一般的做法就是用 CSS 的 cover 和 contain 来处理.
由于 cover 只会保留中间信息, 所以很多时候需要人工裁剪.
Azure SDK for .NET
Sample code
1. 到 Azure portal 创建 Computer Vision
没有什么特别的, 默认就可以了 (注: 一个 account 只能有一个 free 的 Computer Vision 哦)
2. 进入 Computer Vision Resource > Keys and Endpoint 把 key 和 endpoint 抄起来
3. 安装 SDK
dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.ComputerVision
2 个核心功能, 第 1 个是获取全图焦点, 第 2 个是给定要求智能裁剪
[HttpPost("SmartCrop")] public async Task<ActionResult> SmartCropAsync() { var subscriptionKey = "key"; var endpoint = "https://jbreviews-cv.cognitiveservices.azure.com/"; var client = new ComputerVisionClient(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscriptionKey)) { Endpoint = endpoint }; var imageFileFullPath = @"WebApi\Controller\Test\SmartCrop\10.png"; using var imageStream = new FileStream(imageFileFullPath, FileMode.Open); // get area of interest var areaOfInterestResult = await client.GetAreaOfInterestInStreamAsync(imageStream); // 这里返回之后 imageStream 就自动被 close 了 using var image = Image.Load(imageFileFullPath); var croppedImage = image.Clone(imageProcessing => { imageProcessing.Crop(new Rectangle( x: areaOfInterestResult.AreaOfInterest.X, y: areaOfInterestResult.AreaOfInterest.Y, width: areaOfInterestResult.AreaOfInterest.W, height: areaOfInterestResult.AreaOfInterest.H) ); }); croppedImage.SaveAsJpeg( @"WebApi\Controller\Test\SmartCrop\11.png", new SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegEncoder { Quality = 85 } ); // get smart crop image using var imageStream2 = new FileStream(imageFileFullPath, FileMode.Open); var croppedImageStream = await client.GenerateThumbnailInStreamAsync(300, 100, imageStream2, smartCropping: true); using var imageFileStream = System.IO.File.Create(@"WebApi\Controller\Test\SmartCrop\12.png"); croppedImageStream.CopyTo(imageFileStream); return Ok(); }