#define bol uint8_t #define true 1 #define false 0 #define unint size_t /*动态数组*/ struct dynamic_array { void** arr; //指针数组,每个元素都是指针 unint size; //动态数组中当前元素个数 unint capacity; //动态数组当前容量 };
/* effect: 创建一个初始化了的动态数据对象 output: 动态数组指针 */ struct dynamic_array* da_create() { struct dynamic_array* da = (struct dynamic_array*)malloc(sizeof(struct dynamic_array)); if (da == NULL) { printf("[da_create] allocation of dynamic array has failed\n"); return NULL; } da->capacity = 4; da->size = 0; da->arr = (void**)malloc(sizeof(void*) * da->capacity); return da; } /* effect: 为动态数组添加元素,动态数组的长度就是size,使用0~size-1的元素 input : _da动态数组指针 _data数据指针 */ void da_push(struct dynamic_array* _da, void* _data) { /*安全检查*/ if (_da == NULL) { printf("[da_push] dynamic array is null\n"); return; } //空间不够,已经满了,需要扩大内存 if (_da->capacity == _da->size) { //前期增速为2倍,后期为1.5倍 unint temp = (unint)(_da->capacity <= 128 ? (_da->capacity * 2) : (_da->capacity * 1.5)); //申请一块更大的空间 void** new_space = (void**)malloc(sizeof(void*) * temp); //检查空间是否分配成功 if (new_space == NULL) { printf("[da_push] allocation of new space has failed\n"); return; } //成功 _da->capacity = temp; //拷贝数据到新空间上 memcpy(new_space, _da->arr, _da->capacity * sizeof(void*)); //释放旧空间内存 free(_da->arr); //更新空间 _da->arr = new_space; } //添加新元素 _da->arr[_da->size++] = _data; } /* effect: 删除最后一个元素并返回 input : _da动态数组指针 output: 最后一个元素的指针 */ void* da_pop(struct dynamic_array* _da) { /*安全检查*/ if (_da == NULL) { printf("[da_pop] dynamic array is null\n"); return NULL; } if (_da->size == 0) { printf("[da_pop] size of dynamic array is zero\n"); return NULL; } return _da->arr[--_da->size]; } /* effect: 根据位置查找元素 input : _da动态数组指针 _position元素指针的位置 output: _position位置的元素的指针 */ void* da_at(const struct dynamic_array* _da, unint _position) { /*安全检查*/ if (_da == NULL) { printf("[da_at] dynamic array is null\n"); return NULL; } if (_position >= _da->size) { printf("[da_at] position is illegal\n"); return NULL; } return _da->arr[_position]; } /* effect: 根据值查找元素 input : _da动态数组指针 _judge返回元素指针内数据是否是需要的自定义函数 output: _judge函数返回true对应的元素的指针 */ void* da_find(const struct dynamic_array* _da, bol(*_judge)(void*)) { /*安全检查*/ if (_da == NULL) { printf("[da_find] dynamic array is null\n"); return NULL; } for (unint i = 0;i<_da->size;++i) { if (_judge(_da->arr[i]) == true) return _da->arr[i]; } printf("[da_find] can not find the expected data\n"); return NULL; } /* effect: 打印动态数组元素的数据 input : _da动态数组指针 _print打印元素指针内数据的自定义函数 */ void da_print(const struct dynamic_array* _da, void(*_print)(void*)) { /*安全检查*/ if (_da == NULL) { printf("[da_print] dynamic array is null\n"); return ; } printf("array print procedure begin>\n"); for (unint i = 0;i < _da->size; ++i) { printf("[%5d]",i); _print(_da->arr[i]); printf("\n"); } printf("array print procedure ended!