2)隐含层:对应人的大脑,大脑对五官传递来的数据进行分析和思考,神经网络的隐含层hidden Layer对输入层传来的数据x进行映射,简单理解为一个公式hiddenLayer_output=F(w*x+b)。其中,w、b叫做权重、阈值参数,F()为映射规则,也叫激活函数,hiddenLayer_output是隐含层对于传来的数据映射的输出值。换句话说,隐含层对于输入的影响因素数据x进行了映射,产生了映射值。
3)输出层:可以对应为人的四肢,大脑对五官传来的信息经过思考(隐含层映射)之后,再控制四肢执行动作(向外部作出响应)。类似地,BP神经网络的输出层对hiddenLayer_output再次进行映射,outputLayer_output=w *hiddenLayer_output+b。其中,w、b为权重、阈值参数,outputLayer_output是神经网络输出层的输出值(也叫仿真值、预测值)(理解为,人脑对外的执行动作,比如婴儿拍打桌子)。
在这些环节中,涉及了影响因素数据x,目标值数据y(Target)。根据x,y,使用BP算法来寻求x与y之间存在的规律,实现由x来映射逼近y,这就是BP神经网络算法的作用。再多说一句,上述讲的过程,都是BP模型训练,那么最终得到的模型虽然训练准确,但是找到的规律(bp network)是否准确与可靠呢。于是,我们再给x1到训练好的bp network中,得到相应的BP输出值(预测值)predict1,通过作图,计算Mse,Mape,R方等指标,来对比predict1和y1的接近程度,就可以知道模型是否预测准确。这是BP模型的测试过程,即实现对数据的预测,并且对比实际值检验预测是否准确。
图一 3层BP神经网络结构图
一种做法,是考虑 t 时刻的气候因素指标,比如该时刻的空气湿度x1,温度x2,以及节假日x3等的影响,对 t 时刻的负荷值进行预测。这是前面1.1所说的模型。
% 清除环境变量 close all clc; clear %% Problem Statement ProblemParams.CostFuncName = 'fitcal'; % You should state the name of your cost function here. ProblemParams.CostFuncExtraParams = []; ProblemParams.NPar = 31; % Number of optimization variables of your objective function. "NPar" is the dimention of the optimization problem. ProblemParams.VarMin = -1; % Lower limit of the optimization parameters. You can state the limit in two ways. 1) 2) ProblemParams.VarMax = 1; % Lower limit of the optimization parameters. You can state the limit in two ways. 1) 2) % Modifying the size of VarMin and VarMax to have a general form if numel(ProblemParams.VarMin)==1 %numel 数组元素个数计数 ProblemParams.VarMin=repmat(ProblemParams.VarMin,1,ProblemParams.NPar); %复制矩阵,行数不变,仍然是roblemParams.VarMin,列数重复ProblemParams.NPar遍ProblemParams.VarMin ProblemParams.VarMax=repmat(ProblemParams.VarMax,1,ProblemParams.NPar); end ProblemParams.SearchSpaceSize = ProblemParams.VarMax - ProblemParams.VarMin; %搜索区间 %% Algorithmic Parameter Setting AlgorithmParams.NumOfCountries = 200; % Number of initial countries. AlgorithmParams.NumOfInitialImperialists = 10; % Number of Initial Imperialists. AlgorithmParams.NumOfAllColonies = AlgorithmParams.NumOfCountries - AlgorithmParams.NumOfInitialImperialists; AlgorithmParams.NumOfDecades = 100; %迭代次数 AlgorithmParams.RevolutionRate = 0.3; % Revolution is the process in which the socio-political characteristics of a country change suddenly. AlgorithmParams.AssimilationCoefficient = 2; % In the original paper assimilation coefficient is shown by "beta". 每次趋近的系数 AlgorithmParams.AssimilationAngleCoefficient = .5; % In the original paper assimilation angle coefficient is shown by "gama". 夹角度数 AlgorithmParams.Zeta = 1; % Total Cost of Empire = Cost of Imperialist + Zeta * mean(Cost of All Colonies); AlgorithmParams.DampRatio = 0.99; AlgorithmParams.StopIfJustOneEmpire = false; % Use "true" to stop the algorithm when just one empire is remaining. Use "false" to continue the algorithm. 停止迭代的标志 AlgorithmParams.UnitingThreshold = 0.0001; % The percent of Search Space Size, which enables the uniting process of two Empires. zarib = 1.05; % **** Zarib is used to prevent the weakest impire to have a probability equal to zero alpha = 0.03; % **** alpha is a number in the interval of [0 1] but alpha<<1. alpha denotes the importance of mean minimum compare to the global mimimum. %% Display Setting DisplayParams.PlotEmpires = true; % "true" to plot. "false" to cancel ploting. 