /// input. Variables saved in `forward` can be accessed with /// `ctx->get_saved_variables` (see /// `torch::autograd::AutogradContext::get_saved_variables`) and other saved /// data can be accessed from `ctx->saved_data`. template <class T> struct TORCH_API Function { // We need to use a different template parameter than T here because T will // inherit from Function, and when Function<T> is instantiated, T::forward // is not declared yet. // The enable_if check is to ensure that the user doesn't explicitly provide // the parameter X. template<typename X=T, typename... Args> static auto apply(Args&&... args) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<X,T>::value, forward_t<X,Args...>>; };
前面提到,计算图构成了前向/反向传播的结构基础,而Tensor张量 是 PyTorch 中构建计算图的基础之一。
进行各种数学运算;.requires_grad = True
Q = {Tensor} data = {Tensor} tensor(-12.) device = {device} cpu dtype = {dtype} torch.float32 grad = {NoneType} None grad_fn = {SubBackward0} metadata = {dict: 0} {} next_functions = {tuple: 2} 0 = {tuple: 2} (<MulBackward0 object at 0x000001F9547A5848>, 0) 1 = {tuple: 2} (<PowBackward0 object at 0x000001F9547A53C8>, 0) __len__ = {int} 2 requires_grad = {bool} True is_cuda = {bool} False is_leaf = {bool} False is_meta = {bool} False is_mkldnn = {bool} False is_mlc = {bool} False is_quantized = {bool} False is_sparse = {bool} False is_sparse_csr = {bool} False is_vulkan = {bool} False is_xpu = {bool} False layout = {layout} torch.strided name = {NoneType} None names = {tuple: 0} () ndim = {int} 0 output_nr = {int} 0 requires_grad = {bool} True shape = {Size: 0} torch.Size([])
dtype :该张量的数据类型。
device: 存放该张量的设备类型,比如 CPU 或者是 GPU。
is_leaf:记录该张量是否是叶子节点 。
属性只有在需要求导的时候才有意义。对于任意一个张量来说,我们可以用 tensor.is_leaf
来判断它是否是叶子张量(leaf tensor)。在反向传播过程中,只有 is_leaf=True
属性都为空;而对于非叶子结点来说,因为它们是通过一些操作生成的,所以其 grad_fn
不为空。requires_grad : 设置为True
我们逐级找找 Tensor的定义。
def tensor(data: Any, dtype: Optional[_dtype]=None, device: Union[_device, str, None]=None, requires_grad: _bool=False) -> Tensor: ...
然后来到: torch/_tensor.py
可以看到Tensor 的基类是 torch._C._TensorBase
class Tensor(torch._C._TensorBase):
class _TensorBase(object):
我们在 torch/_C/__init__.pyi.in
其实就是在 C++世界中定义的,但是需要导出到 python世界。
# Defined in torch/csrc/autograd/python_variable.cpp class _TensorBase(metaclass=_TensorMeta): requires_grad: _bool shape: Size data: Tensor names: List[str] device: _device dtype: _dtype layout: _layout real: Tensor imag: Tensor T: Tensor ndim: _int output_nr: _int _version: _int _base: Optional[Tensor] _cdata: _int grad_fn: Any _grad_fn: Any _grad: Optional[Tensor] _backward_hooks: Optional[Dict[_int, Callable[[Tensor], Optional[Tensor]]]] ${tensor_method_hints}
代码中引入 PyTorch 是通过 import torch 完成的。Import torch 的时候,按照Python规范,位于torch/__init__.py
from torch._C import *
。导入了 torch._C
,然后 torch.Tensor
+---------------------------+ | import torch | +------------+--------------+ | | v +------------+--------------+ | torch/__init__.py | | | | from torch._C impor * | | | +------------+--------------+ | | v +------------+--------------+ | torch._C._TensorBase | +---------------------------+
所以我们接下来要看看 torch._C 是怎么来从 C++ 世界中导出到 python的。
要在Python中能够import torch._C,则必须要使用Python的扩展规范来导出这个符号。
对于一个 Python module,共享库需要实现 PyInit_modulename 符号来作为import时候的逻辑入口。对于PyTorch来说这个modulename 是_C。在torch/csrc/stub.cpp中 实现了PyInit__C这个函数。
#include <Python.h> extern PyObject* initModule(); PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__C() { return initModule(); }
如果使用 JIT,则我们直接看 torch/csrc/deploy/interpreter/interpreter_impl.cpp,这里省略了众多代码。
struct ConcreteInterpreterImpl : public torch::deploy::InterpreterImpl { ConcreteInterpreterImpl() { PyImport_AppendInittab("torch._C", initModule); }
这就是解释器的代码,里面也调用了 initModule。
initModule函数是对python环境中的torch module进行初始化。其定义在 torch/csrc/Module.cpp,此处省略了众多代码。
