int Add(int left, int right) { return left + right; } double Add(double left, int right) { return left + right; } int main() { Add(10, 20); //Add(10.0, 20.0); //这是一个问题代码 Add(10.0,20); //正常代码 return 0; }
class TakeBus { public: void TakeBusToSubway() { cout << "go to Subway--->please take bus of 318" << endl; } void TakeBusToStation() { cout << "go to Station--->pelase Take Bus of 306 or 915" << endl; } }; //知道了去哪要做什么车可不行,我们还得知道有没有这个车 class Bus { public: virtual void TakeBusToSomewhere(TakeBus& tb) = 0; //???为什么要等于0 }; class Subway:public Bus { public: virtual void TakeBusToSomewhere(TakeBus& tb) { tb.TakeBusToSubway(); } }; class Station :public Bus { public: virtual void TakeBusToSomewhere(TakeBus& tb) { tb.TakeBusToStation(); } }; int main() { TakeBus tb; Bus* b = NULL; //假设有十辆公交车,如果是奇数就是去地铁口的,反之就是去火车站的 for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { if ((rand() % i) & 1) b = new Subway; else b = new Station; } b->TakeBusToSomewhere(tb); delete b; return 0; }
原文: C++ 之 多态(非常非常重要,重点在后面)_熊二不二的博客-CSDN博客_多态c++