Net Core教程


using CodeReading.Entity;
using CodeReading.Entity.Comm;
using CodeReading.Entity.History;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;namespace CodeReading.View.DAL
    public class HistoryDAL
        // 数据取得
        private static string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionStrings"].ConnectionString;

        public SearchResult Search(SearchConditions searchConditions)
            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
            using (var cmd = new SqlCommand())
                cmd.Connection = conn;

                // SQL参数生成
                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
                // SELECT DbId,OtherID,Signed,TagCode,ScanDate,Pass,FileName FROM dbo.Used
                sql.AppendLine(" SELECT ");
                sql.AppendLine("    ,DbId");                                                             // 表单类型
                sql.AppendLine("    ,FileName");                                                         // 图片名
                sql.AppendLine("  FROM   ");
                sql.AppendLine("      dbo.Used ");                                                       // Used表
                sql.AppendLine("  Where   ");
                sql.AppendLine("       ScanDate >= @hsDtpFrom ");                  // 扫描开始时刻
                sql.AppendLine("   And ScanDate <= @hsDtpTo ");                    // 扫描结束时刻
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@hsDtpFrom", searchConditions.HsDtpFrom);         // 扫描开始时刻 赋值
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@hsDtpTo", searchConditions.HsDtpTo);             // 扫描结束时刻 赋值
                // "表单类型"有值时
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchConditions.HsDbId))
                    sql.AppendLine("   And  DbId = @hsDbId ");                      // 表单类型
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@hsDbId", searchConditions.HsDbId);           // 表单类型 赋值
                }// 数据取得
                cmd.CommandText = sql.ToString();
                using (SqlDataAdapter reader = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
                    var result = new SearchResult();
                    result.Suceeded = true;
                    var errorInfo = new ErrorInfo();
                    result.ErrorInfo = errorInfo;

                    var dt = new HistoryDataSet.SearchListDataTable();
                    result.SearchData = dt;
                    reusing CodeReading.Entity;

             return result;