PyObject* initModule() { THPSize_init(module); THPDtype_init(module); THPDTypeInfo_init(module); THPLayout_init(module); THPMemoryFormat_init(module); THPQScheme_init(module); THPDevice_init(module); THPStream_init(module); ASSERT_TRUE(THPVariable_initModule(module)); // 继续分析这里,其中会设定_TensorBase ASSERT_TRUE(THPFunction_initModule(module)); ASSERT_TRUE(THPEngine_initModule(module)); }
initModule 调用 THPVariable_initModule,代码在 torch/csrc/autograd/python_variable.cpp,这里会设定_TensorBase。
bool THPVariable_initModule(PyObject *module) { THPVariableMetaType.tp_base = &PyType_Type; if (PyType_Ready(&THPVariableMetaType) < 0) return false; Py_INCREF(&THPVariableMetaType); PyModule_AddObject(module, "_TensorMeta", (PyObject *)&THPVariableMetaType); static std::vector<PyMethodDef> methods; THPUtils_addPyMethodDefs(methods, torch::autograd::variable_methods); THPUtils_addPyMethodDefs(methods, extra_methods); THPVariableType.tp_methods = methods.data(); if (PyType_Ready(&THPVariableType) < 0) return false; Py_INCREF(&THPVariableType); // 设定_TensorBase PyModule_AddObject(module, "_TensorBase", (PyObject *)&THPVariableType); torch::autograd::initTorchFunctions(module); torch::autograd::initTensorImplConversion(module); return true; }
执行THPVariable_initModule的时候,使用如下代码来将 THPVariableType 注册成为torch._C._TensorBase
就是c++中的 THPVariableType
PyModule_AddObject(module, "_TensorBase", (PyObject *)&THPVariableType);
我们来看看 THPVariableType。里面定义了很多函数。
PyTypeObject THPVariableType = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&THPVariableMetaType, 0) "torch._C._TensorBase", /* tp_name */ sizeof(THPVariable), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ (destructor)THPVariable_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ // 省略...... nullptr, /* tp_methods */ nullptr, /* tp_members */ THPVariable_properties, /* tp_getset */ // 重点在这里,注册了函数 // 省略...... THPVariable_pynew, /* tp_new */ };
tp_getset 是Python虚拟机类机制里面的一个函数集,就是一个 THPVariable_properties。以下是 _TenseBase 的函数集,我们可以看到 grad_fn 和 grad 这两个熟悉的面孔。
static struct PyGetSetDef THPVariable_properties[] = { {"T", (getter)THPVariable_get_T, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"_cdata", (getter)THPVariable_get_cdata, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"_version", (getter)THPVariable_get_version, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"grad_fn", (getter)THPVariable_get_grad_fn, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"_grad_fn", (getter)THPVariable_get_grad_fn, (setter)THPVariable_set_grad_fn, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_leaf", (getter)THPVariable_is_leaf, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"data", (getter)THPVariable_get_data, (setter)THPVariable_set_data, nullptr, nullptr}, {"_grad", (getter)THPVariable_get_grad, (setter)THPVariable_set_grad, nullptr, nullptr}, // Allows the python class to override .grad {"grad", (getter)THPVariable_get_grad, (setter)THPVariable_set_grad, nullptr, nullptr}, {"_base", (getter)THPVariable_get_base, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"volatile", (getter)THPVariable_get_volatile, (setter)THPVariable_set_volatile, nullptr, nullptr}, {"output_nr", (getter)THPVariable_get_output_nr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"requires_grad", (getter)THPVariable_get_requires_grad, (setter)THPVariable_set_requires_grad, nullptr, nullptr}, {"_backward_hooks", (getter)THPVariable_get_backwards_hooks, (setter)THPVariable_set_backwards_hooks, nullptr, nullptr}, {"name", (getter)THPVariable_get_name, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"shape", (getter)THPVariable_get_shape, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_cuda", (getter)THPVariable_is_cuda, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_xpu", (getter)THPVariable_is_xpu, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_sparse