殖民者参数 if DisplayParams.PlotEmpires DisplayParams.EmpiresFigureHandle = figure('Name','Plot of Empires','NumberTitle','off'); DisplayParams.EmpiresAxisHandle = axes; end DisplayParams.PlotCost = true; % "true" to plot. "false" 消耗参数 if DisplayParams.PlotCost DisplayParams.CostFigureHandle = figure('Name','Plot of Minimum and Mean Costs','NumberTitle','off'); DisplayParams.CostAxisHandle = axes; end ColorMatrix = [1 0 0 ; 0 1 0 ; 0 0 1 ; 1 1 0 ; 1 0 1 ; 0 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ; 0.5 0.5 0.5; 0 0.5 0.5 ; 0.5 0 0.5 ; 0.5 0.5 0 ; 0.5 0 0 ; 0 0.5 0 ; 0 0 0.5 ; 1 0.5 1 ; 0.1*[1 1 1]; 0.2*[1 1 1]; 0.3*[1 1 1]; 0.4*[1 1 1]; 0.5*[1 1 1]; 0.6*[1 1 1]]; DisplayParams.ColorMatrix = [ColorMatrix ; sqrt(ColorMatrix)]; %sqrt 平方根,什么用? DisplayParams.AxisMargin.Min = ProblemParams.VarMin; DisplayParams.AxisMargin.Max = ProblemParams.VarMax; %% for i=1 %% Creation of Initial Empires InitialCountries = GenerateNewCountry(AlgorithmParams.NumOfCountries , ProblemParams);%建立国家 子函数调用 一个列向量 (AlgorithmParams.NumOfCountriesx1) 值为约束范围内的随机数 % Calculates the cost of each country. The less the cost is, the more is the power. if isempty(ProblemParams.CostFuncExtraParams) InitialCost = feval(ProblemParams.CostFuncName,InitialCountries); else InitialCost = feval(ProblemParams.CostFuncName,InitialCountries,ProblemParams.CostFuncExtraParams); end [InitialCost,SortInd] = sort(InitialCost); % Sort the cost in assending order. The best countries will be in higher places 排序 每行从小到大 InitialCountries = InitialCountries(SortInd,:); % Sort the population with respect to their cost. 按照相关耗费给国家排序 %stop 调试所用 Empires = CreateInitialEmpires(InitialCountries,InitialCost,AlgorithmParams, ProblemParams);%子函数调用 得到帝国种群(殖民国加殖民地) %% Main Loop MinimumCost = repmat(nan,AlgorithmParams.NumOfDecades,1); %把nan复制了AlgorithmParams.NumOfDecades次,一个超长的列向量 MeanCost = repmat(nan,AlgorithmParams.NumOfDecades,1); if DisplayParams.PlotCost axes(DisplayParams.CostAxisHandle); if any(findall(0)==DisplayParams.CostFigureHandle) h_MinCostPlot=plot(MinimumCost,'r','LineWidth',1.5,'YDataSource','MinimumCost'); hold on; h_MeanCostPlot=plot(MeanCost,'k:','LineWidth',1.5,'YDataSource','MeanCost'); hold off; pause(0.05); end end for Decade = 1:AlgorithmParams.NumOfDecades AlgorithmParams.RevolutionRate = AlgorithmParams.DampRatio * AlgorithmParams.RevolutionRate;%进化率=0.99*原进化率 Remained = AlgorithmParams.NumOfDecades - Decade for ii = 1:numel(Empires) %% Assimilation同化; Movement of Colonies Toward Imperialists (Assimilation Policy) Empires(ii) = AssimilateColonies(Empires(ii),AlgorithmParams,ProblemParams);%子函数调用 %% Revolution; A Sudden Change in the Socio-Political Characteristics 有部分用重新生成的国家替代 Empires(ii) = RevolveColonies(Empires(ii),AlgorithmParams,ProblemParams);%子函数调用 %% New Cost Evaluation if isempty(ProblemParams.CostFuncExtraParams) Empires(ii).ColoniesCost = feval(ProblemParams.CostFuncName,Empires(ii).ColoniesPosition); else Empires(ii).ColoniesCost = feval(ProblemParams.CostFuncName,Empires(ii).ColoniesPosition,ProblemParams.CostFuncExtraParams); end %% Empire Possession (****** Power Possession, Empire Possession) Empires(ii) = PossesEmpire(Empires(ii));%子函数调用 %% Computation of Total Cost for Empires Empires(ii).TotalCost = Empires(ii).ImperialistCost + AlgorithmParams.Zeta * mean(Empires(ii).ColoniesCost); end %% Uniting Similiar Empires Empires = UniteSimilarEmpires(Empires,AlgorithmParams,ProblemParams);%子函数调用 %% Imperialistic Competition Empires = ImperialisticCompetition(Empires);%子函数调用 if numel(Empires) == 1 && AlgorithmParams.StopIfJustOneEmpire%如果只剩下一个殖民者 break end %% Displaying the Results DisplayEmpires(Empires,AlgorithmParams,ProblemParams,DisplayParams);%子函数调用 ImerialistCosts = [Empires.ImperialistCost]; [MinimumCost(Decade),index] = min(ImerialistCosts);% 调试 MinimumCost(Decade) = min(ImerialistCosts); MeanCost(Decade) = mean(ImerialistCosts); %% 导出 if Decade == AlgorithmParams.NumOfDecades positions(i,:)=[Empires(index).ImperialistPosition ]; results(i,:)=[MinimumCost(Decade)]; end if DisplayParams.PlotCost refreshdata(h_MinCostPlot); % refreshdata(h_MeanCostPlot); drawnow; grid on;hold on; xlabel('迭代代数/次');ylabel('目标函数值'); pause(0.01); end % if DisplayParams.PlotCost % refreshdata(h_MinCostPlot);%刷新图片的数据 % refreshdata(h_MeanCostPlot); % drawnow;grid on;hold on; % xlabel('迭代代数/次');ylabel('目标函数值'); % pause(0.01); % end end % End of Algorithm %% end MinimumCost(end) save Cost MinimumCost save pos positions