
season1 - 挑中说英

本文主要是介绍season1 - 挑中说英,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
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你愿意嫁给我嘛 marry me Will you marry me ?
完美,然后你就订婚了 perfect. then you get engatte perfect then you'are engaged
你们开香槟庆祝,在厨房地板上亲热,别在厨房地板上亲热 you have open the chappion you have sex on kitchen floor you pop up the drink a toast. you have sex on the kitchen floor
谢谢你帮我策划这些 泰德 thank you plan me this out thanks for helping me plan this out .Ted
我见证过你和莉莉的所有重要时刻 i watch you and lili all big moment , I 've been there for all big moment of you and liLi
对不起,我们以为你睡着了 sorry , we thought you asleep, sorry , we thought you were asleep,
这是物理学,下铺动,上铺也会跟着动 mashall physice the bottom bunk moves the top bunk moves too is physics,if the bottom buk moves.the top bunk moves too
你们今晚就要订婚了 tonight ,you got a enagae you're enaged tonight
你们的马修叔叔迈出了人生最重要的一步 mashall take big step his life your uncle was taking the big step of his life
我打电话给你们的巴尼叔叔 i'm calling by your barsh uncle i am calling up your uncle Barney
你知道我对半亚洲血统的女孩子特别有兴趣嘛,现在我有了新的爱好,黎巴嫩女孩,黎巴嫩好女孩代表了新的亚洲血统 hi do you know i dui asia girl, now i have a new farivarte , li ba neng hey see you know, however. i thought i had a thing for half asian girls?now i've got a new favourite.Lebannese girls. lebannese girls are new half Asians.
你今晚想做什么 you togin have you want to do something tonight?
他们即将结婚,建立家庭,不久后,他的孩子叫我老光棍,开始叫我老泰德叔叔 before long they kid call me middle age uncle teed ,gonaa marry start a new family
你忘记了我们初次见面进我对你的忠告嘛 you forget i give you suggest when are met have you forgotten what i said to you the night we met
30岁前不要考虑结婚 don't even think about get marry util 30 don't even think about getting married till you'are 30.
当你最好的朋友结婚时,你难免胡思乱想 i guess your best friend get marry ,you start think about that staff i guess that just your best friends get engaged. you start thinking about that staff
作为你最好的朋友 ,我们来玩个小游戏, 叫“你见过泰德没” as your best friends , i suggest we play a little game i'd like to call "have you met Ted" as your best friends , i suggest we play a little game i'd like to call "have you met Ted"
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