", (getter)THPVariable_is_sparse, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_sparse_csr", (getter)THPVariable_is_sparse_csr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_mkldnn", (getter)THPVariable_is_mkldnn, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_mlc", (getter)THPVariable_is_mlc, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_vulkan", (getter)THPVariable_is_vulkan, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_complex", (getter)THPVariable_is_complex, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_quantized", (getter)THPVariable_is_quantized, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_meta", (getter)THPVariable_is_meta, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"dtype", (getter)THPVariable_dtype, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"layout", (getter)THPVariable_layout, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"device", (getter)THPVariable_device, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"ndim", (getter)THPVariable_get_ndim, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"names", (getter)THPVariable_get_names, (setter)THPVariable_set_names, nullptr, nullptr}, {"real", (getter)THPVariable_get_real, (setter)THPVariable_set_real, nullptr, nullptr}, {"imag", (getter)THPVariable_get_imag, (setter)THPVariable_set_imag, nullptr, nullptr}, {nullptr} };
Python + C++ +---------------+ | | | +---------------------------+ | | PyInit__C | | import torch | | | | +------------+--------------+ | +-------+-------+ | | | | | | v | | +------------+--------------+ | v | torch/__init__.py | | +-------+-------+ | | | | initModule | | from torch._C impor * | | +-------+-------+ | | | | +------------+--------------+ | | | | | | | v | | +--------------+----------------+ | | | | | | | THPVariable_initModule(module)| | | | | | | +--------------+----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | v | | +-------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | PyModule_AddObject(module, "_TensorBase",(PyObject *)&THPVariableType)| | | | | | | +-------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | v | | +-----------+--------------+ +------------------------------------------------------+ | | | THPVariableType | | THPVariable_properties+ | v | | | | | +------------+--------------+ | | | | | | torch._C._TensorBase | <-----------------------> | tp_getset -----> | { grad, grad_fn, T, _cdata, is_leaf, output_nr ...} | +---------------------------+ | | | | | | +--------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------+ +
因为 next_functions 是精髓,而 next_functions 是在 autograd 之中设置,于是我们需要看看初始化autograd 过程。然后才能知道如何设置 next_functions。
我们以 AccumulateGrad 为例来看看如何初始化。
首先看看 AccumulateGrad 的定义,这里省略了 AccumulateGrad 部分成员函数。从构建函数可看出来,一个AccumulateGrad实例必须用一个Variable构建,内部成员变量就是Variable variable。apply调用接收一个Variable list 实例,这和Variable grad_accumulator_相关。
struct TORCH_API AccumulateGrad : public Node { explicit AccumulateGrad(Variable variable_); variable_list apply(variable_list&& grads) override; Variable variable; };
struct AccumulateGrad : public Function { explicit AccumulateGrad(Variable variable_); variable_list apply(variable_list&& grads) override; Variable variable; };
接下来看看如何初始化 AccumulateGrad。
在initModule()函数初始化完毕之后,import torch 的初始化工作还没有结束。python的初始化脚本还要继续处理很多模块,比如torch/__init__.py
# Check to see if we can load C extensions, and if not provide some guidance # on what the problem might be. try: # _initExtension is chosen (arbitrarily) as a sentinel. from torch._C import _initExtension
会调用到 _C._initExtension(manager_path())
对应的是 THPModule_initExtension
static PyMethodDef TorchMethods[] = { {"_initExtension", THPModule_initExtension, METH_O, nullptr}, // .... }
