#include "common.h" /** * heap_size 此次调整堆的最大元素个数(因为堆排序过程中,后面已经调整好的就不需要调整了) * i 表示此次调整堆的父节点 * */ typedef struct Heap { int heap[100]; int tail; }Heap; static int Compare(int ID1, int ID2) { return ID1 - ID2; } //交换堆中任意两个数 static void Swap(Heap *pheap, int pos1, int pos2) { int ID1 = pheap->heap[pos1]; int ID2 = pheap->heap[pos2]; pheap->heap[pos1] = ID2; pheap->heap[pos2] = ID1; } //打印堆中的数据 static void printHeap(Heap *pheap) { for (int i = 1; i < pheap->tail; i++) { printf("%d ", pheap->heap[i]); } printf("\n\n"); } #define parent (pos >> 1) //获得该父节点的左孩子 #define left (pos << 1) //获得该父节点的左孩子 #define right (pos*2 + 1) //获得该父节点的右孩子 static void adjustHeap(Heap *pheap, int pos) // heap_size --> tail { if (pos <= 0) { return; } int old_pos = pos; while (pos > 1 && Compare(pheap->heap[parent], pheap->heap[pos]) < 0) { Swap(pheap, pos, parent); pos = parent; } pos = old_pos; while ((left < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[left], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0) || (right < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[right], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0)) { if ((left < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[left], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0) && (right < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[right], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0)) { if (Compare(pheap->heap[left], pheap->heap[right]) > 0) { Swap(pheap, pos, left); pos = left; } else { Swap(pheap, pos, right); pos = right; } }// tail == 12 的时候, pos = 6, 又跟已经交换到 12 的值为 18 的元素交换, 所以不能用 <= else if (left < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[left], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0) { Swap(pheap, pos, left); pos = left; } else if (right < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[right], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0) { Swap(pheap, pos, right); pos = right; } } } static void maxHeapInsert(Heap *pheap, int key) { int old_pos = pheap->tail; pheap->heap[old_pos] = key; pheap->tail++; adjustHeap(pheap, old_pos); } extern void test_heap_qfh() { //simple test int arr[] = { 20,14,10,8,7,9,3,2,4,1,80,50,40,70,11,19,12,18,23,35,22 }; // 这个不考虑 0 号元素, 可能好一点 int len = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); // no need to consider number 0, so the len is 9 only printf("%s %d : arr len = %d \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, len); Heap heap; heap.heap[0] = 0; // 源数组是有值的 heap.tail = 1; LOGE("will build max heap"); //build heap (插入式创建 heap) for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { maxHeapInsert(&heap, arr[i]); printHeap(&heap); } LOGE("will sort all the heap"); for (int heap_size = len; heap_size >= 2; heap_size--) // heap_size is size of not sort of heap , from tail-1 to 1 { heap.tail--; Swap(&heap, 1, heap.tail);//将堆顶元素(通过调整堆获得的最大值)和最后一个交换(剩余未排好序部分的最后一个) adjustHeap(&heap, 1);//之后每次从堆顶开始调整,最大的值将上升到根节点 printHeap(&heap); } heap.tail = len + 1; printHeap(&heap); }
will build max heap (构建最大堆的过程):
20 14
20 14 10
20 14 10 8
20 14 10 8 7
20 14 10 8 7 9
20 14 10 8 7 9 3
20 14 10 8 7 9 3 2
20 14 10 8 7 9 3 2 4
20 14 10 8 7 9 3 2 4 1
80 20 10 8 14 9 3 2 4 1 7
80 20 50 8 14 10 3 2 4 1 7 9
80 20 50 8 14 40 3 2 4 1 7 9 10
80 20 70 8 14 40 50 2 4 1 7 9 10 3
80 20 70 8 14 40 50 2 4 1 7 9 10 3 11
80 20 70 19 14 40 50 8 4 1 7 9 10 3 11 2
80 20 70 19 14 40 50 12 4 1 7 9 10 3 11 2 8
80 20 70 19 14 40 50 12 18 1 7 9 10 3 11 2 8 4
80 23 70 20 14 40 50 12 19 1 7 9 10 3 11 2 8 4 18
80 35 70 20 23 40 50 12 19 14 7 9 10 3 11 2 8 4 18 1
80 35 70 20 23 40 50 12 19 22 7 9 10 3 11 2 8 4 18 1 14
will sort all the heap (对大顶堆进行排序, 堆顶元素 heap[1] 是待排序列的最大值, 右边是已经拍好序的, 这里没有打印出来,
每次 heap[1] 跟堆尾元素进行交换 , 堆堆中的某一个 heap[pos] 元素进行更新, 就需要对 pos 调用 adjustHeap 函数:
