<?php //单例 class Uni{ //创建静态私有的变量保存该类对象 static private $instance; //参数 private $config; //防止直接创建对象 private function __construct($config){ $this -> config = $config; echo "我被实例化了"; } //防止克隆对象 private function __clone(){ } static public function getInstance($config){ //判断$instance是否是Uni的对象 //没有则创建 if (!self::$instance instanceof self) { self::$instance = new self($config); } return self::$instance; } public function getName(){ echo $this -> config; } } $db1 = Uni::getInstance(1); $db1 -> getName(); echo "<br>"; $db2 = Uni::getInstance(4); $db2 -> getName(); ?>
Test1.php <?php class Test1{ static function test(){ echo __FILE__; } } Factory.php <?php class Factory{ /* * 如果某个类在很多的文件中都new ClassName(),那么万一这个类的名字 * 发生变更或者参数发生变化,如果不使用工厂模式,就需要修改每一个PHP * 代码,使用了工厂模式之后,只需要修改工厂类或者方法就可以了。 */ static function createDatabase(){ $test = new Test1(); return $test; } } Test.php <?php spl_autoload_register('autoload1'); $test = Factory::createDatabase(); $test->test(); function autoload1($class){ $dir = __DIR__; $requireFile = $dir."\\".$class.".php"; require $requireFile; }
Test1.php <?php class Test1{ protected static $tt; private function __construct(){} static function getInstance(){ if(self::$tt){ echo "对象已经创建<br>"; return self::$tt; }else { self::$tt = new Test1(); echo "创建对象<br>"; return self::$tt; } } function echoHello(){ echo "Hello<br>"; } } Test.php <?php spl_autoload_register('autoload1'); $test = Test1::getInstance(); $test->echoHello(); $test = Test1::getInstance(); $test->echoHello(); $test = Test1::getInstance(); $test->echoHello(); $test = Test1::getInstance(); $test->echoHello(); function autoload1($class){ $dir = __DIR__; $requireFile = $dir."\\".$class.".php"; require $requireFile; }
<?php class Register { protected static $objects; function set($alias,$object)//将对象注册到全局的树上 { self::$objects[$alias]=$object;//将对象放到树上 } static function get($name){ return self::$objects[$name];//获取某个注册到树上的对象 } function _unset($alias) { unset(self::$objects[$alias]);//移除某个注册到树上的对象。 } }
eg:假如有一个电商网站系统,针对男性女性用户要各自跳转到不同的商品类目,并且所有的广告位展示不同的广告。在传统的代码中,都是在系统中加入各种if else的判断,硬编码的方式。如果有一天增加了一种用户,就需要改写代码。使用策略模式,如果新增加一种用户类型,只需要增加一种策略就可以。其他所有的地方只需要使用不同的策略就可以。
UserStrategy.php <?php /* * 声明策略文件的接口,约定策略包含的行为。 */ interface UserStrategy { function showAd(); function showCategory(); }
FemaleUser.php <?php require_once 'Loader.php'; class FemaleUser implements UserStrategy { function showAd(){ echo "2016冬季女装"; } function showCategory(){ echo "女装"; } }
MaleUser.php <?php require_once 'Loader.php'; class MaleUser implements UserStrategy { function showAd(){ echo "IPhone6s"; } function showCategory(){ echo "电子产品"; } }
Page.php//执行文件 <?php require_once 'Loader.php'; class Page { protected $strategy; function index(){ echo "AD"; $this->strategy->showAd(); echo "<br>"; echo "Category"; $this->strategy->showCategory(); echo "<br>"; } function setStrategy(UserStrategy $strategy){ $this->strategy=$strategy; } } $page = new Page(); if(isset($_GET['male'])){ $strategy = new MaleUser(); }else { $strategy = new FemaleUser(); } $page->setStrategy($strategy); $page->index();
实现依赖倒置和控制反转 (有待理解)
EventGenerator.php <?php require_once 'Loader.php'; abstract class EventGenerator{ private $observers = array(); function addObserver(Observer $observer){ $this->observers[]=$observer; } function notify(){ foreach ($this->observers as $observer){ $observer->update(); } } }
Observer.php <?php require_once 'Loader.php'; interface Observer{ function update();//这里就是在事件发生后要执行的逻辑 }
<?php //一个实现了EventGenerator抽象类的类,用于具体定义某个发生的事件 require 'Loader.php'; class Event extends EventGenerator{ function triger(){ echo "Event<br>"; } } class Observer1 implements Observer{ function update(){ echo "逻辑1<br>"; } } class Observer2 implements Observer{ function update(){ echo "逻辑2<br>"; } } $event = new Event(); $event->addObserver(new Observer1()); $event->addObserver(new Observer2()); $event->triger(); $event->notify();
<?php namespace Libs; /** * 被装饰对象基类 * */ interface Component { /** * 计算所需费用 * */ public function cost(); }
<?php namespace Libs; /** * 定义具体被装饰对象,这里是主食之包子 * */ class ConcreteComponentBun implements Component { public function __construct() { echo "Oh,There is the construct of ConcreteComponentBun.</br>"; } public function cost() { echo "There is the function of ConcreteComponentBun named cost. <br/>"; return 15.00; } }
<?php namespace Libs; /** * 装饰器接口 * */ class Decorator implements Component { public function __construct() { $this->_name = 'Decorator'; } public function cost() { return 1.00; } }
<?php namespace Libs; class ConcreteDecoratorSalad extends Decorator { public $_component; public function __construct($component) { echo "Oh,There is the construct of ConcreteDecoratorSalad.</br>"; if($component instanceof Component){ $this->_component = $component; } else { exit('Failure'); } } public function cost() { echo "There is the function of ConcreteDecoratorSalad named cost. <br/>"; return $this->_component->cost()+10.00; } }
<?php namespace Libs; class ConcreteDecoratorSoup extends Decorator { public $_component; public function __construct($component) { echo "Oh,There is the construct of ConcreteDecoratorSoup.</br>"; if($component instanceof Component){ $this->_component = $component; } else { exit('Failure'); } } public function cost() { echo "There is the function of ConcreteDecoratorSoup named cost. <br/>"; return $this->_component->cost()+5.00; } }
<?php namespace Libs; class UseDecorator { public static function index() { $bun = new ConcreteComponentBun(); $cost = $bun->cost(); echo "The cost is {$cost} <br>"; echo "_________________________________________________</br>"; $salad_bun = new ConcreteDecoratorSalad($bun); $cost = $salad_bun->cost(); echo "The cost is {$cost} <br>"; echo "_________________________________________________</br>"; $soup_bun = new ConcreteDecoratorSoup($bun); $cost = $soup_bun->cost(); echo "The cost is {$cost} <br>"; echo "_________________________________________________</br>"; } }
1). Decorator模式与继承关系的目的都是要扩展对象的功能,但是Decorator可以提供比继承更多的灵活性。
2). 通过使用不同的具体装饰类以及这些装饰类的排列组合,设计师可以创造出很多不同行为的组合。
1). 这种比继承更加灵活机动的特性,也同时意味着更加多的复杂性。
2). 装饰模式会导致设计中出现许多小类,如果过度使用,会使程序变得很复杂。
3). 装饰模式是针对抽象组件(Component)类型编程。但是,如果你要针对具体组件编程时,就应该重新思考你的应用架构,以及装饰者是否合适。当然也可以改变Component接口,增加新的公开的行为,实现“半透明”的装饰者模式。在实际项目中要做出最佳选择。