今天来跟大家分享 5 个常见的文件上传场景,由浅入深,小心服用(示例代码仓库还另外附带使用 koa 实现的服务端负责保存代码,本篇就简单介绍前端部分的实现而已)
本篇展示的前端代码使用了 React 作为载体,但是文件上传本身的能力是与 React 无关的
主要核心的逻辑就是利用了 <input type="file">
import React, { ChangeEvent, useState } from 'react' import { group } from '../utils/msg' interface UploadProps { url: string body: FormData } export const uploadREQ = ({ url, body }: UploadProps) => { return fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body, }) } const Single = () => { const [filePath, setFilePath] = useState('') const onInputFileChange = (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { console.log('selected file:', e.target.files[0]) } const upload = () => { const input = document.createElement('input') input.type = 'file' input.addEventListener('change', e => { const file = (e.target as HTMLInputElement).files[0] console.log('selected file:', file) const formData = new FormData() formData.append('file', file, `1_single_${file.name}`) const url = 'http://localhost:3001/upload/single' uploadREQ({ url, body: formData }).then(async res => { const result = await res.json() group(`[response] ${url}`, () => { console.log(result) }) setFilePath(result.url) }) }) input.click() } return ( <div> <h1>文件上传 - 1: 单文件上传</h1> <input id="input-file" type="file" onChange={onInputFileChange} /> <input id="input-file2" type="file" accept=".png,.jpg" onChange={onInputFileChange} /> <button id="btn-file3" onClick={upload}> Click to upload </button> <h4> file path:{' '} <a target="_blank" href={filePath}> {filePath} </a> </h4> </div> ) } export default Single
或是 inputElement.files
获取选取文件const file = (e.target as HTMLInputElement).files[0]
const formData = new FormData() formData.append('file', file, `1_single_${file.name}`) uploadREQ({ url, body: formData })
多文件其实也很简单,就是帮 <input type="file" multiple>
加上一个 multiple 的属性就可以选择多个文件了,其实本质上与单文件相同
import React, { ChangeEvent } from 'react' import { group } from '../utils/msg' import { uploadREQ } from './Single' interface UploadFilesProps { url: string files: File[] prefix: string fromDir?: boolean } export const uploadFiles = ({ url, files, prefix, fromDir = false, }: UploadFilesProps) => { const formData = new FormData() files.forEach(file => { const fileName = fromDir ? // @ts-ignore file.webkitRelativePath.replace(/\//g, `@${prefix}_`) : `${prefix}_${file.name}` formData.append('files', file, fileName) }) console.log('upload files:', formData.getAll('files')) return uploadREQ({ url, body: formData }) } const Multiple = () => { const onFileChange = (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const files = Array.from(e.target.files) const url = 'http://localhost:3001/upload/multiple' uploadFiles({ url, files, prefix: '2_multiple', }).then(async res => { const result = await res.json() group(`[response] ${url}`, () => { console.log(result) }) }) } return ( <div> <h1>文件上传 - 2: 多文件上传</h1> <input id="input-files" type="file" multiple onChange={onFileChange} /> </div> ) } export default Multiple
按目录上传比较特别的是使用 webkitdirectory
import React, { ChangeEvent } from 'react' import { group } from '../utils/msg' import { uploadFiles } from './Multiple' const Directory = () => { const onFileChange = (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const files = Array.from(e.target.files) const url = 'http://localhost:3001/upload/multiple' uploadFiles({ url, files, prefix: '3_directory', fromDir: true, }).then(async res => { const result = await res.json() group(`[response] ${url}`, () => { console.log(result) }) }) } return ( <div> <h1>文件上传 - 3: 按目录上传</h1> <input id="input-files" type="file" // @ts-ignore webkitdirectory="true" onChange={onFileChange} /> </div> ) } export default Directory
第四种我们继承前面的多文件选择,不论是利用多文件还是目录上传,我们还要用另一个 jszip