// Callback for python part. Used for additional initialization of python classes static PyObject * THPModule_initExtension(PyObject *_unused, PyObject *shm_manager_path) { // 省略代码 THPQInt8Storage_postInit(module); THPQInt32Storage_postInit(module); THPBFloat16Storage_postInit(module); THPComplexDoubleStorage_postInit(module); THPComplexFloatStorage_postInit(module); THPAutograd_initFunctions(); // 这里调用,初始化了微分系统 // 省略代码 }
THPAutograd_initFunctions 就是在 _TensorBase 基础之上,再加入新的属性或者函数集。**这里会调用了addClass 方法,把 AccumulateGrad 和 accumulate_grad_properties 联系在一起 **。
void THPAutograd_initFunctions() { THPObjectPtr module(PyModule_New("torch._C._functions")); if (!module) throw python_error(); static PyTypeObject AccumulateGradClass; addClass<AccumulateGrad, NoCtor>(module, AccumulateGradClass, "AccumulateGrad", accumulate_grad_properties); // AccumulateGrad 相关 static PyTypeObject CopyBackwardsClass; addClass<CopyBackwards, NoCtor>(module, CopyBackwardsClass, "CopyBackwards"); // 省略其他 }
addClass 会调用到 registerCppFunction 注册 type( function_properties),我们这里参数 function_properties 就是 accumulate_grad_properties,type 就是 AccumulateGradClass。
template<typename C, typename T> static void addClass(PyObject* module, PyTypeObject& type, const char* name, PyGetSetDef* function_properties=nullptr, PyMethodDef* function_methods=nullptr) { // 这里设置了 accumulate_grad_properties createForwardFunctionPyTypeObject<T>(type, name, function_properties, function_methods); Py_INCREF(&type); PyModule_AddObject(module, name, (PyObject*)&type); // 注册了 type registerCppFunction(typeid(C), &type); }
这里有两组操作,一个是 createForwardFunctionPyTypeObject,一个是 registerCppFunction。我们逐一看看。我们先看 registerCppFunction,然后看 createForwardFunctionPyTypeObject。
前面提到,addClass 方法,把 AccumulateGrad 和 accumulate_grad_properties 联系在一起。具体来说,就是通过 createForwardFunctionPyTypeObject 把 accumulate_grad_properties 联系起来。
accumulate_grad_properties 定义在 torch/csrc/autograd/functions/init.cpp
static struct PyGetSetDef accumulate_grad_properties[] = { THP_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES, {(char*)"variable", accumulateGradVar, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {nullptr} };
THP_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES 的定义在 torch/csrc/autograd/python_cpp_function.h
#define THP_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES \ {(char*)"next_functions", (getter)THPCppFunction_next_functions, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, \ {(char*)"requires_grad", (getter)THPCppFunction_requires_grad, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, \ {(char*)"metadata", (getter)THPCppFunction_metadata, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr} PyObject* THPCppFunction_next_functions(THPCppFunction* self, PyObject* hook); PyObject* THPCppFunction_metadata(THPCppFunction *self, void *_unused); PyObject* THPCppFunction_requires_grad(THPCppFunction* self, void *_unused);
所以,accumulate_grad_properties 就是拓展了 THP_FUNCTION_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES 和 accumulateGradVar。
static struct PyGetSetDef accumulate_grad_properties[] = { // 这里是我们关注的 {(char*)"next_functions", (getter)THPCppFunction_next_functions, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {(char*)"requires_grad", (getter)THPCppFunction_requires_grad, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {(char*)"metadata", (getter)THPCppFunction_metadata, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr} {(char*)"variable", accumulateGradVar, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {nullptr} };
具体逻辑如下,这里面就有 THPCppFunction_next_functions:
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |accumulate_grad_properties | | | | | | | | "variable", accumulateGradVar | | | | | | "next_functions", (getter)THPCppFunction_next_functions | | | | | | "requires_grad", (getter)THPCppFunction_requires_grad | | | | | | "metadata", (getter)THPCppFunction_metadata | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
