ThinkPHP框架 validate用法

本文主要是介绍ThinkPHP框架 validate用法,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!



 protected $validate;

 public function __construct()
        $this->validate = new IndexValidate();//引入该控制器对应的验证规则

public function Index()
  $posts = $this->request->post();
  $this->validate->scene("index")->check($posts) || $this->error($this->validate->getError(), [], 202);


class IndexValidate extends Validate
    protected $rule = [
        "page" => "require|egt:1",// >=1
        "per_page" => "require|elt:15|egt:1"// 1=<per_page<=15
    protected $scene = [
        "index" => ["page", "per_page"]


protected static $typeMsg = [
        'require'     => ':attribute require',
        'must'        => ':attribute must',
        'number'      => ':attribute must be numeric',
        'integer'     => ':attribute must be integer',
        'float'       => ':attribute must be float',
        'boolean'     => ':attribute must be bool',
        'email'       => ':attribute not a valid email address',
        'mobile'      => ':attribute not a valid mobile',
        'array'       => ':attribute must be a array',
        'accepted'    => ':attribute must be yes,on or 1',
        'date'        => ':attribute not a valid datetime',
        'file'        => ':attribute not a valid file',
        'image'       => ':attribute not a valid image',
        'alpha'       => ':attribute must be alpha',
        'alphaNum'    => ':attribute must be alpha-numeric',
        'alphaDash'   => ':attribute must be alpha-numeric, dash, underscore',
        'activeUrl'   => ':attribute not a valid domain or ip',
        'chs'         => ':attribute must be chinese',
        'chsAlpha'    => ':attribute must be chinese or alpha',
        'chsAlphaNum' => ':attribute must be chinese,alpha-numeric',
        'chsDash'     => ':attribute must be chinese,alpha-numeric,underscore, dash',
        'url'         => ':attribute not a valid url',
        'ip'          => ':attribute not a valid ip',
        'dateFormat'  => ':attribute must be dateFormat of :rule',
        'in'          => ':attribute must be in :rule',
        'notIn'       => ':attribute be notin :rule',
        'between'     => ':attribute must between :1 - :2',
        'notBetween'  => ':attribute not between :1 - :2',
        'length'      => 'size of :attribute must be :rule',
        'max'         => 'max size of :attribute must be :rule',
        'min'         => 'min size of :attribute must be :rule',
        'after'       => ':attribute cannot be less than :rule',
        'before'      => ':attribute cannot exceed :rule',
        'afterWith'   => ':attribute cannot be less than :rule',
        'beforeWith'  => ':attribute cannot exceed :rule',
        'expire'      => ':attribute not within :rule',
        'allowIp'     => 'access IP is not allowed',
        'denyIp'      => 'access IP denied',
        'confirm'     => ':attribute out of accord with :2',
        'different'   => ':attribute cannot be same with :2',
        'egt'         => ':attribute must greater than or equal :rule',
        'gt'          => ':attribute must greater than :rule',
        'elt'         => ':attribute must less than or equal :rule',
        'lt'          => ':attribute must less than :rule',
        'eq'          => ':attribute must equal :rule',
        'unique'      => ':attribute has exists',
        'regex'       => ':attribute not conform to the rules',
        'method'      => 'invalid Request method',
        'token'       => 'invalid token',
        'fileSize'    => 'filesize not match',
        'fileExt'     => 'extensions to upload is not allowed',
        'fileMime'    => 'mimetype to upload is not allowed',

这篇关于ThinkPHP框架 validate用法的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持为之网!