https://blog.csdn.net/baidu_33879812/article/details/107559843 json.hpp是一个非常强大的工具,只需要包含这个头文件,即可对json文件进行操作。 Git地址:https://github.com/nlohmann/json Git上有简单的使用说明,简书这位作者已经将其汉化。 详见:https://www.jianshu.com/p/69e57f2af904?tdsourcetag=s_pctim_aiomsg
bool InnerBundleInfo::FromJson(const nlohmann::json &jsonObject) { try { isSupportBackup_ = jsonObject.at(IS_SUPPORT_BACKUP).get<bool>(); appType_ = jsonObject.at(APP_TYPE).get<Constants::AppType>(); uid_ = jsonObject.at(UID).get<int>(); gid_ = jsonObject.at(GID).get<int>(); baseDataDir_ = jsonObject.at(BASE_DATA_DIR).get<std::string>(); bundleStatus_ = jsonObject.at(BUNDLE_STATUS).get<BundleStatus>(); baseBundleInfo_ = jsonObject.at(BASE_BUNDLE_INFO).get<BundleInfo>(); baseApplicationInfo_ = jsonObject.at(BASE_APPLICATION_INFO).get<ApplicationInfo>(); baseAbilityInfos_ = jsonObject.at(BASE_ABILITY_INFO).get<std::map<std::string, AbilityInfo>>(); innerModuleInfos_ = jsonObject.at(INNER_MODULE_INFO).get<std::map<std::string, InnerModuleInfo>>(); skillInfos_ = jsonObject.at(SKILL_INFOS).get<std::map<std::string, std::vector<Skill>>>(); isKeepData_ = jsonObject.at(IS_KEEP_DATA).get<bool>(); userId_ = jsonObject.at(USER_ID).get<int>(); mainAbility_ = jsonObject.at(MAIN_ABILITY).get<std::string>(); provisionId_ = jsonObject.at(PROVISION_ID).get<std::string>(); appFeature_ = jsonObject.at(APP_FEATURE).get<std::string>(); hasEntry_ = jsonObject.at(HAS_ENTRY).get<bool>(); } catch (nlohmann::detail::parse_error &exception) { APP_LOGE("has a parse_error:%{public}s", exception.what()); return false; } catch (nlohmann::detail::type_error &exception) { APP_LOGE("has a type_error:%{public}s.", exception.what()); return false; } catch (nlohmann::detail::out_of_range &exception) { APP_LOGE("has an out_of_range exception:%{public}s.", exception.what()); return false; } return true; } void InnerBundleInfo::ToJson(nlohmann::json &jsonObject) const { jsonObject[IS_SUPPORT_BACKUP] = isSupportBackup_; jsonObject[APP_TYPE] = appType_; jsonObject[UID] = uid_; jsonObject[GID] = gid_; jsonObject[BASE_DATA_DIR] = baseDataDir_; jsonObject[BUNDLE_STATUS] = bundleStatus_; jsonObject[BASE_APPLICATION_INFO] = baseApplicationInfo_; jsonObject[BASE_BUNDLE_INFO] = baseBundleInfo_; jsonObject[BASE_ABILITY_INFO] = baseAbilityInfos_; jsonObject[INNER_MODULE_INFO] = innerModuleInfos_; jsonObject[SKILL_INFOS] = skillInfos_; jsonObject[IS_KEEP_DATA] = isKeepData_; jsonObject[USER_ID] = userId_; jsonObject[MAIN_ABILITY] = mainAbility_; jsonObject[PROVISION_ID] = provisionId_; jsonObject[APP_FEATURE] = appFeature_; jsonObject[HAS_ENTRY] = hasEntry_; } bool BundleDataStorage::LoadAllData(std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, InnerBundleInfo>> &infos) const { bool ret = false; APP_LOGI("load all installed bundle data to map"); std::fstream i(Constants::BUNDLE_DATA_BASE_FILE); nlohmann::json jParse; if (!i.is_open()) { APP_LOGE("failed to open bundle database file"); // if file not exist, should create file here std::ofstream o(Constants::BUNDLE_DATA_BASE_FILE); o.close(); return false; } APP_LOGI("open bundle database file success"); i.seekg(0, std::ios::end); int len = static_cast<int>(i.tellg()); if (len > 0) { i.