Horovod 是Uber于2017年发布的一个易于使用的高性能的分布式训练框架,在业界得到了广泛应用。
本系列将通过源码分析来带领大家了解 Horovod。本文是系列第十一篇,看看horovod 如何运行在 spark 之上(GLOO实现)。
Horovod on Spark 具体有两种底层实现:MPI,GLOO。因为篇幅所限,本文介绍 GLOO 实现。为了单篇可以成文,所以本文和上文有部分重复,望谅解。
[源码解析] 深度学习分布式训练框架 Horovod (1) --- 基础知识
[源码解析] 深度学习分布式训练框架 horovod (2) --- 从使用者角度切入
[源码解析] 深度学习分布式训练框架 horovod (3) --- Horovodrun背后做了什么
[源码解析] 深度学习分布式训练框架 horovod (4) --- 网络基础 & Driver
[源码解析] 深度学习分布式训练框架 horovod (5) --- 融合框架
[源码解析] 深度学习分布式训练框架 horovod (6) --- 后台线程架构
[源码解析] 深度学习分布式训练框架 horovod (7) --- DistributedOptimizer
[源码解析] 深度学习分布式训练框架 horovod (8) --- on spark
[源码解析] 深度学习分布式训练框架 horovod (9) --- 启动 on spark
[源码解析] 深度学习分布式训练框架 horovod (10) --- run on spark
我们首先要回顾下 Horovod on Spark 的总体序列图,需要注意的是:这个总体序列图之中,从mpi_run
开始,是 mpi 相关的实现,但本文是Gloo方案,所以会从 mpi_run
总体来说,Horovod on Spark 的总体逻辑分为以下阶段:
(又利用到 mpirun_rsh.py
)在每一个 spark executor 上启动 orted(这里是通过 SparkTaskService 来启动 orted),以启动 MPI cluster;前文已经分析了前面三个阶段,本文继续后面两个阶段的分析。
下面我们看看第四阶段,就是如何运行训练 job。
本文的问题点就是:Gloo 与 MPI 实现有何不同。
MPI 麻烦之处是因为:
在 Horovod on Spark 之中,关键点就是:
启动训练;以上关键点是:SparkTaskService 本身内部有一个 http server,会把自己的IP:PORT 信息注册到Driver之中。
我们从_launch_job 开始分析。
_launch_job 很简单:
获取网络路由信息,这个网络路由信息就将被 RendezvousServer 记录下来,最终将被 Executor上的 SparkTaskService 利用;def _launch_job(use_mpi, use_gloo, settings, driver, env, stdout=None, stderr=None): nics = driver.get_common_interfaces() # 在 gloo_run 调用时候传输网络路由信息。 run_controller(use_gloo, lambda: gloo_run(settings, nics, driver, env, stdout, stderr), use_mpi, lambda: mpi_run(settings, nics, driver, env, stdout, stderr), False, lambda: None, settings.verbose)
Driver 的 get_common_interfaces 与普通模式下的 get_common_interfaces 不同。因为此时,Spark Executor 之中的 SparkTaskService 的信息已经保存在 Driver 之中,直接获取即可。
def get_common_interfaces(self): if self._nics is not None: return self._nics nics = None if len(self._task_addresses_for_tasks) > 0: # in Elastic Horovod on Spark with auto-scaling # keys in task_addresses are in range(max_np or proc_num) # but not all keys may exist, so we don't do for index in range(proc_num) indices = list(self._task_addresses_for_tasks.keys()) nics = set(self._task_addresses_for_tasks[indices[0]].keys()) for index in indices[1:]: nics.intersection_update(self._task_addresses_for_tasks[index].keys()) return nics
就是依据配置和编译情况来进行处理,选择 gloo,js,还是 mpi。
def run_controller(use_gloo, gloo_run, use_mpi, mpi_run, use_jsrun, js_run, verbosity): if use_gloo: gloo_run() elif use_mpi: mpi_run() elif use_jsrun: js_run() else: if mpi_built(verbose=verbose): if lsf.LSFUtils.using_lsf() and is_jsrun_installed(): js_run() else: mpi_run() elif gloo_built(verbose=verbose): gloo_run()
所以我们开始启动 job,下面就 GLOO进行分析。
相比 MPI,Gloo 这部分就比较清晰了。
回到 2.3 run_controller。
就是依据配置和编译情况来进行处理,选择 gloo,js,还是 mpi。
def run_controller(use_gloo, gloo_run, use_mpi, mpi_run, use_jsrun, js_run, verbosity): if use_gloo: gloo_run() # 本文调用到这里 elif use_mpi: mpi_run() # mpi会调用到这里 elif use_jsrun: js_run() else: if mpi_built(verbose=verbose): if lsf.LSFUtils.using_lsf() and is_jsrun_installed(): js_run() else: mpi_run() # mpi会调用到这里 elif gloo_built(verbose=verbose): gloo_run() # 本文调用到这里
如果是配置了gloo,则我们用到了 gloo_run:
