(一)定义:空间数据与统计数据 Spatial data consists of geographic entities
1. 栅栏数据(Vector Data):地图作为连续的平面,将其划成规则分布的格子,赋予每个格子不同的值,卫星地图、城市蔓延等常用。
2. 矢量数据(Vector Data):点、线、面,建立坐标轴进行表示,格式:shapefile/geojson/DLG等。
沃尔多·托布勒地理学第一定律—— All things related, but nearly things are more related than distant things.
1. 正的空间自相关,邻居跟自己的颜色一样
2. 类似于随机抽样,没有空间依赖性(自相关性)
3. 负的空间自相关,周边邻居颜色都不一样
import folium m = folium.Map(location=[31.232818,121.475183], zoom_start=12) # lacation为中心点定位,zoom_start为地图比例尺大小 m m = folium.Map( location=[31.232818,121.475183], zoom_start=12, tiles = 'http://webrd02.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?lang=zh_cn&size=1&scale=1&style=7&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}', attr = 'default' ) m folium.Marker( location = [31.143207,121.423575], popup = "华东理工大学", icon = folium.Icon(color="red", icon="info-sign"), ).add_to(m) m
• 抓取某城市的拥堵数据以及地理信息
• 组织地理信息构建geojson以及GeoDataFrame
• 绘制可视化地图
※ 使用requests库
import requests header = {"User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; u; Windows NT 5.1; zh-CN; rv:", "Accept" : "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml; q=0.9, */*; q=0.8", "Accept-Language" : "en-us", "Connection" : "keep-alive", "Accept-Charset" : "GB2312, utf-8; q=0.7, *;q=0.7"} # city code map cities_info = requests.get("https://report.amap.com/ajax/getCityInfo.do?", headers = header).json() city_code_dict = {item["name"]: item["code"] for item in cities_info} city_code_dict #形成字典,给出城市名称即返回城市代码 # set up city name city = "上海" # 网页:https://report.amap.com/detail.do?city=310000 # to scrape district info city_content = requests.get('https://report.amap.com/ajax/districtRank.do?linksType=4&cityCode={}'.format(city_code_dict[city]), headers = header).json()
※ 构建geojson(参考http://datav.aliyun.com/tools/atlas/index.html)
※ 构建GeoDataFrame使用geopandas库
# construt geojson 把爬取到的数据填进去 json_data = {'type' : 'FeatureCollection', 'features':[]} for item in city_content: record = dict() coords = item["coords"][0][0] del item["coords"] record["type"] = "Feature" record["properties"] = item coordinates = [[[unit["lon"], unit["lat"]] for unit in coords]] record["geometry"] = {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": coordinates} json_data["features"].append(record) json_data #直接读很难读,很大 # to check district in amap m = folium.Map( location = [31.143207,121.423575], tiles = 'http://webrd02.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?lang=zh_cn&size=1&scale=1&style=7&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}', attr = "default" ) folium.GeoJson(json_data).add_to(m) m import geopandas geo_data = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_features(json_data["features"]) geo_data.crs = "FPSG:4326"
※ 使用folium Choropleth()函数
m = folium.Map( location = [31.143207, 121.423575], tiles = 'http://webrd02.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?lang=zh_cn&size=1&scale=1&style=7&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}', attr = "default" ) folium.Choropleth( geo_data = geo_data, name = 'Choropleth', data = geo_data, columns = ["id", "index"], key_on = 'feature.properties.id', fill_color = 'YlGn', fill_opacity = 0.7, # 透明度 line_opacity = 0.2, legend_name = 'index' ).add_to(m) folium.LayerControl().add_to(m) m
权重矩阵中位置 的元素 表示空间单位i与j的“接近性”,对角线均为0。
类似于时间自相关性,空间数据也常常会违反独立性的假定,存在空间自相关性。衡量空间自相关常用Moran's l的全局和局部估计量。
全局Moran's l的公式可以写为
Moran's l与空间模式的相关关系如下图反映,moran's l的值越远离0,则越呈现出空间模式。
• 创建空间权重矩阵
• 进行空间自相关检验
import random from libpysal.weights import W, Queen, Rook, KNN # create spatial weight matrix w_rook = Rook.from_dataframe(geo_data) w_knn = KNN.from_dataframe(geo_data, k=3) # Warn:崇明岛没有邻居 # 查看 w_rook.full() # 进行正规化 w_rook.transform = 'r' # 行阵规划 w_rook.full() # to check district_dict = dict(zip(geo_data.index, geo_data["name"])) neighbors = dict() for key in w_rook.neighbors: neighbors[district_dict.get(key)] = [district_dict[item] for item in w_rook.neighbors[key]] neighbors
from esda.moran import Moran moran = Moran(geo_data["index"], w_rook) %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from splot.esda import plot_moran plot_moran(moran, zstandard=True, figsize=(10,4)) plt.show print(f"Moran'I的统计值为{moran.I:.4f}, 其p值为{moran.p_sim}。") moran_knn = Moran(geo_data["index"], w_knn, transformation="r") print(f"Moran'I的统计值为{moran_knn.I:.4f}, 其p值为{moran_knn.p_sim}。")