createForwardFunctionPyTypeObject 是用来设置accumulate_grad_properties,具体函数如下:
template<typename Ctor> PyTypeObject* createForwardFunctionPyTypeObject(PyTypeObject& type, const char* name, PyGetSetDef* function_properties=nullptr, PyMethodDef* function_methods=nullptr) { type.tp_new = &CppFunction_pynew<Ctor>; return _initFunctionPyTypeObject(type, name, function_properties, function_methods); }
_initFunctionPyTypeObject 就是把 function_properties 设置到 tp_getset 之上。
PyTypeObject* _initFunctionPyTypeObject(PyTypeObject& type, const char* name, PyGetSetDef* function_properties, PyMethodDef* function_methods) { type.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC; type.tp_name = name; type.tp_basicsize = sizeof(THPCppFunction); type.tp_call = THPCppFunction_call; type.tp_methods = function_methods ? function_methods : default_methods; // 这里把 function_properties 设置到 tp_getset 之上 type.tp_getset = function_properties ? function_properties : default_properties; type.tp_dealloc = THPCppFunction_dealloc; type.tp_traverse = THPCppFunction_traverse; type.tp_clear = THPCppFunction_clear; if (PyType_Ready(&type) < 0) { auto msg = std::string("Unable to instantiate PyTypeObject for ") + name; throw std::runtime_error(msg); } return &type; }
所以就把 THPCppFunction_next_functions 添加到了 AccumulateGradClass 的 next_functions 之上。即 AccumulateGradClass 有一个函数集,其中 next_functions 对应了 THPCppFunction_next_functions。
+---------------------+ | AccumulateGradClass | | | | tp_getset | | + | | | | +---------------------+ | | v +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |accumulate_grad_properties | | | | | | | | "variable", accumulateGradVar | | | | | | "next_functions", (getter)THPCppFunction_next_functions | | | | | | "requires_grad", (getter)THPCppFunction_requires_grad | | | | | | "metadata", (getter)THPCppFunction_metadata | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
我们回忆一下前面提到的 _TenseBase 来对比:
tp_getset 是Python虚拟机类机制里面的一个函数集,就是一个 THPVariable_properties。以下是 _TenseBase 的函数集(我们省略了很多)。
static struct PyGetSetDef THPVariable_properties[] = { {"grad_fn", (getter)THPVariable_get_grad_fn, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"_grad_fn", (getter)THPVariable_get_grad_fn, (setter)THPVariable_set_grad_fn, nullptr, nullptr}, {"is_leaf", (getter)THPVariable_is_leaf, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"data", (getter)THPVariable_get_data, (setter)THPVariable_set_data, nullptr, nullptr}, {"_grad", (getter)THPVariable_get_grad, (setter)THPVariable_set_grad, nullptr, nullptr}, // Allows the python class to override .grad {"grad", (getter)THPVariable_get_grad, (setter)THPVariable_set_grad, nullptr, nullptr}, {"_base", (getter)THPVariable_get_base, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"output_nr", (getter)THPVariable_get_output_nr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {"requires_grad", (getter)THPVariable_get_requires_grad, (setter)THPVariable_set_requires_grad, nullptr, nullptr}, {"_backward_hooks", (getter)THPVariable_get_backwards_hooks, ..... };
Python + C++ | +--------------------------------------+ | +---------------------------+ | torch/__init__.py | | | | | | | | THPModule_initExtension | | from torch._C import _initExtension | | | | | | | +--------------+------------+ +-------------------+------------------+ | | | | | | | v | | +---------------+--------------+ | | | | | | | THPAutograd_initFunctions() | | | | | | | +---------------+--------------+ | | | | | | | | v | | +---------------+-------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | addClass<AccumulateGrad, NoCtor>(module, | | import | | AccumulateGradClass, | | | | "AccumulateGrad", | | | | accumulate_grad_properties) | | | | | | | +--------------+--------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | register