const app = Vue.createApp({ data(){ return{ message:'hello world', num:110 } }, template:'<div>{{message}} <test :num="num"></test></div>', }); app.component('test',{ props:['num'], template:`<div>{{ typeof num}}</div>` }) app.mount('#app')
const app = Vue.createApp({ data(){ return{ message:'hello world', num:110 } }, template:'<div>{{message}} <test :num="num"></test></div>', }); app.component('test',{ props:{ num:String }, template:`<div>{{ typeof num}}</div>` }) app.mount('#app')
[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop “num”. Expected String with value “110”, got Number with value 110.
当把 num:110 改为字符串 num:“110” 验证成功
const app = Vue.createApp({ data(){ return{ message:'hello world', num:"hello" } }, template:'<div>{{message}} <test ></test></div>', }); app.component('test',{ props:{ num:{ type:String, required:true, default:"nihao" } }, template:`<div>{{ typeof num}}</div>` }) app.mount('#app')
vue@next:1312 [Vue warn]: Missing required prop: "num" at <Test> at <App>
const app = Vue.createApp({ data(){ return{ message:'hello world', num: 1235 } }, template:'<div>{{message}} <test :num="num"></test></div>', }); app.component('test',{ props:{ num:{ type:Number, required:true, default:520, validator: function(num){ return num<1000; } } }, template:`<div>{{ num }}</div>` }) app.mount('#app')
[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "num". at <Test num=1235 > at <App>