def gloo_run(settings, nics, driver, env, stdout=None, stderr=None): """ Run distributed gloo jobs. :param settings: Settings for running the distributed jobs. Note: settings.num_proc and settings.hosts must not be None. :param nics: Interfaces to use by gloo. :param driver: The Spark driver service that tasks are connected to. :param env: Environment dictionary to use for running gloo jobs. Can be None. :param stdout: Horovod stdout is redirected to this stream. :param stderr: Horovod stderr is redirected to this stream. """ if env is None: env = {} # we don't want the key to be serialized along with settings from here on key = settings.key settings.key = None # Each thread will use SparkTaskClient to launch the job on each remote host. If an # error occurs in one thread, entire process will be terminated. Otherwise, # threads will keep running and ssh session. iface = list(nics)[0] server_ip = driver.addresses()[iface][0][0] # 这里构建了需要执行的命令 command = (sys.executable, '-m', 'horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn', # 这个就是在task里面运行的代码 codec.dumps_base64(driver.addresses()), codec.dumps_base64(settings)) # 可以认为_exec_command_fn这里是一种执行命令的能力 exec_command = _exec_command_fn(driver, key, settings, env, stdout, stderr, settings.prefix_output_with_timestamp) # 这里传入了路由信息 launch_gloo(command, exec_command, settings, nics, {}, server_ip)
需要注意的是,这里的 _exec_command_fn
def _exec_command_fn(driver, key, settings, env, stdout, stderr, prefix_output_with_timestamp): def _exec_command(command, slot_info, events): host = slot_info.hostname #host名字 local_rank = slot_info.local_rank # 本地rank verbose = settings.verbose # 用rsh封装的运行能力 result = rsh(driver.addresses(), key, host, command, env, local_rank, verbose, stdout, stderr, prefix_output_with_timestamp, False, events) return result, time.time() return _exec_command
即调用了 from horovod.spark.driver.rsh import rsh
def launch_gloo(command, exec_command, settings, nics, env, server_ip): """ Launches the given command multiple times using gloo. Each command is launched via exec_command. :param command: command to launch :param exec_command: means to execute a single command :param settings: settings for the distribution :param nics: common interfaces :param env: environment to use :param server_ip: ip to use for rendezvous server """ ...... # start global rendezvous server and get port that it is listening on # 建立 RendezvousServer,这个会被底层 Gloo C++ 环境使用到 rendezvous = RendezvousServer(settings.verbose) # allocate processes into slots # 来根据host进行分配slot,就是horovod的哪个rank应该在哪个host上的哪个slot之上运行 hosts = parse_hosts(settings.hosts) host_alloc_plan = get_host_assignments(hosts, settings.num_proc) # start global rendezvous server and get port that it is listening on global_rendezv_port = rendezvous.start() rendezvous.init(host_alloc_plan) # 获取到可执行命令 run_command = get_run_command(command, server_ip, nics, global_rendezv_port) # 得到在slot之上可执行的 slot command slot_info_to_command = _slot_info_to_command_fn(run_command, env) event = register_shutdown_event() # 依据 slot_info_to_command_fn 构建 args_list,这个 list 之中,每一个arg就是一个 slot command args_list = [[slot_info_to_command(slot_info), slot_info, [event]] for slot_info in host_alloc_plan] # If an error occurs in one thread, entire process will be terminated. # Otherwise, threads will keep running. # 多线程执行,在每一个 exec_command 之上执行每一个 arg(slot command),args_list 包括 HOROVOD_GLOO_RENDEZVOUS_ADDR 等信息 res = threads.execute_function_multithreaded(exec_command, args_list, block_until_all_done=True) ......
