很多应用的Web框架都是基于MVC模式去设计的,这里Spring也不例外,同样提供了基于MVC的web框架Spring Web MVC ,通常我们称为SpringMVC。
<web-app> <listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class> </listener> <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/app-context.xml</param-value> </context-param> <servlet> <servlet-name>app</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value></param-value> </init-param> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>app</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/app/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> </web-app>
public class MyWebApplicationInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer { @Override public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) { AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext(); //注册配置类 context.register(AppConfig.class); //创建DispatcherServlet DispatcherServlet servlet = new DispatcherServlet(context); ServletRegistration.Dynamic registration = servletContext.addServlet("app", servlet); registration.setLoadOnStartup(1); registration.addMapping("/app/*"); } }
public class MyWebApplicationInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer { @Override public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) { AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext(); context.scan("com.test.spring.mvc"); // context.register(MvcConfig.class); DispatcherServlet servlet = new DispatcherServlet(context); ServletRegistration.Dynamic registration = servletContext.addServlet("dispatcherServlet", servlet); registration.setLoadOnStartup(1); registration.addMapping("/"); } } @RestController public class TestController { @GetMapping("/test") public String test(){ return "test"; } }
public interface Servlet { void init(ServletConfig var1) throws ServletException; ServletConfig getServletConfig(); void service(ServletRequest var1, ServletResponse var2) throws ServletException, IOException; String getServletInfo(); void destroy(); }
public abstract class GenericServlet implements Servlet, ServletConfig, Serializable { ... public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { this.config = config; this.init(); } public void init() throws ServletException { } ... }
public final void init() throws ServletException { if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug("Initializing servlet '" + this.getServletName() + "'"); } //init-param设置的Bean属性 PropertyValues pvs = new HttpServletBean.ServletConfigPropertyValues(this.getServletConfig(), this.requiredProperties); if (!pvs.isEmpty()) { try { //封装成IOC容器中的BeanWrapper BeanWrapper bw = PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(this); ResourceLoader resourceLoader = new ServletContextResourceLoader(this.getServletContext()); bw.registerCustomEditor(Resource.class, new ResourceEditor(resourceLoader, this.getEnvironment())); this.initBeanWrapper(bw); //属性注入 bw.setPropertyValues(pvs, true); } catch (BeansException var4) { if (this.logger.isErrorEnabled()) { this.logger.error("Failed to set bean properties on servlet '" + this.getServletName() + "'", var4); } throw var4; } } //初始化 this.initServletBean(); if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug("Servlet '" + this.getServletName() + "' configured successfully"); } }
protected final void initServletBean() throws ServletException { this.getServletContext().log("Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet '" + this.getServletName() + "'"); if (this.logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"FrameworkServlet '" + this.getServletName() + "': initialization started"); } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { this.webApplicationContext = this.initWebApplicationContext(); //空实现,子类扩展接口 this.initFrameworkServlet(); } catch (ServletException var5) { this.logger.error("Context initialization failed", var5); throw var5; } catch (RuntimeException var6) { this.logger.error("Context initialization failed", var6); throw var6; } if (this.logger.isInfoEnabled()) { long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;"FrameworkServlet '" + this.getServletName() + "': initialization completed in " + elapsedTime + " ms"); } }
protected WebApplicationContext initWebApplicationContext() { WebApplicationContext rootContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext()); WebApplicationContext wac = null; if (this.webApplicationContext != null) { wac = this.webApplicationContext; if (wac instanceof ConfigurableWebApplicationContext) { ConfigurableWebApplicationContext cwac = (ConfigurableWebApplicationContext)wac; if (!cwac.isActive()) { if (cwac.getParent() == null) { cwac.setParent(rootContext); } //配置和刷新ApplicationContext this.configureAndRefreshWebApplicationContext(cwac); } } } if (wac == null) { //加载ApplicationContext wac = this.findWebApplicationContext(); } if (wac == null) { //创建ApplicationContext wac = this.createWebApplicationContext(rootContext); } if (!this.refreshEventReceived) { this.onRefresh(wac); } if (this.publishContext) { //缓存到属性 String attrName = this.getServletContextAttributeName(); this.getServletContext().setAttribute(attrName, wac); if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug("Published WebApplicationContext of servlet '" + this.getServletName() + "' as ServletContext attribute with name [" + attrName + "]"); } } return wac; }