v | v | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------+ | +--------------------+ +---------------------+ |accumulate_grad_properties | | | | | | | AccumulateGradClass | | | | AccumulateGrad | <------------> | AccumulateGrad +-----> | | | "variable", accumulateGradVar | | | | | | | tp_getset +-------> | | | | | | | | | | "next_functions", (getter)THPCppFunction_next_functions | +----------------------+ | +--------------------+ | | | | | +---------------------+ | "requires_grad", (getter)THPCppFunction_requires_grad | | | | | | "metadata", (getter)THPCppFunction_metadata | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------+
THPCppFunction_next_functions 定义在 torch/csrc/autograd/python_cpp_function.cpp,其就是遍历 next_edges_,然后提取出一个tuple列表,每个tuple 内容就是 (Edge.function, Edge.input_nr),最后作为 next_functions 进行返回。
PyObject* THPCppFunction_next_functions(THPCppFunction* self, PyObject* hook) { const auto num_next = self->cdata->num_outputs(); THPObjectPtr py_functions(PyTuple_New(num_next)); if (!py_functions) return nullptr; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_next; ++i) { // 遍历 auto& c_tuple = self->cdata->next_edge(i); // 获取 Edge THPObjectPtr tuple(PyTuple_New(2)); if (!tuple) return nullptr; PyObject *py_fn = functionToPyObject(c_tuple.function); // py_fn 就是 Edge.function if (!py_fn) return nullptr; PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple.get(), 0, py_fn); PyObject *py_idx = THPUtils_packUInt32(c_tuple.input_nr); // py_idx 就是 Edge.input_nr if (!py_idx) return nullptr; PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple.get(), 1, py_idx); // tuple 就是 (py_fn, py_idx),就是 (Edge.function, Edge.input_nr) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(py_functions.get(), i, tuple.release()); // 设置 py_functions的第几个item } return py_functions.release(); // 返回tuple }
next_edge 定义在 torch/csrc/autograd/function.h,其是 Node 的成员函数,而 返回的是 Edge 列表,而 AccumulateGrad 就是 Node 的派生类。
struct TORCH_API Node : std::enable_shared_from_this<Node> { const Edge& next_edge(size_t index) const noexcept { return next_edges_[index]; } edge_list next_edges_; // 前向过程中的输入variable,在前向过程中与该算子相关联的边 }
Edge 定义如下:
struct Edge { /// The function this `Edge` points to. std::shared_ptr<Node> function; // 指向目标的Node /// The identifier of a particular input to the function. uint32_t input_nr; //指定本Edge是function的第几个输入 };
所以我们以 AccumulateGrad 为例总结以下。
+-----------------+ +-----------------------+ +----------------------+ +---------------------+ | Tensor | | SubBackward0 | | PowBackward0 | | AccumulateGrad | | | | | | | | | | grad_fn +---->+ next_functions +-----+--> | next_functions +----> | next_functions +----> {} | | | | | | | | | +-----------------+ +-----------------------+ | +----------------------+ +---------------------+ | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ +---------------------+ | | MulBackward0 | | PermuteBackward | | AccumulateGrad | +--> | | | | | | | next_functions +----> | next_functions +----> | next_functions +-----+ | | | | | | | +---------------------+ ++-------------------- -+ +----------------------+ +---------------------+ | | AccumulateGradClass | | | | | | tp_getset | 2. point to the tuple list | + | | | | | | +---------------------+ | | v | v +-----> { (function 1, int 1), (function 2, int 2) ... (function n, int n) } +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | |accumulate_grad_properties | | | | | | "variable", accumulateGradVar | | | | | | "next_functions", (getter)THPCppFunction_next_functions +--------+ | | 1. generate the tuple list | "requires_grad", (getter)THPCppFunction_requires_grad | | | | "metadata", (getter)THPCppFunction_metadata | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
pytorch的自动求导机制 - 计算图的建立
How autograd encodes the history