xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported.的解决方法
给Linux服务器新建一个user, 设置登陆密码,然后赋予sudo su root权限。 介绍两种方式:交互方式,非交互脚本方式
新建一个user, 设置登陆密码
1. 登陆putty, change user
sudo su root
2. add group, group name is usernametest
groupadd usernametest
3. add user and and user to group, user name is usernametest
useradd -d /home/usernametest/ -m -g usernametest usernametest
4. set password password123456
passwd password123456
5. change mod
cd /home/ chmod 775 -R usernametest
给user赋予sudo su root权限: 否则 usernametest 登陆后,执行sudo su root 会报:appsvc is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
1. 登陆putty, change user
sudo su root
2. 添加sudo文件的写权限
chmod u+w /etc/sudoers
3. 编辑sudoers文件
vim /etc/sudoers
4. root ALL=(ALL) ALL下一行添加
usernametest ALL=(ALL) ALL
5. 撤销sudoers文件写权限
chmod u-w /etc/sudoers
然后user 是 usernametest 时,才可以成功执行命令: sudo su root
新建一个user, 设置登陆密码,然后赋予sudo su root权限
#!/bin/sh # name=username01 # pass=password01 name=$1 pass=$2 # add user sudo useradd ${name} if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "user ${name} is created successfully!!!" else echo "user ${name} is created failly!!!" exit 1 fi #sudo passwd echo ${pass} | sudo passwd ${name} --stdin &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "${name}'s password is set successfully" else echo "${name}'s password is set failly!!!" fi # add user to sudoers file echo "${name} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers echo "${name} add to sudoers file successfully"