protected void onRefresh(ApplicationContext context) { this.initStrategies(context); } protected void initStrategies(ApplicationContext context) { this.initMultipartResolver(context); this.initLocaleResolver(context); this.initThemeResolver(context); this.initHandlerMappings(context); this.initHandlerAdapters(context); this.initHandlerExceptionResolvers(context); this.initRequestToViewNameTranslator(context); this.initViewResolvers(context); this.initFlashMapManager(context); }
protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { HttpMethod httpMethod = HttpMethod.resolve(request.getMethod()); if (HttpMethod.PATCH != httpMethod && httpMethod != null) { super.service(request, response); } else { this.processRequest(request, response); } }
protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { String method = req.getMethod(); long lastModified; if (method.equals("GET")) { lastModified = this.getLastModified(req); if (lastModified == -1L) { this.doGet(req, resp); } else { long ifModifiedSince = req.getDateHeader("If-Modified-Since"); if (ifModifiedSince < lastModified) { this.maybeSetLastModified(resp, lastModified); this.doGet(req, resp); } else { resp.setStatus(304); } } } else if (method.equals("HEAD")) { lastModified = this.getLastModified(req); this.maybeSetLastModified(resp, lastModified); this.doHead(req, resp); } else if (method.equals("POST")) { this.doPost(req, resp); } else if (method.equals("PUT")) { this.doPut(req, resp); } else if (method.equals("DELETE")) { this.doDelete(req, resp); } else if (method.equals("OPTIONS")) { this.doOptions(req, resp); } else if (method.equals("TRACE")) { this.doTrace(req, resp); } else { String errMsg = lStrings.getString("http.method_not_implemented"); Object[] errArgs = new Object[]{method}; errMsg = MessageFormat.format(errMsg, errArgs); resp.sendError(501, errMsg); } }
... protected final void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { this.processRequest(request, response); } protected final void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { this.processRequest(request, response); } protected final void doPut(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { this.processRequest(request, response); } ... protected final void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { //用于统计请求的处理时间 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Throwable failureCause = null; //保留请求的快照,语言环境、属性等 LocaleContext previousLocaleContext = LocaleContextHolder.getLocaleContext(); LocaleContext localeContext = this.buildLocaleContext(request); RequestAttributes previousAttributes = RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes(); ServletRequestAttributes requestAttributes = this.buildRequestAttributes(request, response, previousAttributes); WebAsyncManager asyncManager = WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(request); asyncManager.registerCallableInterceptor(FrameworkServlet.class.getName(), new FrameworkServlet.RequestBindingInterceptor()); this.initContextHolders(request, localeContext, requestAttributes); try { //请求处理 this.doService(request, response); } catch (IOException | ServletException var16) { failureCause = var16; throw var16; } catch (Throwable var17) { failureCause = var17; throw new NestedServletException("Request processing failed", var17); } finally { //恢复原始属性 this.resetContextHolders(request, previousLocaleContext, previousAttributes); if (requestAttributes != null) { requestAttributes.requestCompleted(); } if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (failureCause != null) { this.logger.debug("Could not complete request", (Throwable)failureCause); } else if (asyncManager.isConcurrentHandlingStarted()) { this.logger.debug("Leaving response open for concurrent processing"); } else { this.logger.debug("Successfully completed request"); } } //发布请求处理事件 this.publishRequestHandledEvent(request, response, startTime, (Throwable)failureCause); } }
protected void doService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { String resumed = WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(request).hasConcurrentResult() ? " resumed" : ""; this.logger.debug("DispatcherServlet with name '" + this.getServletName() + "'" + resumed + " processing " + request.getMethod() + " request for [" + getRequestUri(request) + "]"); } Map<String, Object> attributesSnapshot = null; if (WebUtils.isIncludeRequest(request)) { attributesSnapshot = new HashMap(); Enumeration attrNames = request.getAttributeNames(); label112: while(true) { String attrName; do { if (!attrNames.hasMoreElements()) { break label112; } attrName = (String)attrNames.nextElement(); } while(!this.cleanupAfterInclude && !attrName.startsWith("org.springframework.web.servlet")); attributesSnapshot.put(attrName, request.getAttribute(attrName)); } } request.setAttribute(WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE, this.getWebApplicationContext()); request.setAttribute(LOCALE_RESOLVER_ATTRIBUTE, this.localeResolver); request.setAttribute(THEME_RESOLVER_ATTRIBUTE, this.themeResolver); request.setAttribute(THEME_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE, this.getThemeSource()); if (this.flashMapManager != null) { FlashMap inputFlashMap = this.flashMapManager.retrieveAndUpdate(request, response); if (inputFlashMap != null) { request.setAttribute(INPUT_FLASH_MAP_ATTRIBUTE, Collections.unmodifiableMap(inputFlashMap)); } request.setAttribute(OUTPUT_FLASH_MAP_ATTRIBUTE, new FlashMap()); request.setAttribute(FLASH_MAP_MANAGER_ATTRIBUTE, this.flashMapManager); } try { this.doDispatch(request, response); } finally { if (!WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(request).isConcurrentHandlingStarted() && attributesSnapshot != null) { this.restoreAttributesAfterInclude(request, attributesSnapshot); } } }
protected void doDispatch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { HttpServletRequest processedRequest = request; HandlerExecutionChain mappedHandler = null; boolean multipartRequestParsed = false; WebAsyncManager asyncManager = WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(request); try { try { ModelAndView mv = null; Object dispatchException = null; try { //多部分请求检查转换 processedRequest = this.checkMultipart(request); multipartRequestParsed = processedRequest != request; //获取请求对应的Handler mappedHandler = this.getHandler(processedRequest); if (mappedHandler == null) { this.noHandlerFound(processedRequest, response); return; } //获取HandlerAdapter HandlerAdapter ha = this.getHandlerAdapter(mappedHandler.getHandler()); String method = request.getMethod(); boolean isGet = "GET".equals(method); if (isGet || "HEAD".equals(method)) { //Last-Modified缓存机制 long lastModified = ha.getLastModified(request, mappedHandler.getHandler()); if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug("Last-Modified value for [" + getRequestUri(request) + "] is: " + lastModified); } if ((new ServletWebRequest(request, response)).checkNotModified(lastModified) && isGet) { return; } } //前置处理 if (!mappedHandler.applyPreHandle(processedRequest, response)) { return; } //处理请求 mv = ha.handle(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler.getHandler()); if (asyncManager.isConcurrentHandlingStarted()) { return; } //应用默认视图名称 this.applyDefaultViewName(processedRequest, mv); //后置处理 mappedHandler.applyPostHandle(processedRequest, response, mv); } catch (Exception var20) { dispatchException = var20; } catch (Throwable var21) { dispatchException = new NestedServletException("Handler dispatch failed", var21); } //结果处理 this.processDispatchResult(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler, mv, (Exception)dispatchException); } catch (Exception var22) { this.triggerAfterCompletion(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler, var22); } catch (Throwable var23) { this.triggerAfterCompletion(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler, new NestedServletException("Handler processing failed", var23)); } } finally { if (asyncManager.isConcurrentHandlingStarted()) { if (mappedHandler != null) { mappedHandler.applyAfterConcurrentHandlingStarted(processedRequest, response); } } else if (multipartRequestParsed) { this.cleanupMultipart(processedRequest); } } }
protected HttpServletRequest checkMultipart(HttpServletRequest request) throws MultipartException { if (this.multipartResolver != null && this.multipartResolver.isMultipart(request)) { if (WebUtils.getNativeRequest(request, MultipartHttpServletRequest.class) != null) { this.logger.debug("Request is already a MultipartHttpServletRequest - if not in a forward, this typically results from an additional MultipartFilter in web.xml"); } else if (this.hasMultipartException(request)) { this.logger.debug("Multipart resolution failed for current request before - skipping re-resolution for undisturbed error rendering"); } else { try { return this.multipartResolver.resolveMultipart(request); } catch (MultipartException var3) { if (request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.error.exception") == null) { throw var3; } } this.logger.debug("Multipart resolution failed for error dispatch", var3); } } return request; }
@Nullable protected HandlerExecutionChain getHandler(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { if (this.handlerMappings != null) { Iterator var2 = this.handlerMappings.iterator(); while(var2.hasNext()) { HandlerMapping hm = (HandlerMapping); if (this.logger.isTraceEnabled()) { this.logger.trace("Testing handler map [" + hm + "] in DispatcherServlet with name '" + this.getServletName() + "'"); } HandlerExecutionChain handler = hm.getHandler(request); if (handler != null) { return handler; } } } return null; }