\n"); } /* effect: 根据位置删除元素 input : _da动态数组指针 _position需要删除的元素的位置 */ void da_del(struct dynamic_array* _da, unint _position) { /*安全检查*/ if (_da == NULL) { printf("[da_del] dynamic array is null\n"); return ; } if (_position >= _da->size) { printf("[da_del] position is illegal\n"); return; } if (_da->size == 0) { printf("[da_remove] dynamic array is empty\n"); return; } //把后面的元素前移一个 for (unint i = _position;i < _da->size - 1; ++i) { _da->arr[i] = _da->arr[i + 1]; } --_da->size; } /* effect: 根据值删除元素 input : _da动态数组指针 _judge返回元素指针内数据是否是需要删除的自定义函数 */ void da_remove(struct dynamic_array* _da, bol(*_judge)(void*)) { /*安全检查*/ if (_da == NULL) { printf("[da_remove] dynamic array is null\n"); return; } if (_da->size == 0) { printf("[da_remove] dynamic array is empty\n"); return; } da_remove_recursion(_da, _judge,0); } /* effect: 根据值删除元素的递归删除函数 input : _da动态数组指针 _judge返回元素指针内数据是否是需要删除的自定义函数 _start递归函数内,遍历开始的位置 */ static void da_remove_recursion(struct dynamic_array* _da, bol(*_judge)(void*), unint _start) { if (_da->size == 0) { printf("[da_remove_recursion] dynamic array is empty\n"); return; } //开始位置的检查 if (_start >= _da->size) { printf("[da_remove_recursion] start in the illegal position\n"); return; } for (unint i = _start;i<_da->size; ++i) { if (_judge(_da->arr[i]) == true) { da_del(_da, i); //不是最后一个元素,继续递归 if (i < _da->size) { da_remove_recursion(_da,_judge, i); } break; } } } /* effect: 清空动态数组中的元素,保留动态数组内存 input : _da动态数组指针 */ void da_clear(struct dynamic_array* _da) { /*安全检查*/ if (_da == NULL) { printf("[da_clear] dynamic array is null\n"); return; } _da->size = 0;// ###%%%%%% 再添加新的元素指针,就覆盖了之前的指针 } /* effect: 释放动态数组内存,置空_da,注意:并不是否元素内存 input : _da动态数组指针 */ void da_free(struct dynamic_array* _da) { /*安全检查*/ if (_da == NULL) { printf("[da_free] dynamic array is null\n"); return; } if (_da->arr != NULL) free(_da->arr); _da->capacity = 0; _da->size = 0; _da = NULL; free(_da); }
struct test_data { char c; }; void test_print(void* _data) { struct test_data* d = (struct test_data*)_data; printf("%c", d->c); } bol test_judge(void* _data) { struct test_data* d = (struct test_data*)_data; return d->c == 'q' ? true : false; } void test_dynamic_aay() { struct dynamic_array* a = da_create(); struct test_data a0, a1, a2, a3, a4; a0.c = 'w'; a1.c = 'Z'; a2.c = 'Z'; a3.c = 'q'; a4.c = 'Z'; da_push(a, &a0); da_push(a, &a1); da_push(a, &a2); da_push(a, &a3); da_push(a, &a4); printf("size = %d\n", a->size); da_print(a, test_print); //da_remove(a, test_judge); //struct test_data* after = da_pop(a); //printf("after = %c\n", after->c); //after = da_pop(a); //printf("after = %c\n", after->c); //after = da_pop(a); //printf("after = %c\n", after->c); //after = da_pop(a); //printf("after = %c\n", after->c); //after = da_pop(a); //printf("after = %c\n", after->c); //after = da_pop(a); printf("after = %c\n", after->c); /*struct test_data* v = da_at(a, 0); printf("v = %c\n", v->c); v = da_find(a, test_judge); printf("v = %c\n", v->c);*/ da_clear(a); da_push(a, &a4); da_push(a, &a0); printf("size = %lu\n", a->size); da_print(a, test_print); }