launch_gloo( command ='python','+m','horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn' + exec_command = rsh xxxx) | | | | | v RendezvousServer + | | get_run_command | | v run_command = HOROVOD_GLOO_RENDEZVOUS_ADDR= HOROVOD_GLOO_RENDEZVOUS_PORT=2222 HOROVOD_CPU_OPERATIONS=gloo HOROVOD_GLOO_IFACE=lo ...... python +m horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn exec_command = rsh xxxx + | | _slot_info_to_command_fn | v slot_info_to_command = rank=0,local_rank=0,socket+ifname=eth0,cpu_operations=gloo...... HOROVOD_GLOO_RENDEZVOUS_ADDR= HOROVOD_GLOO_RENDEZVOUS_PORT=2222 HOROVOD_CPU_OPERATIONS=gloo HOROVOD_GLOO_IFACE=lo ...... python -m horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn exec_command = rsh xxxx + | | | v threads.execute_function_multithreaded + | | v
launch_gloo 代码之中所用到的get_run_command十分关键,它会调用 create_run_env_vars 得到gloo需要信息,并据此构建 run_command,其格式如下:
def get_run_command(command, server_ip, nics, port, elastic=False): env_vars = create_run_env_vars(server_ip, nics, port, elastic) env_string = " ".join( [f"{k}={str(v)}" for k, v in env_vars.items()]) run_command = ( '{env_string} ' '{command}' # expect a lot of environment variables .format(env_string=env_string, command=' '.join(quote(par) for par in command))) return run_command
create_run_env_vars 函数会把 gloo 运行的相关信息构建出来,这些信息最后会传给 Spark Executor。
def create_run_env_vars(server_ip, nics, port, elastic=False): run_envs = { 'HOROVOD_GLOO_RENDEZVOUS_ADDR': server_ip, 'HOROVOD_GLOO_RENDEZVOUS_PORT': port, 'HOROVOD_CONTROLLER': "gloo", 'HOROVOD_CPU_OPERATIONS': "gloo", 'HOROVOD_GLOO_IFACE': list(nics)[0], # TODO: add multiple ifaces in future 'NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME': ','.join(nics), # 这里就是构建环需要的网络路由信息 } if elastic: run_envs["HOROVOD_ELASTIC"] = "1" return run_envs
在 execute_function_multithreaded 之中,调用了 rsh,并最终与 Spark Executor 交互。
等信息,这样 SparkDriverService 就知道如何构建 Ring 路由了。
def rsh(driver_addresses, key, host_hash, command, env, local_rank, verbose, stdout=None, stderr=None, prefix_output_with_timestamp=False, background=True, events=None): """ Method to run a command remotely given a host hash, local rank and driver addresses. This method connects to the SparkDriverService running on the Spark driver, retrieves all information required to connect to the task with given local rank of that host hash and invoke the command there. The method returns immediately after launching the command if background is True (default). When background is set to False, this method waits for command termination and returns command's result. If there is an exception while waiting for the result (i.e. connection reset) it returns -1. :param driver_addresses: driver's addresses :param key: used for encryption of parameters passed across the hosts :param host_hash: host hash to connect to :param command: command and arguments to invoke :param env: environment to use :param local_rank: local rank on the host of task to run the command in :param verbose: verbosity level :param stdout: Task stdout is redirected to this stream. :param stderr: Task stderr is redirected to this stream. :param prefix_output_with_timestamp: shows timestamp in stdout/stderr forwarding on the driver if True :param background: run command in background if True, returns command result otherwise :param events: events to abort the command, only if background is True :return exit code if background is False """ if ':' in host_hash: raise Exception('Illegal host hash provided. Are you using Open MPI 4.0.0+?') # 获取到 driver handle driver_client = driver_service.SparkDriverClient(driver_addresses, key, verbose=verbose) # 利用配置确定是哪一个task来运行 task_indices = driver_client.task_host_hash_indices(host_hash) task_index = task_indices[local_rank] task_addresses = driver_client.all_task_addresses(task_index) # 获取task handle task_client = task_service.SparkTaskClient(task_index, task_addresses, key, verbose=verbose) task_client.stream_command_output(stdout, stderr) # 要求task运行命令,command就是 python -m horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn task_client.run_command(command, env, capture_stdout=stdout is not None, capture_stderr=stderr is not None, prefix_output_with_timestamp=prefix_output_with_timestamp) if not background: events = events or [] stop = threading.Event() for event in events: on_event(event, task_client.abort_command, stop=stop) try: exit_code = task_client.wait_for_command_exit_code() return exit_code except: traceback.print_exc() return -1 finally: stop.set()
所以,此时逻辑如下,最终在spark executor 运行python -m horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn:
