import math print("exp(1.0)=", math.exp(1)) print("log(2.78)=", math.log(math.e)) print("log10(10,10)=", math.log(10,10)) print("sqrt(4.0)=", math.sqrt(4.0)) print("sin(PI/2)=", math.sin(math.pi/2)) print("cos(PI/2)=", math.cos(math.pi/2)) print("tan(PI/2)=", math.tan(math.pi/2)) print("degrees(1.57)=", math.degrees(1.57)) print("radians(90)=", math.radians(90))
import math x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 =eval(input("Enter three points: ")) a = math.sqrt((x2 - x3) * (x2 - x3) + (y2 - y3) * (y2 - y3)) b = math.sqrt((x1 - x3) * (x1 - x3) + (y1 - y3) * (y1 - y3)) c = math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)) A = math.degrees(math.acos((a * a -b * b - c * c) / (-2 * b * c))) B = math.degrees(math.acos((b * b -a * a - c * c) / (-2 * a * c))) C = math.degrees(math.acos((c * c -b * b - a * a) / (-2 * a * b))) print("The three angles are ", round(A * 100) / 100.0, round(B * 100) / 100.0, round(C * 100) / 100.0)
import turtle turtle.write(("\u6B22\u8FCE \u03b1 \u03b2 \u03b3")) turtle.done()
# Receive the amount amount = eval(input("Enter an amount, for example, 11.56: ")) # Convert the amount to cents remainingAmount = int(amount * 100) # Find the number of one dollars numberOfOneDollars = remainingAmount // 100 remainingAmount = remainingAmount % 100 # Find the number of quarters in the remaining amount numberOfQuarters = remainingAmount // 25 remainingAmount = remainingAmount % 25 # Find the number of dimes in the remaining amount numberOfDimes = remainingAmount // 10 remainingAmount = remainingAmount % 10 # Find the number of nickels in the remaining amount numberOfNickels = remainingAmount // 5 remainingAmount = remainingAmount % 5 # Find the number of pennies in the remaining amount numberOfPennies = remainingAmount # Display the results print("Your amount", amount, "consists of\n", "\t", numberOfOneDollars, "dollars\n", "\t", numberOfQuarters, "quarters\n", "\t", numberOfDimes, "dimes\n", "\t", numberOfNickels, "nickels\n", "\t", numberOfPennies, "pennies")
import turtle # Set pen thickness to 3 pixels # Pull the pen up # Pull the pen down # Draw a triangle turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-100, -50) turtle.pendown(), steps = 4) # Draw a square turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, -50) turtle.pendown(), steps = 5) # Draw a pentagon turtle.penup() turtle.goto(100, -50) turtle.pendown(), steps = 6) # Draw a hexagon turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -50) turtle.pendown() # Draw a circle turtle.done()
import turtle turtle.pensize(3) # Set pen thickness to 3 pixels turtle.penup() # Pull the pen up turtle.goto(-200, -50) turtle.pendown() # Pull the pen down turtle.begin_fill()# Begin to fill color in a shape turtle.color("red"), steps = 3) # Draw a triangle turtle.end_fill()# Fill the shape turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-100, -50) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() # Begin to fill color in a shape turtle.color("blue"), steps = 4) # Draw a square turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, -50) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() # Begin to fill color in a shape turtle.color("green"), steps = 5) # Draw a pentagon turtle.end_fill() # Fill the shape turtle.penup() turtle.goto(100, -50) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() # Begin to fill color in a shape turtle.color("yellow"), steps = 6) # Draw a hexagon turtle.end_fill() # Fill the shape turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -50) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() # Begin to fill color in a shape turtle.color("purple") # Draw a circle turtle.end_fill() # Fill the shape turtle.color("green") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-100, 50) turtle.pendown() turtle.write("Cool Colorful Shapes", font = ("Time", 18, "bold")) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.done()