const ZIP = ( zipName: string, files: File[], options: JSZip.JSZipGeneratorOptions = { type: 'blob', compression: 'DEFLATE', } ): Promise<Blob> => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const zip = new JSZip() files.forEach(file => { const path = (file as any).webkitRelativePath zip.file(path, file) }) zip.generateAsync(options).then((bolb: Blob) => { resolve(bolb) }) }) }
const Zip = () => { const onFileChange = async (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const files = Array.from(e.target.files) // @ts-ignore const dirName = files[0].webkitRelativePath.split('/')[0] const zipName = `${dirName}.zip` const zipFile = await ZIP(zipName, files) const formData = new FormData() formData.append('file', zipFile, zipName) const url = 'http://localhost:3001/upload/single' uploadREQ({ url, body: formData, }).then(async res => { const result = await res.json() group(`[response] ${url}`, () => { console.log(result) }) }) } return ( <div> <h1>文件上传 - 4: 压缩文件上传</h1> <input id="input-files" type="file" // @ts-ignore webkitdirectory="true" onChange={onFileChange} /> </div> ) } export default Zip
前端要做的事还是比较简单的,首先由于浏览器实际上会限制当前同域下的 http 并发请求数,所以我们可以自己实现一个并发请求管理
// 并发请求池 const asyncPool = async ( poolLimit: number, tasks: any[], iteratorFn: (task: any, tasks?: any[]) => Promise<any> ) => { const waiting = []; const executing = []; for (const task of tasks) { // 创建异步任务 const p = Promise.resolve().then(() => iteratorFn(task, tasks)); waiting.push(p); // 任务数量超过池大小 if (poolLimit <= tasks.length) { const e = p.then(() => executing.splice(executing.indexOf(e), 1) ); executing.push(e); if (executing.length >= poolLimit) { await Promise.race(executing); } } } return Promise.all(waiting); };
第二个工具方法则是根据文件内容生成特征值,这边就要用上 spark-md5 这个库
import SparkMD5 from 'spark-md5'; // 计算文件 md5 const calcFileMD5 = (file: File): Promise<string> => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const chunks = getChunks(file); let currentChunk = 0; const spark = new SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer(); const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = (e) => { spark.append(e.target.result as ArrayBuffer); currentChunk++; if (currentChunk < chunks) { loadNext(); } else { resolve(spark.end()); } }; fileReader.onerror = (e) => { reject(fileReader.error); fileReader.abort(); }; function loadNext() { const start = currentChunk * chunkSize, end = Math.min(file.size, start + chunkSize); fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file.slice(start, end)); } loadNext(); }); };
interface ICheckFileExistRes { code: number; data: { isExists: boolean; [key: string]: any; }; } // 检查文件是否存在 const checkFileExist = ( name: string, md5: string, chunks: number ): Promise<ICheckFileExistRes> => { const params = qs.stringify({ n: name, m: md5, c: chunks, }); const url = `http://localhost:3001/upload/checkExist?${params}`; return fetch(url) .then((res) => res.json()) .then((res) => { group(`[response] ${url}`, () => { console.log(res); }); return res; }); };
const chunkSize = 1024 * 1024; // 1MB const getChunks = (file: File) => { return Math.ceil(file.size / chunkSize); }; interface IUploadChunkProps { url: string; chunk: any; chunkId: number; chunks: number; fileName: string; fileMD5: string; } /** * 上传文件块 * @param param0 * @returns */ const uploadChunk = ({ url, chunk, chunkId, chunks, fileName, fileMD5, }: IUploadChunkProps) => { const formData = new FormData(); formData.set('file', chunk, `${fileMD5}-${chunkId}`); formData.set('chunks', chunks + ''); formData.set('name', fileName); formData.set('timestamp', Date.now().toString()); return fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: formData, }).then((res) => res.json()); }; interface IUploadFileProps { file: File; fileMD5: string; chunkIds: string[]; chunkSize?: number; poolLimit?: number; } /** * 大文件上传 */ const uploadFile = ({ file, fileMD5, chunkIds, chunkSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024, // 1MB poolLimit = 3, }: IUploadFileProps) => { const chunks = getChunks(file); return asyncPool( poolLimit, // @ts-ignore [...new Array(chunks).keys()], (i: number) => { if (chunkIds.includes(i + '')) { return Promise.resolve(); } const start = i * chunkSize; const end = i + 1 === chunks ? file.size : start + chunkSize; const chunk = file.slice(start, end); return uploadChunk({ url: 'http://localhost:3001/upload/chunk', chunk, chunkId: i, chunks, fileName: file.name, fileMD5, }); } ); };
const BigFile = () => { const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(); const upload = async () => { // 获取文件基本信息 const file = inputRef.current.files[0]; const fileMD5 = await calcFileMD5(file); console.log('select file:', file); console.log('fileMD5:', fileMD5); // 检查文件是否存在 const res = await checkFileExist( file.name, fileMD5, getChunks(file) ); console.log('res', res); // 重新上传文件 if (res.code && res.data.isExists) { console.log(`file exist: ${res.data.url}`); } else { const result = await uploadFile({ file, fileMD5, chunkIds: res.data.chunkIds as string[], }); console.log('result', result); } }; const clear = () => { inputRef.current.value = ''; }; return ( <div> <h1>文件上传 - 5: 大文件上传</h1> <input id="input-files" type="file" ref={inputRef} /> <button onClick={upload}>Upload</button> <button onClick={clear}>Clear</button> </div> ); }; export default BigFile;
Title | Link |
文件上传,搞懂这8种场景就够了 | https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/uWqRhJc22iq_ek9cUbL3zQ |
Koa 官方文档 | https://koa.bootcss.com/ |
使用 Fetch - MDN | https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch |
koajs/multer - Github | https://github.com/koajs/multer |
使用FormData上传多个文件 | https://blog.csdn.net/wang704987562/article/details/80304471 |
FormData.append() | https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/FormData/append |
express (using multer) Error: Multipart: Boundary not found, request sent by POSTMAN | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49692745/express-using-multer-error-multipart-boundary-not-found-request-sent-by-pos |
Why isn’t the FileList object an array? | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25333488/why-isnt-the-filelist-object-an-array |
Property does not exist on type ‘DetailedHTMLProps, HTMLDivElement>’ with React 16 | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46215614/property-does-not-exist-on-type-detailedhtmlprops-htmldivelement-with-react |
JSZip 官方文档 | https://stuk.github.io/jszip/ |
JavaScript 如何在线解压 ZIP 文件? | https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI2MjcxNTQ0Nw==&mid=2247491236&idx=1&sn=80cc4629a22045f647bce87b6c28e083&scene=21 |
如何更好地理解中间件和洋葱模型 | https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI2MjcxNTQ0Nw==&mid=2247486886&idx=1&sn=63bffec358b77986558e868d1adc2183&scene=21 |
JavaScript 中如何实现大文件并发上传? | https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI2MjcxNTQ0Nw==&mid=2247491853&idx=1&sn=aa59ee95df84a81f7b4700fa4fec9436&scene=21 |
satazor/js-spark-md5 - Github | https://github.com/satazor/js-spark-md5 |
JavaScript 中如何实现并发控制? | https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI2MjcxNTQ0Nw==&mid=2247490704&idx=1&sn=18976b9c9fe2456172c394f1d9cae88b&scene=21#wechat_redirect |
NPM酷库:qs,解析URL查询字符串 | https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000012874916 |
ljharb/qs - Github | https://github.com/ljharb/qs |
网址URL中特殊字符转义编码 | https://blog.csdn.net/pcyph/article/details/45010609 |
JavaScript 中如何实现大文件并发上传? - Github issue | https://gist.github.com/semlinker/b211c0b148ac9be0ac286b387757e692 |
koajs/koa-body - Github | https://github.com/koajs/koa-body |