Horovod Job + Spark Host | SparkDriverService horovod.spark.run | SparkTaskService + + | + | | | | | v | | | | | | launch_gloo( command ='python','+m','horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn' | | | + exec_command = rsh xxxx) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | RendezvousServer | | | + | | | | | | | | get_run_command | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | run_command = HOROVOD_GLOO_RENDEZVOUS_ADDR= HOROVOD_GLOO_RENDEZVOUS_PORT=2222 | | | HOROVOD_CPU_OPERATIONS=gloo HOROVOD_GLOO_IFACE=lo ...... | | | python +m horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn | | | exec_command = rsh xxxx | | | | | | + | | | | | | | | _slot_info_to_command_fn | | | | | | | v | | | | | | slot_info_to_command = rank=0,local_rank=0,socket+ifname=eth0,cpu_operations=gloo...... | | | HOROVOD_GLOO_RENDEZVOUS_ADDR= HOROVOD_GLOO_RENDEZVOUS_PORT=2222 | | | HOROVOD_CPU_OPERATIONS=gloo HOROVOD_GLOO_IFACE=lo ...... | | | python +m horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn | | | exec_command = rsh xxxx | | | + | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | threads.execute_function_multithreaded | | | + | | | | | | | v | | | rsh | | | + | | | <----------------------------------+ | | | | task_host_hash_indices | | | | | | | | <----------------------------------+ | run_command(command, env) | RunCommandRequest | | all_task_addresses | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> | | | | + | | | run command | | | + | | | | | | | | v v | | + v
注意,此时已经在 Spark Host 上的 Executor 中运行了。
就对应了前面 mpi版本的 mpirun_exec_fn
spark 在 Executor 上运行 horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn
horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn 内容如下:
from horovod.spark.task import task_exec from horovod.runner.common.util import codec def main(driver_addresses, settings): task_exec(driver_addresses, settings, 'HOROVOD_RANK', 'HOROVOD_LOCAL_RANK') if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: print('Usage: %s <driver addresses> <settings>' % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) main(codec.loads_base64(sys.argv[1]), codec.loads_base64(sys.argv[2]))
task_exec 函数就是运行用户代码进行训练。
task_exec 位于:horovod/spark/task/__init__.py
def task_exec(driver_addresses, settings, rank_env, local_rank_env): # Die if parent process terminates in_thread(target=_parent_process_monitor, args=(os.getppid(),)) key = codec.loads_base64(os.environ[secret.HOROVOD_SECRET_KEY]) rank = int(os.environ[rank_env]) local_rank = int(os.environ[local_rank_env]) driver_client = driver_service.SparkDriverClient(driver_addresses, key, verbose=settings.verbose) # tell driver about local rank and rank # in elastic mode the driver already knows this mapping # for simplicity we keep code paths the same for elastic and static mode host_hash = os.environ['HOROVOD_HOSTNAME'] task_index = driver_client.set_local_rank_to_rank(host_hash, local_rank, rank) # gather available resources from task service task_addresses = driver_client.all_task_addresses(task_index) task_client = task_service.SparkTaskClient(task_index, task_addresses, key, verbose=settings.verbose) task_info.set_resources(task_client.resources()) fn, args, kwargs = driver_client.code() result = fn(*args, **kwargs) task_client.register_code_result(result)
Horovod Job + Spark Host | SparkDriverService horovod.spark.run | SparkTaskService + + | + | | | | | v | | | | | | launch_gloo( command ='python','+m','horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn' | | | + exec_command = rsh xxxx) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | RendezvousServer | | | + | | | | | | | | get_run_command | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | run_command = rendevous_addr, rendevous_port python -m horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn | | | exec_command = rsh xxxx | | | | | | + | | | | | | | | _slot_info_to_command_fn | | | | | | | v | | | | | | slot_info_to_command = rank=0,local_rank=0,socket+ifname=eth0,cpu_operations=gloo...... | | | rendevous_addr, rendevous_port python -m horovod.spark.task.gloo_exec_fn | | | exec_command = rsh xxxx | | | + | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | threads.execute_function_multithreaded | | | + | | | | | | | v | | | rsh | | | | | | | <----------------------------------+ | | | | task_host_hash_indices | | | | | | | | <----------------------------------+ | run_command(command, env) | RunCommandRequest | | all_task_addresses | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> | | | | | | | | run command | | | + | | | code() | | <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> | | | | code of gloo_exec_fn | | | | | | | | gloo_exec_fn | | | | | | | | | | | task_exec v | | | v | | + v
在 Horovod on Spark via GLOO 之中,关键点就是:
信息传递过去,此信息中包括了 RendezvousServer 的地址,这样 Spark Executor 中的 SparkTaskService 就知道了如何找到RendezvousServer,进而就会知道如何构建 ring。至此,Horovod on spark解析完毕,从下一篇开始解析弹性训练。