""" 技能需求: 1.文件操作 2.字符串的分割操作 3.字典操作 功能需求: 1.读取song.txt文件 with open(filename) as f: count=f.read() 2.分析文件中的每一个单词,统计每一个单词出现的次数 content = "hello python hello java" words = content.split() - 统计每个单词出现的次数{"hello": "2","python":"1","java":"1"} """
# 1.加载文件中所有的单词 with open('song.txt') as f : words = f.read().split() # 2. 统计 result = {} for word in words: if word in result: result[word] += 1 else: result[word]= 1 # 输出结果的优化 import pprint pprint.pprint(result) print(result)
import pprint
3.获取出现次数最多的5个单词 from collections import Counter counter = Counter(words) result = counter.most_common(5) print(result)
counter 的数值