
【nvidia jetson xavier】 Linux系统安装+Deepstream 5.1环境部署

本文主要是介绍【nvidia jetson xavier】 Linux系统安装+Deepstream 5.1环境部署,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!


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【nvidia jetson xavier】 Linux系统安装+Deepstream 5.1环境部署

参考Getting Started With Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit | NVIDIA Developer (

1.1 Write Image to the microSD Card

To prepare your microSD card, you’ll need a computer with Internet connection and the ability to read and write SD cards, either via a built-in SD card slot or adapter.

(1) Download the Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit SD Card Image, and note where it was saved on the computer.

(2) Write the image to your microSD card by following the instructions below according to the type of computer you are using: Windows, Mac, or Linux.


Format your microSD card using SD Memory Card Formatter from the SD Association.


1)Download, install, and launch SD Memory Card Formatter for Windows.

2)Select card drive

3) Select “Quick format”

4) Leave “Volume label” blank

5)Click “Format” to start formatting, and “Yes” on the warning dialog

Use Etcher to write the Jetson Nano Developer Kit SD Card Image to your microSD card

1) Download, install, and launch Etcher.


2) Click “Select image” and choose the zipped image file downloaded earlier.

3)Insert your microSD card if not already inserted.
Click Cancel (per this explanation) if Windows prompts you with a dialog like this:


5) Click “Select drive” and choose the correct device.


5)Click “Flash!” It will take Etcher about 10 minutes to write and validate the image if your microSD card is connected via USB3.

6)After Etcher finishes, Windows may let you know it doesn’t know how to read the SD Card. Just click Cancel and remove the microSD card.


After your microSD card is ready, proceed to set up your developer kit.

2.1 Deepstream 安装 从2.3开始看

参考Quickstart Guide — DeepStream 5.1 Release documentation ( (



tar -xvf setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz

cd setuptools-0.6c11

Python3 build

Python3 install


2.1 Install Dependencies

Enter the following commands to install the prerequisite packages:

$ sudo apt install \

libssl1.0.0 \

libgstreamer1.0-0 \

gstreamer1.0-tools \

gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \

gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \

gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly \

gstreamer1.0-libav \

libgstrtspserver-1.0-0 \


2.2 Install librdkafka (to enable Kafka protocol adaptor for message broker)

\1. Clone the librdkafka repository from GitHub:

\2. $ git clone

\3. Configure and build the library:

\4. $ cd librdkafka

\5. $ git reset --hard 7101c2310341ab3f4675fc565f64f0967e135a6a

\6. ./configure

\7. $ make

\8. $ sudo make install

\9. Copy the generated libraries to the deepstream directory:

\10. $ sudo mkdir -p /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.1/lib

\11. $ sudo cp /usr/local/lib/librdkafka* /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.1/lib

2.3 Install the DeepStream SDK (用method 3)

2.3.1 Method 1: Using SDK Manager

Select DeepStreamSDK from the Additional SDKs section along with JP 4.5.1 software components for installation.

2.3.2 Method 2: Using the DeepStream tar package

\1. Download the DeepStream 5.1 Jetson tar package deepstream_sdk_v5.1.0_jetson.tbz2, to the Jetson device.

\2. Enter the following commands to extract and install the DeepStream SDK:

\3. $ sudo tar -xvf deepstream_sdk_v5.1.0_jetson.tbz2 -C /

\4. $ cd /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.1

\5. $ sudo ./

\6. $ sudo ldconfig

2.3.3 Method 3: Using the DeepStream Debian package

Download the DeepStream 5.1 Jetson Debian package deepstream-5.1_5.1.0-1_arm64.deb, to the Jetson device. Then enter the command:

$ sudo apt-get install ./deepstream-5.1_5.1.0-1_arm64.deb

2.3.4 Method 4: Using the apt-server

\1. Open the apt source configuration file in a text editor, using a command similar to $ sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-l4t-apt-source.list

\2. Change the repository name and download URL in the deb commands shown below: deb r32.5 main

\3. Save and close the source configuration file.

\4. Enter the commands:

\5. $ sudo apt update

\6. $ sudo apt install deepstream-5.1

2.3.5 Method 5: Use Docker container DeepStream docker containers are available on NGC. See the Docker Containers section to learn about developing and deploying DeepStream using docker containers.


deepstream-app --version-all
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