70 35 50 20 23 40 14 12 19 22 7 9 10 3 11 2 8 4 18 1
50 35 40 20 23 10 14 12 19 22 7 9 1 3 11 2 8 4 18
40 35 18 20 23 10 14 12 19 22 7 9 1 3 11 2 8 4
35 23 18 20 22 10 14 12 19 4 7 9 1 3 11 2 8
23 22 18 20 8 10 14 12 19 4 7 9 1 3 11 2
22 20 18 19 8 10 14 12 2 4 7 9 1 3 11
20 19 18 12 8 10 14 11 2 4 7 9 1 3
19 12 18 11 8 10 14 3 2 4 7 9 1
18 12 14 11 8 10 1 3 2 4 7 9
14 12 10 11 8 9 1 3 2 4 7
12 11 10 7 8 9 1 3 2 4
11 8 10 7 4 9 1 3 2
10 8 9 7 4 2 1 3
9 8 3 7 4 2 1
8 7 3 1 4 2
7 4 3 1 2
4 2 3 1
3 2 1
2 1
1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 18 19 20 22 23 35 40 50 70 80
如果有主关键字和次关键字的情况, 如果一本书有 价格 和 ID 两种关键字, 则需要在 比较函数和交换函数增加代码处理, adjustHeap 函数可以保持通用 :
#include "common.h" #include<time.h> /* 如果要产生1~100,则是这样:int num = rand() % 100 + 1; 总结来说,可以表示为:int num = rand() % n + a; 其中的a是起始值,n - 1 + a是终止值,n是整数的范围。 一般性:rand() % (b - a + 1) + a; 就表示 a~b 之间的一个随机整数。 */ // 每本书的 id 都不一样, 对书进行排序, 优先返回价格比较高的,如果价格一样, 则先返回id 小的 typedef struct Book { int memidx; // 这样 id 的值就比较随意了 int id; int price; int pos; }Book; #define maxbookcnt 20 static Book mbook[maxbookcnt]; void init_book(int num) { srand((int)time(0)); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { mbook[i].memidx = i; mbook[i].id = i; //次关键字 //mbook[i].price = i + 100; //主关键字 mbook[i].price = 1 + rand() % (100 - 10 + 1) + 10; printf("[%d %d] ", mbook[i].id, mbook[i].price); } printf("\n\n"); } /** * heap_size 此次调整堆的最大元素个数(因为堆排序过程中,后面已经调整好的就不需要调整了) * i 表示此次调整堆的父节点 * */ typedef struct Heap { int heap[maxbookcnt]; int tail; }Heap; //比较堆中任意两个数, 价格越高, 排在前面, 如果价格一样,则ID 小的排在前面 static int Compare(int ID1, int ID2) { if (mbook[ID1].price == mbook[ID2].price) { return ID2 - ID1; } return mbook[ID1].price - mbook[ID2].price; } //交换堆中任意两个数 static void Swap(Heap *pheap, int pos1, int pos2) { int ID1 = pheap->heap[pos1]; int ID2 = pheap->heap[pos2]; pheap->heap[pos1] = ID2; pheap->heap[pos2] = ID1; mbook[ID1].pos = pos2; mbook[ID2].pos = pos1; } //打印堆中的数据 static void printHeap(Heap *pheap) { for (int i = 1; i < pheap->tail; i++) { int id = pheap->heap[i]; printf("[%d %d] ", mbook[id].id, mbook[id].price); } printf("\n\n"); } #define parent (pos >> 1) //获得该父节点的左孩子 #define left (pos << 1) //获得该父节点的左孩子 #define right (pos*2 + 1) //获得该父节点的右孩子 static void adjustHeap(Heap *pheap, int pos) // heap_size --> tail { if (pos <= 0) { return; } int old_pos = pos; while (pos > 1 && Compare(pheap->heap[parent], pheap->heap[pos]) < 0) { Swap(pheap, pos, parent); pos = parent; } pos = old_pos; while ((left < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[left], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0) || (right < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[right], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0)) { if ((left < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[left], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0) && (right < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[right], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0)) { if (Compare(pheap->heap[left], pheap->heap[right]) > 0) { Swap(pheap, pos, left); pos = left; } else { Swap(pheap, pos, right); pos = right; } }// tail == 12 的时候, pos = 6, 又跟已经交换到 12 的值为 18 的元素交换, 所以不能用 <= else if (left < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[left], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0) { Swap(pheap, pos, left); pos = left; } else if (right < pheap->tail && Compare(pheap->heap[right], pheap->heap[pos]) > 0) { Swap(pheap, pos, right); pos = right; } } } static void maxHeapInsert(Heap *pheap, int key) { int old_pos = pheap->tail; pheap->heap[old_pos] = key; pheap->tail++; adjustHeap(pheap, old_pos); } extern void test_heap_book() { int len = maxbookcnt; init_book(len); LOGE("book len = %d ", len); Heap heap; heap.heap[0] = 0; heap.tail = 1; LOGE("will build max heap"); //build heap (插入式创建 heap) for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { maxHeapInsert(&heap, mbook[i].id); printHeap(&heap); } LOGE("will sort all the heap"); for (int heap_size = len; heap_size >= 2; heap_size--) // heap_size is size of not sort of heap , from tail-1 to 1 { heap.tail--; Swap(&heap, 1, heap.tail);//将堆顶元素(通过调整堆获得的最大值)和最后一个交换(剩余未排好序部分的最后一个) adjustHeap(&heap, 1);//之后每次从堆顶开始调整,最大的值将上升到根节点 printHeap(&heap); } heap.tail = len; printHeap(&heap); }