@Nullable public final HandlerExecutionChain getHandler(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { //获取对应的HandlerMethod Object handler = this.getHandlerInternal(request); if (handler == null) { handler = this.getDefaultHandler(); } if (handler == null) { return null; } else { if (handler instanceof String) { String handlerName = (String)handler; handler = this.obtainApplicationContext().getBean(handlerName); } //封装到执行链中 HandlerExecutionChain executionChain = this.getHandlerExecutionChain(handler, request); //跨域处理 if (CorsUtils.isCorsRequest(request)) { CorsConfiguration globalConfig = this.globalCorsConfigSource.getCorsConfiguration(request); CorsConfiguration handlerConfig = this.getCorsConfiguration(handler, request); CorsConfiguration config = globalConfig != null ? globalConfig.combine(handlerConfig) : handlerConfig; executionChain = this.getCorsHandlerExecutionChain(request, executionChain, config); } return executionChain; } }
protected HandlerMethod getHandlerInternal(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { //截取有效的url路径 String lookupPath = this.getUrlPathHelper().getLookupPathForRequest(request); if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug("Looking up handler method for path " + lookupPath); } //获取读锁 this.mappingRegistry.acquireReadLock(); HandlerMethod var4; try { //通过路径查找HandlerMethod HandlerMethod handlerMethod = this.lookupHandlerMethod(lookupPath, request); if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (handlerMethod != null) { this.logger.debug("Returning handler method [" + handlerMethod + "]"); } else { this.logger.debug("Did not find handler method for [" + lookupPath + "]"); } } //从容器中获取Controller对象并封装成HandlerMethod var4 = handlerMethod != null ? handlerMethod.createWithResolvedBean() : null; } finally { //释放读锁 this.mappingRegistry.releaseReadLock(); } return var4; }
@Nullable protected HandlerMethod lookupHandlerMethod(String lookupPath, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { List<AbstractHandlerMethodMapping<T>.Match> matches = new ArrayList(); //获取已注册的路径 List<T> directPathMatches = this.mappingRegistry.getMappingsByUrl(lookupPath); if (directPathMatches != null) { //匹配Controller并添加到matches中 this.addMatchingMappings(directPathMatches, matches, request); } if (matches.isEmpty()) { this.addMatchingMappings(this.mappingRegistry.getMappings().keySet(), matches, request); } if (!matches.isEmpty()) { //对HandlerMethodMapping排序 Comparator<AbstractHandlerMethodMapping<T>.Match> comparator = new AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.MatchComparator(this.getMappingComparator(request)); Collections.sort(matches, comparator); if (this.logger.isTraceEnabled()) { this.logger.trace("Found " + matches.size() + " matching mapping(s) for [" + lookupPath + "] : " + matches); } AbstractHandlerMethodMapping<T>.Match bestMatch = (AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.Match)matches.get(0); if (matches.size() > 1) { if (CorsUtils.isPreFlightRequest(request)) { return PREFLIGHT_AMBIGUOUS_MATCH; } AbstractHandlerMethodMapping<T>.Match secondBestMatch = (AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.Match)matches.get(1); //匹配多个相同handler则抛出异常 if (, secondBestMatch) == 0) { Method m1 = bestMatch.handlerMethod.getMethod(); Method m2 = secondBestMatch.handlerMethod.getMethod(); throw new IllegalStateException("Ambiguous handler methods mapped for HTTP path '" + request.getRequestURL() + "': {" + m1 + ", " + m2 + "}"); } } this.handleMatch(bestMatch.mapping, lookupPath, request); return bestMatch.handlerMethod; } else { return this.handleNoMatch(this.mappingRegistry.getMappings().keySet(), lookupPath, request); } } private void addMatchingMappings(Collection<T> mappings, List<AbstractHandlerMethodMapping<T>.Match> matches, HttpServletRequest request) { Iterator var4 = mappings.iterator(); while(var4.hasNext()) { T mapping =; //匹配Mapping T match = this.getMatchingMapping(mapping, request); if (match != null) { matches.add(new AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.Match(match, (HandlerMethod)this.mappingRegistry.getMappings().get(mapping))); } } }
protected HandlerAdapter getHandlerAdapter(Object handler) throws ServletException { if (this.handlerAdapters != null) { Iterator var2 = this.handlerAdapters.iterator(); while(var2.hasNext()) { HandlerAdapter ha = (HandlerAdapter); if (this.logger.isTraceEnabled()) { this.logger.trace("Testing handler adapter [" + ha + "]"); } if (ha.supports(handler)) { return ha; } } } throw new ServletException("No adapter for handler [" + handler + "]: The DispatcherServlet configuration needs to include a HandlerAdapter that supports this handler"); }
public interface HandlerInterceptor { //处置处理 default boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception { return true; } //后置处理 default void postHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, @Nullable ModelAndView modelAndView) throws Exception { } //完成后处理 default void afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, @Nullable Exception ex) throws Exception { } }
@Nullable public final ModelAndView handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception { return this.handleInternal(request, response, (HandlerMethod)handler); }
