
4. 加入Benevolent Order of Programmer后,在BOP大会上,人们便可以通过加入者的真实姓名、头衔或秘密BOP姓名了解他(她)。请编写一个程序,可以使用真实姓名、头衔、秘密

本文主要是介绍4. 加入Benevolent Order of Programmer后,在BOP大会上,人们便可以通过加入者的真实姓名、头衔或秘密BOP姓名了解他(她)。请编写一个程序,可以使用真实姓名、头衔、秘密,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!

// Benevolent Order of Programmer name structure 

struct bop {

    char fullname[strsize];      // real name

    char title[strsize];              // job title

    char bopname[strsize];     // secret BOP name

    int preference;                  // 0 = fullname, 1 = title, 2 = bopname



a. display by name        b. display by title

c. display by bopname  d. display by preference

q. quit

注意,“display by preference”并不意味着显示成员的偏好,而是意味着根据成员的偏好来列出成员。例如,如果偏好号为1,则选择d将显示程序员的头衔。该程序的运行情况如下:

Benevolent Order Programmer Report 

a. display by name        b. display by title

c. display by bopname  d. display by preference

q. quit

Enter your choice: a

Wimp Macho

Raki Rhodes

Celia Laiter

Hoppy Hipman

Pat Hand

Next choice: d

Wimp Macho

Junior Programmer


Analyst Trainee


Next choice: q


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int strsize = 50;
struct bop {
	char fname[strsize];
	char title[strsize];
	char bopname[strsize];
	int pre;
int main() {
	bop info[5] = { 
		{"Wimp Macho", "W", "Wimp", 0}, 
		{"Raki Rhodes", "R", "Raki", 1}, 
		{"Celia Laiter", "C", "Celia", 2}, 
		{"Hoppy Hipman", "H", "Hoppy", 0}, 
		{"Pat Hand", "P", "Pat", 1} };
	char choice;
	cout << "benevolent order of progeammers report\n"
		<< "a)display by name  b)display by title\n"
		<< "c)display by bopname  d)display by preference\n"
		<< "q)quit\n";
	cout << "enter ur choice:";
	cin >> choice;
	while (choice!='q'){
		switch (choice) {
	    case 'a':
			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
				cout << info[i].fname << endl;
		case 'b': 
			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
				cout << info[i].title << endl;
		case 'c': 
			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
				cout << info[i].bopname << endl;
		case 'd': {
			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
				switch (info[i].pre) {
				case 0:
					cout << info[i].fname << endl;
				case 1:
					cout << info[i].title << endl;
				case 2:
					cout << info[i].bopname << endl;
		cout << "next choice:\n";
		cin >> choice;
	cout << "bye!";
	return 0;

网上答案 :

C++ Primer Plus(第六版)编程练习答案 第6章 分支语句和逻辑运算符_清水河C罗——Leonardo-Liu-CSDN博客

// 6.4.cpp: 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    cout << "Benevolent Order of Programmers Report" << endl;
    cout << "a. display by name\t\t";
    cout << "b. display by title\n";
    cout << "c. display by bopname\t\t";
    cout << "d. display by preference\n";
    cout << "q. quit\n";
    cout << "Enter your choice:";
    char choice;
    cin >> choice;
    while (choice != 'q')
	switch (choice)
	    case 'a': cout << "Wimp Macho\n" << "Raki Rhodes\n" << "Celia Laiter\n";
		cout << "Hoppy Hipman\n" << "Pat Hand\n";
	    case 'd': cout << "Wimp Macho\n" << "Junior Programmer\n" << "MIPS\n" << "Analyst Trainee\n" << "LOOPY\n";
	cout << "Enter your choice:";
	cin >> choice;
    cout << "Bye!\n";
    return 0;

这篇关于4. 加入Benevolent Order of Programmer后,在BOP大会上,人们便可以通过加入者的真实姓名、头衔或秘密BOP姓名了解他(她)。请编写一个程序,可以使用真实姓名、头衔、秘密的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持为之网!