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); i >> jParse; for (auto &app : jParse.items()) { std::map<std::string, InnerBundleInfo> deviceMap; for (auto &device : app.value().items()) { InnerBundleInfo innerBundleInfo; ret = innerBundleInfo.FromJson(device.value()); deviceMap.emplace(device.key(), innerBundleInfo); } auto pair = infos.emplace(app.key(), deviceMap); ret = pair.second; } } i.close(); return ret; } bool BundleDataStorage::SaveStorageBundleInfo(const std::string &deviceId, const InnerBundleInfo &innerBundleInfo) const { APP_LOGI("save bundle data"); bool ret = true; std::string appName = innerBundleInfo.GetApplicationName(); std::fstream f(Constants::BUNDLE_DATA_BASE_FILE); bool isExist = f.good(); if (isExist) { nlohmann::json innerInfo; innerBundleInfo.ToJson(innerInfo); f.seekg(0, std::ios::end); int len = static_cast<int>(f.tellg()); if (len == 0) { nlohmann::json appRoot; nlohmann::json app; app[deviceId] = innerInfo; appRoot[appName] = app; f << std::setw(Constants::DUMP_INDENT) << appRoot << std::endl; } else { f.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); nlohmann::json jsonFile; f >> jsonFile; if (jsonFile.find(appName) != jsonFile.end()) { if (jsonFile[appName].find(deviceId) != jsonFile[appName].end()) { // appName and device id is exist APP_LOGE("appName = %{public}s is exist", appName.c_str()); ret = false; } else { jsonFile[appName][deviceId] = innerInfo; f.seekp(0, std::ios::beg); f << std::setw(Constants::DUMP_INDENT) << jsonFile << std::endl; } } else { nlohmann::json app; app[deviceId] = innerInfo; jsonFile[appName] = app; f.seekp(0, std::ios::beg); f << std::setw(Constants::DUMP_INDENT) << jsonFile << std::endl; } } } else { APP_LOGI("bundle database file not exist"); ret = false; } f.close(); return ret; } bool BundleDataStorage::ModifyStorageBundleInfo( const std::string &deviceId, const InnerBundleInfo &innerBundleInfo) const { return true; } bool BundleDataStorage::DeleteStorageBundleInfo( const std::string &deviceId, const InnerBundleInfo &innerBundleInfo) const { APP_LOGI("delete bundle data"); bool ret = false; bool isEmpty = false; std::string appName = innerBundleInfo.GetApplicationName(); std::ifstream i(Constants::BUNDLE_DATA_BASE_FILE); nlohmann::json jParse; if (!i.is_open()) { APP_LOGE("failed to open bundle database file"); return false; } else { i.seekg(0, std::ios::end); int len = static_cast<int>(i.tellg()); if (len != 0) { i.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); i >> jParse; if (jParse.find(appName) != jParse.end()) { auto it = jParse[appName].find(deviceId); if (it != jParse[appName].end()) { jParse[appName].erase(it); if (jParse[appName].size() == 0) { jParse.erase(appName); if (jParse.size() == 0) { isEmpty = true; } } ret = true; } } else { APP_LOGE("not find appName = %{public}s", appName.c_str()); } } else { APP_LOGE("file is empty appName = %{private}s", appName.c_str()); } } i.close(); std::ofstream o(Constants::BUNDLE_DATA_BASE_FILE); if (!o.is_open()) { APP_LOGE("failed to open bundle database file"); ret = false; } else { if (!isEmpty) { o << std::setw(Constants::DUMP_INDENT) << jParse; } } o.close(); return ret; } bool BundleDataStorage::DeleteStorageModuleInfo( const std::string &deviceId, const InnerBundleInfo &innerBundleInfo, const std::string &moduleName) const { return true; }