import math print("math.sqrt(4)=", math.sqrt(4)) print("math.sin(2 * math.pi)=", math.sin(2 * math.pi)) print("math.cos(2 * math.pi)=", math.cos(2 * math.pi)) print("min(2, 2, 1)=", min(2, 2, 1)) print("math.log(math.e)=", math.log(math.e)) print("math.exp(1)=", math.exp(1)) print("max(2, 3, 4)=", max(2, 3, 4)) print("abs(-2.5)=", abs(-2.5)) print("math.ceil(-2.5)=", math.ceil(-2.5)) print("math.floor(-2.5)=", math.floor(-2.5)) print("round(3.5)=", round(3.5)) print("round(-2.5)=", round(-2.5)) print("math.fabs(2.5)=", math.fabs(2.5)) print("math.ceil(2.5)=", math.ceil(2.5)) print("math.floor(2.5)=", math.floor(2.5)) print("round(-2.5)=", round(-2.5)) print("round(2.6)=", round(2.6)) print("round(math.fabs(-2.5))", round(math.fabs(-2.5)))
print("1 = ", ord('1')) print("A = ", ord('A')) print("B = ", ord('B')) print("a = ", ord('a')) print("b = ", ord('b')) print("40 = ", chr(40)) print("59 = ", chr(59)) print("79 = ", chr(79)) print("85 = ", chr(85)) print("90 = ", chr(90))
print("\\") print("\"")
#Unicode的写法是以 \u 开始的,且有范围,范围为 \u0000 - \uFFFF之间,
x = input("Enter a character:") ch = chr(ord(x) +3) print(ch)
x = input("Enter a character:") y = input("Enter a character:") print(ord(y) - ord(x))
title = "Chapter " + str(1) print(title)
sum = 2 + 3 print(sum) s = '2' + '3' print(s)
"""在python里,所有数据(包括数字和字符)都是objects。 python里的方法\函数就是methods。"""
""" 用id()和type()这两个函数即可 """
""" option (b) """
s = "\tGeorgia\n" a = s.lower() b = s.upper() print(a, b)
s = " \tGood\tmorning\n" a = s.strip() print(a)
""" format()函数返回的是string型的,即字符型 """
""" 格式里规定的长度大于数字的长度时,就四舍五入 """
print(format(57.467657, "9.3f")) print(format(12345678.923, "9.1f")) print(format(57.4, ".2f")) print(format(57.4, "10.2f"))
print(format(57.467657, "9.3e")) print(format(12345678.923, "9.1e")) print(format(57.4, ".2e")) print(format(57.4, "10.2e"))
print(format(5789.467657, "9.3f")) print(format(5789.467657, "<9.3f")) print(format(5789.4, ".2f")) print(format(5789.4, "<.2f")) print(format(5789.4, ">9.2f"))
print(format(0.457467657, "9.3%")) print(format(0.457467657, "<9.3%"))
print(format(45, "5d")) print(format(45, "<5d")) print(format(45, "5x")) print(format(45, "<5x"))
print(format("Programming is fun", "25s")) print(format("Programming is fun", "<25s")) print(format("Programming is fun", ">25s"))
import math r = eval(input("Enter the length from the center to a vertex: ")) s = 2 * r * math.sin(math.pi / 5) area = 3 * math.sqrt(3) * s * s / 2.0 print("The area of the pentagon is ", format(area, ".2f"))
import math s = eval(input("Enter the side: ")) area = (5 * s * s) / (4 * math.tan(math.pi / 5)) print("The area of the pentagon is ", area)
s = eval(input("Enter the ASCII code: ")) print("The charater is ", chr(s))
import time t = round(time.time()) yu = t % 27 #yu的范围是0到26,正好是26个字母 print(yu) s = chr(65 +yu) print(s)
import turtle turtle.write("\u03b1 \u03b2 \u03b3 \u03b4 \u03b5 \u03b6 \u03b7 \u03b8") turtle.done()
import turtle import math turtle.pensize(3) # Set pen thickness to 3 pixels turtle.right(30) #旋转30度 turtle.begin_fill() # Begin to fill color in a shape turtle.color("red"), steps = 6) # Draw a hexagon turtle.end_fill() # Fill the shape turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, 70 * math.sin(math.pi/3)-20) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("white") turtle.write("STOP", font = ("Times", 20, "bold")) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.done()
import turtle a, b = eval(input("Enter first point:")) c, d = eval(input("Enter second point:")) x = "(" + str(a) + "," + str(b) + ")" y = "(" + str(c) + "," + str(d) + ")" turtle.penup() turtle.goto(a, b) turtle.pendown() turtle.write(x) turtle.goto(c, d) turtle.write(y) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.done()