#define state_machine_history_depth 20 //状态历史记录 /* 事件到来后进入转换规则, 找到当前状态和符合的事件,更新状态机的“当前状态”, 执行动作。 */ /*状态机规则XN */ struct state_machine_rule { unint cur_state; //当前状态 unint event; //从当前状态跳到下一个状态的事件 unint next_state; //下一个状态 void (*action)(unint _event); //状态转换到下一个状态后的动作 /*额外信息*/ void* note; //纪录每个状态的某个信息 }; /*状态机X1 */ struct state_machine { /*定义*/ unint num_of_state; //状态数,状态ID为0~状态数-1 unint num_of_event; //事件数,事件ID为0~事件数-1 /*关键*/ unint cur_state; //当前状态 struct dynamic_array* rules; //规则的规则数组 /*额外功能*/ unint timer; //计时器,当前状态持续的时间片数或(step)帧数 bol isbegin; //是否是开始状态,非零为true,零为false unint stack[state_machine_history_depth]; //历史状态记录 unint stack_pointer; //头部为栈底,stack_pointer是栈顶上一个,元素个数为stack_pointer 指向当前状态,当前状态不保存在栈里 };
/* effect: 创建初始化了的状态机指针 output: 状态机指针 */ struct state_machine* sm_create() { struct state_machine* sm = (struct state_machine*)malloc(sizeof(struct state_machine)); if (sm == NULL) { printf("[sm_create] allocation of state machine has failed\n"); return NULL; } /*实际初始化交给用户*/ sm->num_of_event = 0; sm->num_of_state = 0; sm->cur_state = 0; sm->isbegin = true; //遇到第二个事件之前,都是开始状态(即第二个状态,因为第一个状态是无动作的) sm->stack_pointer = 0; //无元素 sm->timer = 0; //计时器,从状态更新——即动作之前——开始计时,到下一次状态更新为止 sm->rules = da_create(); //创建规则的动作数组 return sm; } /* effect: 初始化状态数、事件数、当前状态 input : _sm状态机指针 _num_of_state状态数 _num_of_event事件数 _cur_state当前状态 */ void sm_init(struct state_machine* _sm, unint _num_of_state, unint _num_of_event, unint _cur_state) { /*安全检查*/ if (_sm == NULL) { printf("[sm_init] state machine is null\n"); return; } _sm->cur_state = _cur_state; _sm->num_of_state = _num_of_state; _sm->num_of_event = _num_of_event; } /* effect: 为状态机增加状态 状态元素id即为元素在数组中的位置 状态信息为状态名,状态动作函数,笔记 input : _sm状态机指针 _cur_state规则的当前状态 _event规则的事件 _next_state规则的下个状态 _action该状态的函数,传入导致状态更新的事件 _note该状态的某个信息 */ void sm_add(struct state_machine* _sm, unint _cur_state, unint _event, unint _next_state, void(*_action)(unint), void* _note) { /*安全检查*/ if (_sm == NULL) { printf("[sm_add] state machine is null\n"); return; } if (_cur_state >= _sm->num_of_state || _next_state >= _sm->num_of_state || _event >= _sm->num_of_event) { printf("[sm_add] _cur_state or _next_state or _event has out of range\n"); return; } struct state_machine_rule* r = (struct state_machine_rule*)malloc(sizeof(struct state_machine_rule)); if (r == NULL) { printf("[sm_add] allocation of rule of state machine has failed\n"); return NULL; } r->cur_state = _cur_state; r->event = _event; r->next_state = _next_state; r->action = _action; r->note = _note; da_push(_sm->rules, r); } /* effect: 根据输入事件选择规则,进行状态转换、动作调用 input : _sm状态机指针 _event事件 */ void sm_trans(struct state_machine* _sm, unint _event) { /*安全检查*/ if (_sm == NULL) { printf("[sm_trans] state machine is null\n"); return; } if (_event >= _sm->num_of_event) { printf("[sm_trans] _event has out of range\n"); return; } //遍历规则 for (unint i = 0; i < _sm->rules->size; ++i) { struct state_machine_rule* r = (struct state_machine_rule*)_sm->rules->arr[i]; if (r->cur_state == _sm->cur_state) { if (r->event == _event) { //记录历史状态 //to do something //更新状态 _sm->cur_state = r->next_state; //重置计时器 _sm->timer = 0; //调用动作 r->action(_event); //更新状态机开始标志 if(_sm->isbegin == true) _sm->isbegin = false; // return; } } } //当前状态停留时间加一///按输入事件分割时间的情况 ++_sm->timer; } /* effect: 运行状态机 input : _sm状态机指针 _event_array事件数组,元素(事件ID)个数不一定等于状态机事件数num_event _size_of_event_array事件数组元素个数 */ void sm_run(struct state_machine* _sm, unint* _event_array, unint _size_of_event_array) { /*安全检查*/ if (_sm == NULL) { printf("[sm_run] state machine is null\n"); return; } //遍历事件数组 printf("[sm_run] event array size = %d\n", _size_of_event_array); for (unint i = 0;i< _size_of_event_array; ++i) { //打印当前状态、事件 printf("[sm_run] cur_state = %3d, event = %3d\n",_sm->cur_state,_event_array[i]); //状态转换 sm_trans(_sm, _event_array[i]); } } /* effect: a input : _sm状态机指针 _event事件 output: 上个状态持续的帧数(时间片数) */ unint sm_exec(struct state_machine* _sm, unint _event) { /*安全检查*/ if (_sm == NULL) { printf("[sm_exec] state machine is null\n"); return; } if (_event >= _sm->num_of_event) { printf("[sm_exec] _event has out of range\n"); return; } //打印当前状态、事件 printf("[sm_exec] cur_state = %3d, event = %3d\n", _sm->cur_state, _event); //状态转换 sm_trans(_sm, _event); }
void fun1(unint _event) { printf("[fun1] event = %d\n",_event); } void fun2(unint _event) { printf("[fun2] event = %d\n", _event); } void fun3(unint _event) { printf("[fun3] event = %d\n", _event); } void fun4(unint _event) { printf("[fun4] event = %d\n", _event); } int main(int _argc, char** _argv) { printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n"); //test_dynamic_aay(); struct state_machine* sm = sm_create(); sm_init(sm, 4, 4, 1);//初始化状态数、事件数、当前状态 sm_add(sm, 0, 3, 1, fun1, NULL); sm_add(sm, 1, 2, 2, fun2, NULL); sm_add(sm, 2, 1, 3, fun3, NULL); sm_add(sm, 3, 0, 0, fun4, NULL); unint evt_arr[] = { 0,1,2,3,3,2,1,0,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,0,3,0,0 }; sm_run(sm, evt_arr,sizeof(evt_arr)/sizeof(unint)); printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n"); return 0; }
并不是等间隔的! 每个状态的动作经历时间也不是相同的!该如何定义
//state_machine.c void sm_trans(struct state_machine* _sm, unint _event) { ... //打印上一个状态持续时间片数,在更新状态之前!!! printf("[sm_trans] last action duration = %d\n",_sm->timer); ... }
//main.c srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); for (unint i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { printf("%d\n", i); //事件在每一次循环中只有3分之一的概率会发生 //事件发生后,只有四分之一的概率会跳到下一个状态 if (rand() % 3 == 0) { sm_exec(sm, rand() % 4); } //更新计数器 ++sm->timer; }
历史状态的栈深度为 state_machine_history_depth
我不想用链表,只用数组,最多也就 state_machine_history_depth 这么多个,
我定义长度为20, 状态转换次数可多可少,我不能定义的太大。
令栈长为SD(stack depth)
S P a f t e r = S P b e f o r e − R , R < S P b e f o r e SP_{after}=SP_{before} - R \;\;\;,\;\; { R < SP_{before}} SPafter=SPbefore−R,R<SPbefore
