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#include <iostream> using namespace std; template<typename T> class smartPtr { private: T* _ptr; int* _count; public: smartPtr(T* ptr = nullptr) :_ptr(ptr), _count(new int(1)) { cout << "Constructor is called!" << endl; } smartPtr(const smartPtr<T>& ptr) :_ptr(ptr._ptr), _count(ptr._count) { ++(*_count); cout << "Copy constructor is called!" << endl; } smartPtr<T>& operator=(const smartPtr<T>& ptr){ ++(*ptr._count); //防止自赋值带来的提前释放 if (--(*_count) == 0) { delete _count; delete _ptr; cout << "original object is deleted!" << endl; } _ptr = ptr._ptr; _count = ptr._count; cout << "Assignment operator overloaded is called!" << endl; return *this; } ~smartPtr() { if (--(*_count) == 0) { delete _ptr; delete _count; _ptr = nullptr; _count = nullptr; cout << "Destructor is called!" << endl; } } }; int main() { // Test Constructor and Assignment Operator Overloaded smartPtr<int> p1(new int(0)); p1 = p1; // Test Copy Constructor smartPtr<int> p2(p1); // Test Assignment Operator Overloaded smartPtr<int> p3(new int(1)); p3 = p1; return 0; }