#include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; #define MAXVERTEX 15 #define INFINI 65555 struct GraphAdjaMatrix { char vertexes[MAXVERTEX]; int edges[MAXVERTEX][MAXVERTEX]; int numVertexes; int numEdges; }; struct AdjaListNode { int indexOfVertex; int weightOfEdge; AdjaListNode* pt; }; struct AdjListHead { char vertex; AdjaListNode* pt; }; struct GraphAdjaList { AdjListHead vertexes[MAXVERTEX]; int numVertexes; int numEdges; }; extern void createGraphAdjMatrix(GraphAdjaMatrix &graphAdjMatrix, int numVertexes,int numEdges,int edges[][6],char vertexes[]); extern void createGraphAdjList(GraphAdjaList &graphAdjList, int numVertexes, int numEdges, int edges[][6], char vertexes[]); extern void dispalyGraphAdjMatrix(GraphAdjaMatrix &graphAdjMatrix); extern void displayGrapgAdjList(GraphAdjaList &graphAdjList); extern void DFSFindPath(GraphAdjaList& graphAdjList, int start,int end,int indexesInPath[],int pathLength); int main() { GraphAdjaMatrix graphAdjMatrix ; GraphAdjaList graphAdjList; int numVertexes = 6, numEdges = 10; int edges[][6] = { {0,5,INFINI,7,INFINI,INFINI}, {INFINI,0,4,INFINI,INFINI,INFINI}, {8,INFINI,0,INFINI,INFINI,9}, {INFINI,INFINI,5,0,INFINI,6}, {INFINI,INFINI,INFINI,5,0,INFINI}, {3,INFINI,INFINI,INFINI,1,0} }; char vertexes[] = {'a','b','c','d','e','f'}; createGraphAdjMatrix(graphAdjMatrix,numVertexes,numEdges,edges,vertexes); createGraphAdjList(graphAdjList,numVertexes,numEdges,edges,vertexes); dispalyGraphAdjMatrix(graphAdjMatrix); cout << endl; displayGrapgAdjList(graphAdjList); cout << endl; int start, end, indexInPath[MAXVERTEX], pathLength; char goOn; do { cout << "input the indexes of the start and end vertex : "; cin >> start >> end; pathLength = 0; DFSFindPath(graphAdjList,start,end,indexInPath,pathLength); cout << endl; cout << "input 'y' or 'n' to decide whether to continue search path : "; cin >> goOn; } while (goOn == 'Y' || goOn == 'y'); return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; #define MAXVERTEX 15 #define INFINI 65555 struct GraphAdjaMatrix { char vertexes[MAXVERTEX]; int edges[MAXVERTEX][MAXVERTEX]; int numVertexes; int numEdges; }; struct AdjaListNode { int indexOfVertex; int weightOfEdge; AdjaListNode* pt; }; struct AdjListHead { char vertex; AdjaListNode* pt; }; struct GraphAdjaList { AdjListHead vertexes[MAXVERTEX]; int numVertexes; int numEdges; }; void createGraphAdjMatrix(GraphAdjaMatrix &graphAdjMatrix, int numVertexes, int numEdges, int edges[][6], char vertexes[]) { graphAdjMatrix.numVertexes = numVertexes; graphAdjMatrix.numEdges = numEdges; for (int i = 0; i < numVertexes; i++) graphAdjMatrix.vertexes[i] = vertexes[i]; for (int row = 0; row < numVertexes; row++) for (int column = 0; column < numVertexes; column++) graphAdjMatrix.edges[row][column] = edges[row][column]; } void createGraphAdjList(GraphAdjaList &graphAdjList, int numVertexes, int numEdges, int edges[][6], char vertexes[]){ graphAdjList.numEdges = numEdges; graphAdjList.numVertexes = numVertexes; for (int i = 0; i < MAXVERTEX; i++) graphAdjList.vertexes[i].pt = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < numVertexes; i++) graphAdjList.vertexes[i].vertex = vertexes[i]; AdjaListNode* ptTail = NULL,*ptNew; int i, j; for ( i = 0; i < numVertexes; i++) for (j = 0; j < numVertexes; j++) if (edges[i][j] != 0 && edges[i][j] != INFINI) { ptNew = new AdjaListNode; ptNew->indexOfVertex = j; ptNew->weightOfEdge = edges[i][j]; if (graphAdjList.vertexes[i].pt == NULL) { ptNew->pt = NULL; graphAdjList.vertexes[i].pt = ptNew; ptTail = ptNew; } else { ptNew->pt = ptTail->pt; ptTail->pt = ptNew; ptTail = ptNew; } } } void dispalyGraphAdjMatrix(GraphAdjaMatrix &graphAdjMatrix) { cout << "adjacensy matrix :" << endl; int row,column; printf("%3c",' '); for (row = 0; row < graphAdjMatrix.numVertexes; row++) printf("%3c",graphAdjMatrix.vertexes[row]); printf("\n"); for (row = 0; row < graphAdjMatrix.numVertexes; row++) { printf("%-3c", graphAdjMatrix.vertexes[row]); for (column = 0; column < graphAdjMatrix.numVertexes; column++) if (graphAdjMatrix.edges[row][column] == INFINI) printf("%3s", "∞"); else printf("%3d",graphAdjMatrix.edges[row][column]); cout << endl; } } void displayGrapgAdjList(GraphAdjaList &graphAdjList) { cout << "graph adjacency list : " << endl; AdjaListNode* pt; int index; for (int i = 0; i < graphAdjList.numVertexes; i++) { printf("%2c:",graphAdjList.vertexes[i].vertex); pt = graphAdjList.vertexes[i].pt; while (pt != NULL) { index = pt->indexOfVertex; printf("%5c(%d)",graphAdjList.vertexes[index].vertex,pt->weightOfEdge); pt = pt->pt; } cout << endl; } } void DFSFindPath(GraphAdjaList& graphAdjList, int start, int end, int indexesInPath[], int pathLength) { AdjaListNode* pt; int newStart; bool repeat; if (start != end) { indexesInPath[pathLength] = start; pathLength++; if (pathLength >= graphAdjList.numVertexes) { cout << "have no such path connect the two vertexes;" << endl; return; } else { pt = graphAdjList.vertexes[start].pt; while (pt != NULL) { newStart = pt->indexOfVertex; repeat = false; for(int i = 0 ; i < pathLength ; i++) if (indexesInPath[i] == newStart) { repeat = true; break; } if (!repeat) DFSFindPath(graphAdjList,newStart,end,indexesInPath,pathLength); pt = pt->pt; } } } else { cout << "find path : "; for (int i = 0; i < pathLength; i++) cout << graphAdjList.vertexes[indexesInPath[i]].vertex<<" "; cout << graphAdjList.vertexes[end].vertex << endl; } }