书本排序过程 :
will build max heap (构造最大堆) : [1 22] [2 44] [1 22] [2 44] [1 22] [3 17] [2 44] [4 41] [3 17] [1 22] [5 90] [2 44] [3 17] [1 22] [4 41] [6 93] [2 44] [5 90] [1 22] [4 41] [3 17] [7 96] [2 44] [6 93] [1 22] [4 41] [3 17] [5 90] [7 96] [2 44] [6 93] [8 24] [4 41] [3 17] [5 90] [1 22] [9 99] [7 96] [6 93] [2 44] [4 41] [3 17] [5 90] [1 22] [8 24] [9 99] [7 96] [6 93] [2 44] [4 41] [3 17] [5 90] [1 22] [8 24] [10 36] [9 99] [7 96] [6 93] [2 44] [4 41] [3 17] [5 90] [1 22] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [9 99] [7 96] [6 93] [2 44] [4 41] [12 55] [5 90] [1 22] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [9 99] [7 96] [6 93] [2 44] [4 41] [12 55] [5 90] [1 22] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [13 40] [9 99] [7 96] [6 93] [2 44] [4 41] [12 55] [14 93] [1 22] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [13 40] [5 90] [9 99] [7 96] [6 93] [2 44] [4 41] [12 55] [14 93] [1 22] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [13 40] [5 90] [15 46] [9 99] [7 96] [6 93] [16 59] [4 41] [12 55] [14 93] [2 44] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [13 40] [5 90] [15 46] [1 22] [9 99] [7 96] [6 93] [17 87] [4 41] [12 55] [14 93] [16 59] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [13 40] [5 90] [15 46] [1 22] [2 44] [9 99] [7 96] [6 93] [17 87] [4 41] [12 55] [14 93] [16 59] [18 77] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [13 40] [5 90] [15 46] [1 22] [2 44] [8 24] [9 99] [7 96] [6 93] [17 87] [4 41] [12 55] [14 93] [16 59] [18 77] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [13 40] [5 90] [15 46] [1 22] [2 44] [8 24] [19 22] will sort all the heap (每次跟队尾交换) : [7 96] [17 87] [6 93] [18 77] [4 41] [12 55] [14 93] [16 59] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [13 40] [5 90] [15 46] [1 22] [2 44] [19 22] [6 93] [17 87] [14 93] [18 77] [4 41] [12 55] [5 90] [16 59] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [13 40] [19 22] [15 46] [1 22] [2 44] [14 93] [17 87] [5 90] [18 77] [4 41] [12 55] [15 46] [16 59] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [13 40] [19 22] [2 44] [1 22] [5 90] [17 87] [12 55] [18 77] [4 41] [13 40] [15 46] [16 59] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [1 22] [19 22] [2 44] [17 87] [18 77] [12 55] [16 59] [4 41] [13 40] [15 46] [2 44] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [1 22] [19 22] [18 77] [16 59] [12 55] [2 44] [4 41] [13 40] [15 46] [19 22] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [1 22] [16 59] [2 44] [12 55] [8 24] [4 41] [13 40] [15 46] [19 22] [1 22] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [12 55] [2 44] [15 46] [8 24] [4 41] [13 40] [3 17] [19 22] [1 22] [10 36] [11 27] [15 46] [2 44] [13 40] [8 24] [4 41] [11 27] [3 17] [19 22] [1 22] [10 36] [2 44] [4 41] [13 40] [8 24] [10 36] [11 27] [3 17] [19 22] [1 22] [4 41] [10 36] [13 40] [8 24] [1 22] [11 27] [3 17] [19 22] [13 40] [10 36] [11 27] [8 24] [1 22] [19 22] [3 17] [10 36] [8 24] [11 27] [3 17] [1 22] [19 22] [11 27] [8 24] [19 22] [3 17] [1 22] [8 24] [1 22] [19 22] [3 17] [1 22] [3 17] [19 22] [19 22] [3 17] [3 17] 最终的排序结果 : [3 17] [19 22] [1 22] [8 24] [11 27] [10 36] [13 40] [4 41] [2 44] [15 46] [12 55] [16 59] [18 77] [17 87] [5 90] [14 93] [6 93] [7 96] [9 99]