S P a f t e r = { S D − R + S P b e f o r e , R > S P b e o f r e S D , R = S P b e f o r e S P b e f o r e − R , R < S P b e f o r e SP_{after} = \begin{cases} SD - R + SP_{before} \;\;\;,\;\;\;R >SP_{beofre} \\ SD \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; , \;\;\; R = SP_{before} \\ SP_{before} - R \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;,\;\;\;R<SP_{before}\end{cases} SPafter=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧SD−R+SPbefore,R>SPbeofreSD,R=SPbeforeSPbefore−R,R<SPbefore
/* effect: 回退到多少个状态前 input : _sm状态机指针 _recovery回退个数 */ void sm_history(struct state_machine* _sm, unint _recovery) { /*安全检查*/ if (_sm == NULL) { printf("[sm_history] state machine is null\n"); return; } //filled之后,最多也只能回退state_machine_history_depth-1 if (_recovery >= state_machine_history_depth) { printf("[sm_history] recovery too much\n"); return; } if (_sm->stack_filled == false) { //栈还没被填满 if (_recovery >= _sm->stack_pointer) { //不能回退到0,0时状态是不存在的 printf("[sm_history] stack of history's state did not filled,and can not back off to expect location\n"); return; } //指针回退 _sm->stack_pointer -= _recovery; } else { //栈被填满了 if (_recovery > _sm->stack_pointer) { _sm->stack_pointer = state_machine_history_depth - _recovery + _sm->stack_pointer; } else if(_recovery == _sm->stack_pointer){ //SP变成0,即变成state_machine_history_depth _sm->stack_pointer = state_machine_history_depth; } else{ _sm->stack_pointer -= _recovery; } } //更新状态 _sm->cur_state = _sm->stack[_sm->stack_pointer - 1]; }
/* effect: 根据输入事件选择规则,进行状态转换、动作调用 input : _sm状态机指针 _event事件 */ void sm_trans(struct state_machine* _sm, unint _event) { /*安全检查*/ if (_sm == NULL) { printf("[sm_trans] state machine is null\n"); return; } if (_event >= _sm->num_of_event) { printf("[sm_trans] _event has out of range\n"); return; } //遍历规则 for (unint i = 0; i < _sm->rules->size; ++i) { struct state_machine_rule* r = (struct state_machine_rule*)_sm->rules->arr[i]; if (r->cur_state == _sm->cur_state) { if (r->event == _event) { //记录历史状态 if (_sm->stack_pointer < state_machine_history_depth) { _sm->stack[_sm->stack_pointer++] = _sm->cur_state; } else { if (_sm->stack_filled == false) _sm->stack_filled = true; //覆盖了前面的头部元素 _sm->stack_pointer = 1; _sm->stack[0] = _sm->cur_state; } //更新状态 _sm->cur_state = r->next_state; //打印上一个状态持续时间片数 //printf("[sm_trans] last action duration = %d\n",_sm->timer); //重置计时器 _sm->timer = 0; //调用动作 r->action(_event); //更新状态机开始标志 if(_sm->isbegin == true) _sm->isbegin = false; // return; } } } //当前状态停留时间加一///按输入事件分割时间的情况 //++_sm->timer; }
struct state_machine* sm = sm_create(); sm_init(sm, 4, 4, 0); sm_add(sm, 0, 3, 1, fun1, NULL); sm_add(sm, 1, 2, 2, fun2, NULL); sm_add(sm, 2, 1, 3, fun3, NULL); sm_add(sm, 3, 0, 0, fun4, NULL); unint evt_arr[] = { 3,2,1,0}; sm_run(sm, evt_arr,sizeof(evt_arr)/sizeof(unint)); sm_history(sm, 2);
struct state_machine* sm = sm_create(); sm_init(sm, 4, 4, 0); sm_add(sm, 0, 3, 1, fun1, NULL); sm_add(sm, 1, 2, 2, fun2, NULL); sm_add(sm, 2, 1, 3, fun3, NULL); sm_add(sm, 3, 0, 0, fun4, NULL); unint evt_arr[] = { 3,2,1,0,3,2,1,0}; sm_run(sm, evt_arr,sizeof(evt_arr)/sizeof(unint)); sm_history(sm, 5);