vector<int> arr; int tmp = 0; while(cin>>tmp){ arr.push_back(tmp); }
int tmp = 0; while(cin>>tmp){ arr.push_back(tmp); if(cin.get() == '\n') break; }
// This program demonstrates three ways to use cin.get() // to pause a program. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char ch; cout << "This program has paused. Press Enter to continue."; cin.get(ch);//要读入字符到缓冲区,然后复制给ch cout << "It has paused a second time. Please press Enter again."; ch = cin.get();//要从缓冲区读入字符,然后复制给ch,本质上和第一种用法是一样的,这里也可以看出get是有一个返回值的,所以上面while里写的也是一种不错的方法 cout << "It has paused a third time. Please press Enter again."; cin.get();//仅仅从缓冲区读入一个字符,然后什么都不做,所以此语句经常被用作暂停程序 cout << "Thank you! \n"; return 0; }
char ch; //定义一个字符变量 int number; //定义一个整型变量 cout << "Enter a number: ”; cin >> number; // 读取整数 //假设输入1然后按enter键,缓冲区中存储的是1'\n',cin读到换行符就停止了,就只把1读入了,缓冲区里还留着一个'\n'换行符,下面想通过cin.get读入一个数据的时候,因为get只读一个字符,就把缓冲区中的换行符给读了,没读到我们想输入的字符,这样的解决方法是使用两个get或者使用ignore,ignore还不知道是干什么用的,下次遇到再学习吧 cout << "Enter a character: "; ch = cin.get() ; // 读取字符 cout << "Thank You!\n";
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Solution{ public: int search(vector<int>& nums, int target) { int low, mid, high; low = 0; high = nums.size(); while(low <= high){ mid = (low + high)/2; if(nums[mid] == target){ return mid; } else if(target < nums[mid]){ high = mid - 1; } else if(target > nums[mid]){ low = mid + 1; } } return -1; } void cintarget(int &target){ cin>>target; } };//类的结尾需要分号 vector<int> arr; int main(){ int tmp = 0; while(cin>>tmp){ arr.push_back(tmp); if(cin.get() == '\n') break; } int target = 0; Solution solution; solution.cintarget(target); cout<<solution.search(arr,target)<<endl; }