





1. 将写好的插桩程序进行make ,参考Intel官网步骤

2. 下载bwa程序

3. 利用写好的pintools插桩程序来分析bwa的函数调用次数。


1. 问题二的执行操作思路和上述相同。

2. 在pin的ManualExaples的目录下依次执行以下命令即可:







1. 将写好的插桩程序进行make ,参考Intel官网步骤



#make obj-intel64/ TARGET=intel64

2. 下载bwa程序

并按照GitHub上的提示执行,因为所给的资源文件是Ref_5.fa h和test40a.fq和test40b.fq所以在执行命令是需要替换。(



# ./bwa mem Ref_5.fa test40a.fq | gzip -3 > aln-se.sam.gz

./bwa mem Ref_5.fa test40a.fq test40b.fq | gzip -3 > aln-pe.sam.gz

3. 利用写好的pintools插桩程序来分析bwa的函数调用次数。

因为pin 和proccount.so文件是在pin的相关目录下,因此需要进入对应的目录下,同时因为bwa是在bwa的相关目录下,因此也需要找到对应目录下的文件。执行以下命令:

#../../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -- ../../../../bwa/bwa mem ../../../../bwa/Ref_5.fa ../../../../bwa/test40a.fq | gzip -3 > aln-se.sam.gz

因为head proccount.out 显示条数较少,于是用cat查看,以下截图截取一部分。


# cat proccount.out


#../../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -- ../../../../bwa/bwa mem ../../../../bwa/Ref_5.fa ../../../../bwa/test40b.fq | gzip -3 > aln-se.sam.gz


1. 问题二的执行操作思路和上述相同。


2. 在pin的ManualExaples的目录下依次执行以下命令即可:

#make obj-intel64/ TARGET=intel64

#../../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -- ../../../../bwa/bwa mem ../../../../bwa/Ref_5.fa ../../../../bwa/test40.fq | gzip -3 > aln-se.sam.gz


#cat proctime.out

#../../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -- ../../../../bwa/bwa mem ../../../../bwa/Ref_5.fa ../../../../bwa/test40b.fq | gzip -3 > aln-se.sam.gz

#cat proctime.out 




RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)docount, IARG_PTR, &(rc->_rtnCount), IARG_END);


INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)docount, IARG_PTR, &(rc->_icount), IARG_END);

#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "pin.H"
using std::ofstream;
using std::string;
using std::hex;
using std::setw;
using std::cerr;
using std::dec;
using std::endl;

ofstream outFile;

// Holds instruction count for a single procedure
typedef struct RtnCount
    string _name;
    string _image;
    ADDRINT _address;
    RTN _rtn;
    UINT64 _rtnCount;    //记录calls的次数
    UINT64 _icount;  
    struct RtnCount * _next;

// Linked list of instruction counts for each routine
RTN_COUNT * RtnList = 0;

// This function is called before every instruction is executed
VOID docount(UINT64 * counter)

const char * StripPath(const char * path)
    const char * file = strrchr(path,'/');
    if (file)
        return file+1;
        return path;

// Pin calls this function every time a new rtn is executed
VOID Routine(RTN rtn, VOID *v)
    // Allocate a counter for this routine
    RTN_COUNT * rc = new RTN_COUNT;

    // The RTN goes away when the _image is unloaded, so save it now
    // because we need it in the fini
    rc->_name = RTN_Name(rtn);
    rc->_image = StripPath(IMG_Name(SEC_Img(RTN_Sec(rtn))).c_str());
    rc->_address = RTN_Address(rtn);
    rc->_icount = 0;
    rc->_rtnCount = 0;

    // Add to list of routines
    rc->_next = RtnList;
    RtnList = rc;
    // Insert a call at the entry point of a routine to increment the call count
    RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)docount, IARG_PTR, &(rc->_rtnCount), IARG_END);
    // For each instruction of the routine
    for (INS ins = RTN_InsHead(rtn); INS_Valid(ins); ins = INS_Next(ins))
        // Insert a call to docount to increment the instruction counter for this rtn
        INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)docount, IARG_PTR, &(rc->_icount), IARG_END);


// This function is called when the application exits
// It prints the _name and count for each procedure
VOID Fini(INT32 code, VOID *v)
    outFile << setw(23) << "Procedure" << " "
          << setw(15) << "Image" << " "
          << setw(18) << "Address" << " "
          << setw(12) << "Calls" << " "
          << setw(12) << "Instructions" << endl;
	//sort call times
	RTN_COUNT *out, *temp1, *temp2 = NULL;
	RTN_COUNT temp;
	for(out = RtnList; out; out= out->_next)
		temp1 = out;
		for(temp2 = temp1; temp2; temp2 = temp2->_next)
			if(temp1->_rtnCount < temp2->_rtnCount)
				temp1 = temp2;
		if(temp1 != NULL)
			temp = *temp1;
			temp1->_name = out->_name;
			temp1->_image = out->_image;
			temp1->_address = out->_address;
			temp1->_rtnCount = out->_rtnCount;
			temp1->_icount = out->_icount;
			out->_name = temp._name;
			out->_image = temp._image;
			out->_address = temp._address;
			out->_rtnCount = temp._rtnCount;
			out->_icount = temp._icount;
    for (RTN_COUNT * rc = RtnList; rc; rc = rc->_next)
        if (rc->_icount > 0)
            outFile << setw(23) << rc->_name << " "
                  << setw(15) << rc->_image << " "
                  << setw(18) << hex << rc->_address << dec <<" "
                  << setw(12) << rc->_rtnCount << " "
                  << setw(12) << rc->_icount << endl;


