通过定期输出 每条产品的 BUG 情况,以此来反馈开发解决问题、测试跟进问题的情况;钉钉群推送提醒开发及时解决
以此我这边开始着手准备编写一个小工具,最终达到目的:自动定期发送统计报告,报告维度(数据 + html展示)。
from datetime import datetime from middleware.config_handler import db_connect """针对产品返回所有bug信息""" def sql_pakeage(productid): """ BUG状态统计SQL封装 :param productid: :return: """ bug_sql = "select count(*) from zt_bug where product in %s and deleted='0'"% ( productid) resolved_bug_sql = "select count(*) from zt_bug where product in %s and deleted = '0' and `status` = 'resolved' and resolution <> 'postponed' " % ( productid) not_resolved_bug_sql = "select count(*) from zt_bug where product in %s and deleted = '0' and `status` = 'active' " % ( productid) postponed_bug_sql = "select count(*) from zt_bug where product in %s and deleted = '0' and `status` <> 'closed' and resolution = 'postponed' " % ( productid) closed_bug_sql = "select count(*) from zt_bug where product in %s and deleted = '0' and `status` = 'closed' " % ( productid) return bug_sql,resolved_bug_sql,not_resolved_bug_sql,postponed_bug_sql,closed_bug_sql def test_product_bug(productid): """ 产品BUG情况统计 :param productid: :return: """ #总bug数 all_bug=db_connect.query_sql_df(sql_pakeage(productid)[0]) #已解决bug数 resolved_bug = db_connect.query_sql_df(sql_pakeage(productid)[1]) # 未解决BUG数(当前显示BUG状态为未解决的。包含当前还没被解决的、之前遗留的未解决、以及reopen的BUG(累计数据)) not_resolved_bug = db_connect.query_sql_df(sql_pakeage(productid)[2]) # 延期BUG数 postponed_bug= db_connect.query_sql_df( sql_pakeage(productid)[3]) # 已关闭BUG数 closed_bug = db_connect.query_sql_df(sql_pakeage(productid)[4]) statistics_bug = { "总BUG数":all_bug[0],"已解决BUG": resolved_bug[0], "未解决BUG": not_resolved_bug[0], "已关闭BUG": closed_bug[0], "延期解决BUG": postponed_bug[0]} print(statistics_bug) return statistics_bug def test_product_bug_near(day, product): """ 最近总的BUG情况统计统计 :param: day 根据输入天数 :return: """ now = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=8)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') #服务器时区要 + 8h recent_sevenday = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=day)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") new_near_bug = db_connect.query_sql_df("""SELECT count(*) from zt_bug b where b.product in %s and openedDate between "%s" and "%s";"""%(product, recent_sevenday, now)) open_bug = db_connect.query_sql_df("""SELECT count(*) from zt_bug b where b.product in %s and b.STATUS = "active" and openedDate between "%s" and "%s";"""%(product, recent_sevenday, now)) close_bug = db_connect.query_sql_df("""SELECT count(*) from zt_bug b where b.product in %s and b.STATUS = "closed" and openedDate between "%s" and "%s";"""%(product, recent_sevenday, now)) close_unbug = db_connect.query_sql_df("""SELECT count(*) from zt_bug b where b.product in %s and b.STATUS = "resolved" and openedDate between "%s" and "%s";"""%(product, recent_sevenday, now)) statistics_bug = { "本周新增BUG数":new_near_bug[0], "本周未解决BUG数":open_bug[0],"本周已解决BUG数":close_bug[0],"本周已解决待验证BUG数":close_unbug[0]} return statistics_bug def bug_count(day, product): """ 最近总的BUG情况统计明细数据 :param: day 根据输入天数 :return: """ now = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=8)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') #服务器时区要 + 8h now_day = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') recent_sevenday = (datetime.datetime.now()-datetime.timedelta(days=day)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") bug_sql = """ SELECT p.name,b.title,b.assignedTo,b.severity,b.type,b.status,b.openedBy, CAST(openedDate AS CHAR) AS openedDate from zt_bug b left join zt_product p on b.product = p.id where b.STATUS <> 'closed' and b.product in %s and openedDate between "%s" and "%s";"""%(product, recent_sevenday, now) print(bug_sql) recent_sevenday_bug = db_connect.query_sql_df(bug_sql) return recent_sevenday_bug
import json import urllib.request from config.path_config import data_file from handler.loguru_handler import logger def send_bug(url, data_file): # url = r"https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=XXXXXXX" logger.info("构建钉钉机器人的webhook") header = {"Content-Type": "application/json","Charset": "UTF-8"} with open(data_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: conntent = f.read() data = { "msgtype": "markdown", "markdown": { "title": "测试bug统计", "text": conntent }, "at": { "isAtAll": False #@全体成员(在此可设置@特定某人) } } logger.info(f"构建请求内容:{data}") sendData = json.dumps(data) sendData = sendData.encode("utf-8") request = urllib.request.Request(url=url, data=sendData, headers=header) logger.info("发送请求") opener = urllib.request.urlopen(request) logger.info("请求求发回的数据构建成为文件格式") res = opener.read() logger.info(f"返回结果为:{res}")
def bug_html(lis ,html_file): """ 对查询bug明细转html文件 :param lis :param html_file """ conten_title = [] for key in lis[0]: conten_title.append(key) a = "</th><th>".join(conten_title) con_title = "<tr><th>" + a + "</th></tr>" conten_val = [] con = "" for i in range(0, len(lis)): for index, v in enumerate(lis[i]): if index ==0: lis[i][v] ="<tr><td>" + lis[i][v] con = con + str(lis[i][v]) + "</td><td>" con = con[0:-2] +"r>" con = con + "\n" head = """<meta charset="utf-8"> <style type="text/css"> table.tftable {font-size:12px;color:#333333;width:100%;border-width: 1px;border-color: #9dcc7a;border-collapse: collapse;} table.tftable th {font-size:12px;background-color:#abd28e;border-width: 1px;padding: 8px;border-style: solid;border-color: #9dcc7a;text-align:left;} table.tftable tr {background-color:#ffffff;} table.tftable td {font-size:12px;border-width: 1px;padding: 8px;border-style: solid;border-color: #9dcc7a;} </style>\n<table id="tfhover" class="tftable" border="1">\n""" last = "</table>" htm = head + con_title + con + last with open(html_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(htm)
新增,新增日期为本周内的(包括本周内被解决或关闭的 BUG)
已解决,解决日期为本周内的。被开发设定为已解决的。其中可能有部分是上周遗留下来的,体现了开发在本周的变化情况(包括设计如此、重复 BUG、外部原因、无法重现、不予解决、转为需求),不包含延期处理
未解决,当前显示 BUG 状态为未解决的。包含当前还没被解决的、之前遗留的未解决、以及 reopen 的 BUG(累计数据)
延期解决,当前显示 BUG 状态为 延期处理的。BUG 状态中新增一个延期解决 (累计数据)