import multiprocessing
sub_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=任务名)
参数名 | 说明 |
target | 执行的目标任务名,这里指函数名(方法名) |
name | 进程名,一般不用设置 |
group | 进程组,目前只能使用None |
""" 1. 导入进程包 import multiprocessing 2. 通过进程类创建进程对象 sub_process = multiprocessing.Process() 3. 启动进程执行任务 sub_process.start() """ import multiprocessing import time def sing(): for i in range(3): print("sing") time.sleep(0.5) def dance(): for i in range(3): print("dance") time.sleep(0.5) if __name__ == '__main__': # 创建子进程sing sing_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=sing) # 创建子进程dance dance_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=dance) # 启动进程 sing_process.start() dance_process.start()
参数名 | 说明 |
args | 以元组的形式传参 |
kwargs | 以字典的形式传参 |
if __name__ == '__main__': # args: 元组形式传参 sing_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=sing, args=(3,)) # kwargs: 字典形式传参 dance_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=dance, kwargs={"num": 3}) sing_process.start() dance_process.start()
import os pid = os.getpid() print(pid)
import multiprocessing import time import os def sing(num, name): print("sing - current process id", os.getpid()) print("sing - parent's process id", os.getppid()) for i in range(num): print(name) print("sing...") time.sleep(0.5) def dance(num, name): print("dance - current process id", os.getpid()) print("dance - the parent's process id", os.getppid()) for i in range(num): print(name) print("dance...") time.sleep(0.5) if __name__ == '__main__': sing_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=sing, args=(3, "mateo")) dance_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=dance, kwargs={"num": 3, "name": "ciro"}) sing_process.start() dance_process.start()
sub_process.daemon = True
import multiprocessing import os import time def copy_file(filename, source_dir, destination_dir): # 1. 拼接源文件路径和目标文件路径 source_path = source_dir + "/" + filename destination_path = destination_dir + "/" + filename # 2. 打开源文件和目标文件 with open(source_path, "rb") as source_file: with open(destination_path, "wb") as destination_file: # 3. 循环读取源文件到目标路径 while True: data = if data: destination_file.write(data) else: break if __name__ == '__main__': # 1. 定义源文件夹和目标文件夹 source_dir = r"D:\python\cs61a\resources\tutorials video" destination_dir = "videos" # 2. 创建目标文件夹 try: os.mkdir(destination_dir) except OSError: print("folder exists") # 3. 读取源文件夹的文件列表 file_list = os.listdir(source_dir) # 开始时间 start_time = time.perf_counter() # 4. 遍历文件列表实现拷贝 sub_processes = [] for filename in file_list: # copy_file(filename, source_dir, destination_dir) # 5. 使用多进程实现多任务拷贝 sub_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=copy_file, args=(filename, source_dir, destination_dir)) sub_process.start() sub_processes.append(sub_process) # 结束时间 for sub_process in sub_processes: sub_process.join() end_time = time.perf_counter() print("并发使用时间:", end_time - start_time)
结果1: 并发使用时间: 1.0547636 s, 单线程使用时间: 1.2491160000000001 s
结果2: 并发使用时间: 0.8891155999999999 s, 单线程使用时间: 1.1450036 s
import threading
sub_thread = threading.Thread(target=任务名)
参数名 | 说明 |
target | 执行的目标任务名,这里指函数名(方法名) |
name | 线程名,一般不用设置 |
group | 线程组,目前只能使用None |
""" 1. 导入线程模块 import threading 2. 通过线程类创建进程对象sub_process sub_thread = threading.Thread(target=任务名) 3. 启动线程并执行任务 sub_thread.start() """ import time import threading def sing(): for i in range(3): print("sing...") time.sleep(1) def dance(): for i in range(3): print("dance...") time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': sing_thread = threading.Thread(target=sing) dance_thread = threading.Thread(target=dance) sing_thread.start() dance_thread.start()
参数名 | 说明 |
args | 以元组的形式传参 |
kwargs | 以字典的形式传参 |
if __name__ == '__main__': # args: 元组形式传参 sing_thread = threading.Thread(target=sing, args=(3,)) # kwargs: 字典形式传参 dance_thread = threading.Thread(target=dance, kwargs={"num": 3}) sing_thread.start() dance_thread.start()
# 设置守护主进程方式 1 work_thread = threading.Thread(target=work, daemon=True) # 设置守护主进程方式 2 # work_thread.setDaemon(True)
import time import threading def task(): time.sleep(1) # current_thread 获取当前线程的线程对象 thread = threading.current_thread() print(thread) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(5): sub_thread = threading.Thread(target=task) sub_thread.start()
import threading import os import time def copy_file(filename, source_dir, destination_dir): # 1. 拼接源文件路径和目标文件路径 source_path = source_dir + "/" + filename destination_path = destination_dir + "/" + filename # 2. 打开源文件和目标文件 with open(source_path, "rb") as source_file: with open(destination_path, "wb") as destination_file: # 3. 循环读取源文件到目标路径 while True: data = if data: destination_file.write(data) else: break if __name__ == '__main__': # 1. 定义源文件夹和目标文件夹 source_dir = r"D:\python\cs61a\resources\tutorials video" destination_dir = "videos" # 2. 创建目标文件夹 try: os.mkdir(destination_dir) except OSError: print("folder exists") # 3. 读取源文件夹的文件列表 file_list = os.listdir(source_dir) # 开始时间 start_time = time.perf_counter() # 4. 遍历文件列表实现拷贝 sub_threads = [] for filename in file_list: # copy_file(filename, source_dir, destination_dir) # 5. 使用多进程实现多任务拷贝 sub_thread = threading.Thread(target=copy_file, args=(filename, source_dir, destination_dir)) sub_thread.start() sub_threads.append(sub_thread) # 结束时间 for sub_thread in sub_threads: sub_thread.join() end_time = time.perf_counter() print("并发使用时间:", end_time - start_time, "s")
结果1: 并发使用时间: 0.6955842 s
结果2: 并发使用时间: 0.5768514 s