/* ===================================================================== */
/* Print Help Message                                                    */
/* ===================================================================== */

INT32 Usage()
    cerr << "This Pintool counts the number of times a routine is executed" << endl;
    cerr << "and the number of instructions executed in a routine" << endl;
    cerr << endl << KNOB_BASE::StringKnobSummary() << endl;
    return -1;

/* ===================================================================== */
/* Main                                                                  */
/* ===================================================================== */

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    // Initialize symbol table code, needed for rtn instrumentation

    // Initialize pin
    if (PIN_Init(argc, argv)) return Usage();

    // Register Routine to be called to instrument rtn
    RTN_AddInstrumentFunction(Routine, 0);

    // Register Fini to be called when the application exits
    PIN_AddFiniFunction(Fini, 0);
    // Start the program, never returns
    return 0;



    RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)getTime_now, IARG_PTR, rc, IARG_END);

    RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_AFTER, (AFUNPTR)getTime_end, IARG_PTR, rc, IARG_END);


 rc->_useTime += 1000000*(rc->_tv_end.tv_sec-rc->_tv_now.tv_sec)+(rc->_tv_end.tv_usec-rc->_tv_now.tv_usec);


#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "pin.H"
using std::ofstream;
using std::string;
using std::hex;
using std::setw;
using std::cerr;
using std::dec;
using std::endl;

ofstream outFile;

// Holds instruction count for a single procedure
typedef struct RtnCount
    string _name;
    string _image;
    ADDRINT _address;
    RTN _rtn;
struct timeval _tv_now, _tv_end;    //进入函数时的时间,和函数执行结束的时间
    UINT64 _useTime;  //函数执行的时间
    struct RtnCount * _next;

// Linked list of instruction counts for each routine
RTN_COUNT * RtnList = 0;

// This function is called before every instruction is executed
VOID getTime_now(RTN_COUNT * rc)

VOID getTime_end(RTN_COUNT *rc)
    gettimeofday(&(rc->_tv_end), NULL);
    rc->_useTime += 1000000*(rc->_tv_end.tv_sec-rc->_tv_now.tv_sec)+(rc->_tv_end.tv_usec-rc->_tv_now.tv_usec);

const char * StripPath(const char * path)
    const char * file = strrchr(path,'/');
    if (file)
        return file+1;
        return path;

// Pin calls this function every time a new rtn is executed
VOID Routine(RTN rtn, VOID *v)
    // Allocate a counter for this routine
    RTN_COUNT * rc = new RTN_COUNT;

    // The RTN goes away when the _image is unloaded, so save it now
    // because we need it in the fini
    rc->_name = RTN_Name(rtn);
    rc->_image = StripPath(IMG_Name(SEC_Img(RTN_Sec(rtn))).c_str());
    rc->_address = RTN_Address(rtn);
    rc->_useTime = 0;

    // Add to list of routines
    rc->_next = RtnList;
    RtnList = rc;
    // Insert a call at the entry point of a routine to increment the call count
    RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)getTime_now, IARG_PTR, rc, IARG_END);
    RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_AFTER, (AFUNPTR)getTime_end, IARG_PTR, rc, IARG_END);

// This function is called when the application exits
// It prints the _name and count for each procedure
VOID Fini(INT32 code, VOID *v)
    outFile << setw(23) << "Procedure" << " "
          << setw(15) << "Image" << " "
          << setw(18) << "Address" << " "
          << setw(12) << "Usedtime" << endl;
	//sort call times
	RTN_COUNT *out, *temp1, *temp2 = NULL;
	RTN_COUNT temp;
	for(out = RtnList; out; out= out->_next)
		temp1 = out;
		for(temp2 = temp1; temp2; temp2 = temp2->_next)
			if(temp1->_useTime < temp2->_useTime)
				temp1 = temp2;
		if(temp1 != NULL)
			temp = *temp1;
			temp1->_name = out->_name;
			temp1->_image = out->_image;
			temp1->_address = out->_address;
			temp1->_useTime = out->_useTime;
			out->_name = temp._name;
			out->_image = temp._image;
			out->_address = temp._address;
			out->_useTime = temp._useTime;

    for (RTN_COUNT * rc = RtnList; rc; rc = rc->_next)
            outFile << setw(23) << rc->_name << " "
                  << setw(15) << rc->_image << " "
                  << setw(18) << hex << rc->_address << dec <<" "
                  << setw(12) << rc->_useTime << endl;


/* ===================================================================== */
/* Print Help Message                                                    */
/* ===================================================================== */

INT32 Usage()
    cerr << "This Pintool counts the number of times a routine is executed" << endl;
    cerr << "and the number of instructions executed in a routine" << endl;
    cerr << endl << KNOB_BASE::StringKnobSummary() << endl;
    return -1;

/* ===================================================================== */
/* Main                                                                  */
/* ===================================================================== */

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    // Initialize symbol table code, needed for rtn instrumentation

    // Initialize pin
    if (PIN_Init(argc, argv)) return Usage();

    // Register Routine to be called to instrument rtn
    RTN_AddInstrumentFunction(Routine, 0);

    // Register Fini to be called when the application exits
    PIN_AddFiniFunction(Fini, 0);
    // Start the program, never returns
    return 0;





