【算法检验】SPA_Checkmate9949的博客-CSDN博客一、概念The multiple comparison procedures all allow for examining aspects of superior predictive ability.用于检验更优的预测能力There are three available:SPA - The test of Superior Predictive Ability, also known as the Reality Check (and accessible as RealityChechttps://blog.csdn.net/Checkmate9949/article/details/120370004
Stepwise Multiple Testing is similar to the SPA and has the same null. The primary difference is that it identifies the set of models which are better than the benchmark, rather than just asking the basic question if any model is better.
from arch.bootstrap import StepM stepm = StepM(bm_losses, model_losses) stepm.compute() #识别出优于基准模型的模型 print("Model indices:") print([model.split(".")[1] for model in stepm.superior_models]) #求各模型的平均Loss test2 = model_losses.mean(0) better_models = pd.concat([model_losses.mean(0), model_losses.mean(0)],axis=1) better_models.columns = ["Same or worse", "Better"] #得出better模型的index better = better_models.index.isin(stepm.superior_models) #得出worse模型的index worse = np.logical_not(better) #写为正确的值 better_models.loc[better, "Same or worse"] = np.nan better_models.loc[worse, "Better"] = np.nan #画图:绿色为更优的模型 fig = better_models.plot(style=["o", "s"], rot=270)
The model confidence set takes a set of losses as its input and finds the set which are not statistically different from each other while controlling the familywise error rate. The primary output is a set of p-values, where models with a pvalue above the size are in the MCS. Small p-values indicate that the model is easily rejected from the set that includes the best.
from arch.bootstrap import MCS # 取出25个算法,500/20=25 losses = model_losses.iloc[:, ::20] mcs = MCS(losses, size=0.10) mcs.compute() # 显示各模型的MSC P值 print("MCS P-values") print(mcs.pvalues) # Included: P>0.1 print("Included") included = mcs.included print([model.split(".")[1] for model in included]) # Excluded: P<=0.1 print("Excluded") excluded = mcs.excluded print([model.split(".")[1] for model in excluded])