protected ModelAndView handleInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, HandlerMethod handlerMethod) throws Exception { this.checkRequest(request); ModelAndView mav; //会话同步 if (this.synchronizeOnSession) { HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); if (session != null) { Object mutex = WebUtils.getSessionMutex(session); synchronized(mutex) { //处理逻辑 mav = this.invokeHandlerMethod(request, response, handlerMethod); } } else { //处理逻辑 mav = this.invokeHandlerMethod(request, response, handlerMethod); } } else { //处理逻辑 mav = this.invokeHandlerMethod(request, response, handlerMethod); } if (!response.containsHeader("Cache-Control")) { //会话缓存 if (this.getSessionAttributesHandler(handlerMethod).hasSessionAttributes()) { this.applyCacheSeconds(response, this.cacheSecondsForSessionAttributeHandlers); } else { this.prepareResponse(response); } } return mav; }
private void processDispatchResult(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable HandlerExecutionChain mappedHandler, @Nullable ModelAndView mv, @Nullable Exception exception) throws Exception { boolean errorView = false; if (exception != null) { if (exception instanceof ModelAndViewDefiningException) { this.logger.debug("ModelAndViewDefiningException encountered", exception); mv = ((ModelAndViewDefiningException)exception).getModelAndView(); } else { Object handler = mappedHandler != null ? mappedHandler.getHandler() : null; mv = this.processHandlerException(request, response, handler, exception); errorView = mv != null; } } if (mv != null && !mv.wasCleared()) { this.render(mv, request, response); if (errorView) { WebUtils.clearErrorRequestAttributes(request); } } else if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug("Null ModelAndView returned to DispatcherServlet with name '" + this.getServletName() + "': assuming HandlerAdapter completed request handling"); } if (!WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(request).isConcurrentHandlingStarted()) { if (mappedHandler != null) { mappedHandler.triggerAfterCompletion(request, response, (Exception)null); } } }
@Nullable protected ModelAndView processHandlerException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable Object handler, Exception ex) throws Exception { ModelAndView exMv = null; if (this.handlerExceptionResolvers != null) { Iterator var6 = this.handlerExceptionResolvers.iterator(); while(var6.hasNext()) { HandlerExceptionResolver handlerExceptionResolver = (HandlerExceptionResolver); exMv = handlerExceptionResolver.resolveException(request, response, handler, ex); if (exMv != null) { break; } } } if (exMv != null) { if (exMv.isEmpty()) { request.setAttribute(EXCEPTION_ATTRIBUTE, ex); return null; } else { if (!exMv.hasView()) { String defaultViewName = this.getDefaultViewName(request); if (defaultViewName != null) { exMv.setViewName(defaultViewName); } } if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug("Handler execution resulted in exception - forwarding to resolved error view: " + exMv, ex); } WebUtils.exposeErrorRequestAttributes(request, ex, this.getServletName()); return exMv; } } else { throw ex; } } @Nullable public ModelAndView resolveException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable Object handler, Exception ex) { if (this.shouldApplyTo(request, handler)) { if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug("Resolving exception from handler [" + handler + "]: " + ex); } this.prepareResponse(ex, response); ModelAndView result = this.doResolveException(request, response, handler, ex); if (result != null) { this.logException(ex, request); } return result; } else { return null; } }
protected void render(ModelAndView mv, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { Locale locale = this.localeResolver != null ? this.localeResolver.resolveLocale(request) : request.getLocale(); response.setLocale(locale); //获取视图名称 String viewName = mv.getViewName(); View view; if (viewName != null) { //视图解析 view = this.resolveViewName(viewName, mv.getModelInternal(), locale, request); if (view == null) { throw new ServletException("Could not resolve view with name '" + mv.getViewName() + "' in servlet with name '" + this.getServletName() + "'"); } } else { view = mv.getView(); if (view == null) { throw new ServletException("ModelAndView [" + mv + "] neither contains a view name nor a View object in servlet with name '" + this.getServletName() + "'"); } } if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug("Rendering view [" + view + "] in DispatcherServlet with name '" + this.getServletName() + "'"); } try { if (mv.getStatus() != null) { response.setStatus(mv.getStatus().value()); } //视图渲染 view.render(mv.getModelInternal(), request, response); } catch (Exception var8) { if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this.logger.debug("Error rendering view [" + view + "] in DispatcherServlet with name '" + this.getServletName() + "'", var8); } throw var8; } }