Timestamp without timezone
方法一: select * from user_info where create_date >= '2015-07-01' and create_date < '2015-08-15'; 方法二: select * from user_info where create_date between '2015-07-01' and '2015-08-15'; 方法三: select * from user_info where create_date >= '2015-07-01'::timestamp and create_date < '2015-08-15'::timestamp; 方法四: select * from user_info where create_date between to_date('2015-07-01','YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('2015-08-15','YYYY-MM-DD');
pandas.to_sql 遇到主键重复的,怎么能够跳过继续执行呢,其实很简单,就一条一条的插入就可以了,因为to_sql还没有很好的解决办法。
for exchange in exchange_list.items(): if exchange[1]==True: pass else: continue sql = """ SELECT * FROM %s WHERE "time" BETWEEN '2019-07-05 18:48' AND '2019-07-09' """ % (exchange[0]) data = pd.read_sql(sql=sql, con=conn) print(data.head()) for i in range(len(data)): #sql = "SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `key` = '{}'"%(exchange).format(row.Key) #found = pd.read_sql(sql, con=conn2) #if len(found) == 0: try: data.iloc[i:i + 1].to_sql(name=exchange[0], index=False,if_exists='append', con=conn2) except Exception as e: print(e) pass
pandas.to_sql 无法设置主键,这个是肯定的,能做的办法就是在to_sql之前先使用创建表的方法,创建一张表
/* Create SEQUENCE for table */ DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS @exchangeName_id_seq; CREATE SEQUENCE @exchangeName_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; /* Create Table structure for table */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."@exchangeName"; CREATE TABLE "public"."@exchangeName" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('@exchangeName_id_seq'::regclass), "time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL, "open" float8, "high" float8, "low" float8, "close" float8, "volume" float8, "info" varchar COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL ) ; /* Create Primary Key structure for table */ ALTER TABLE "public"."@exchangeName" DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS "@exchangeName_pkey"; ALTER TABLE "public"."@exchangeName" ADD CONSTRAINT "@exchangeName_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("time", "info");