




1 boost相关
1.1 boost::bind


    (1) bind普通函数


//normal function
static int fun(int x, int y, double z) {
    x += 2;
    cout << x << "," << y << "," << z << endl;

    boost::bind(&fun, 1, 3, 5)();
    (2) 使用占位符绑定


    boost::bind(&fun, _3, _1, _2)(7, 8, 9);        
    上面的例子等价于调用fun(9, 7, 8)

    (3) bind仿函数


struct Sum {
    int operator()(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

    Sum sum;
    cout << boost::bind(sum, 7, 8)() << endl;
    (4) 绑定类的成员函数


class Base {
    virtual int f(int i);
int Base::f(int i) {
    return i;
class Derived : public Base {
    virtual int f(int i);
int Derived::f(int i) {
    return i + 2;

    Base base;
    Derived d;
    Base &refBase = d;
    cout << boost::bind(&Base::f, base, 4)() << endl; //调用基类函数
    cout << boost::bind(&Base::f, boost::ref(refBase), 4)() << endl;  //boost::ref传入指向子类的引用,调用子类函数

    (5) 绑定函数指针


    typedef int (Base::*F)(int);
    F fp = &Base::f;
    cout << boost::bind(fp, boost::ref(refBase))() << endl;

1.2 boost::thread_group








1.3 boost线程中断


    1. thread::join();    
    2. thread::timed_join();

    3. condition_variable::wait();
    4. condition_variable::timed_wait();
    5. condition_variable_any::wait();
    6. condition_variable_any::timed_wait();


    7. thread::sleep();
    8. this_thread::sleep();


    9. this_thread::interruption_point()








    if (nScriptCheckThreads) {
        for (int i=0; i             threadGroup.create_thread(&ThreadScriptCheck);
    // Start the lightweight task scheduler thread
    CScheduler::Function serviceLoop = boost::bind(&CScheduler::serviceQueue, &scheduler);
    threadGroup.create_thread(boost::bind(&TraceThread, "scheduler", serviceLoop));

    // After everything has been shut down, but before things get flushed, stop the
    // CScheduler/checkqueue threadGroup

            while (!shouldStop() && taskQueue.empty()) {
                // Wait until there is something to do.
                // 中断点,队列为空时收到中断信号,直接中段线程
            // Wait until either there is a new task, or until
            // the time of the first item on the queue:
// wait_until needs boost 1.50 or later; older versions have timed_wait:
#if BOOST_VERSION < 105000
            while (!shouldStop() && !taskQueue.empty() &&
                   newTaskScheduled.timed_wait(lock, toPosixTime(taskQueue.begin()->first))) {
                // Keep waiting until timeout
            // Some boost versions have a conflicting overload of wait_until that returns void.
            // Explicitly use a template here to avoid hitting that overload.
            while (!shouldStop() && !taskQueue.empty()) {
                boost::chrono::system_clock::time_point timeToWaitFor = taskQueue.begin()->first;
                if (newTaskScheduled.wait_until<>(lock, timeToWaitFor) == boost::cv_status::timeout)
                    break; // Exit loop after timeout, it means we reached the time of the event
1.4 boost::signal2::signal


struct MainSignalsInstance {
    boost::signals2::signal UpdatedBlockTip;
    boost::signals2::signal TransactionAddedToMempool;
    boost::signals2::signal &, const CBlockIndex *pindex, const std::vector&)> BlockConnected;
    boost::signals2::signal &)> BlockDisconnected;
    boost::signals2::signal TransactionRemovedFromMempool;
    boost::signals2::signal ChainStateFlushed;
    boost::signals2::signal Broadcast;
    boost::signals2::signal BlockChecked;
    boost::signals2::signal&)> NewPoWValidBlock;
    // We are not allowed to assume the scheduler only runs in one thread,
    // but must ensure all callbacks happen in-order, so we end up creating
    // our own queue here :(
    SingleThreadedSchedulerClient m_schedulerClient;
    explicit MainSignalsInstance(CScheduler *pscheduler) : m_schedulerClient(pscheduler) {}

void RegisterValidationInterface(CValidationInterface* pwalletIn) {
    g_signals.m_internals->UpdatedBlockTip.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::UpdatedBlockTip, pwalletIn, _1, _2, _3));
    g_signals.m_internals->TransactionAddedToMempool.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::TransactionAddedToMempool, pwalletIn, _1));
    g_signals.m_internals->BlockConnected.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::BlockConnected, pwalletIn, _1, _2, _3));
    g_signals.m_internals->BlockDisconnected.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::BlockDisconnected, pwalletIn, _1));
    g_signals.m_internals->TransactionRemovedFromMempool.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::TransactionRemovedFromMempool, pwalletIn, _1));
    g_signals.m_internals->ChainStateFlushed.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::ChainStateFlushed, pwalletIn, _1));
    g_signals.m_internals->Broadcast.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::ResendWalletTransactions, pwalletIn, _1, _2));
    g_signals.m_internals->BlockChecked.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::BlockChecked, pwalletIn, _1, _2));
    g_signals.m_internals->NewPoWValidBlock.connect(boost::bind(&CValidationInterface::NewPoWValidBlock, pwalletIn, _1, _2));

void CMainSignals::BlockChecked(const CBlock& block, const CValidationState& state) {
    m_internals->BlockChecked(block, state);

    (1) 定义一组信号,信号是boost::signals2::signal,这是一个模板类,模板类的参数是该信号的处理器的签名;

    (2) 通过signal::connect给信号绑定处理器,处理器的签名必须和信号模板参数指定的一致;

    (3) signal也是一个可调用的实体,当有事件发生时,调用signal,则与之绑定的处理器就会被调用。    

1.5 boost visitor模式

if (destination typeof CKeyID) {
    // CKeyID
} else if (destination typeof CScriptID) {
    // CScriptID
} else if (destination typeof CWithnessV0KeyHash) {
    // CWithnessV0KeyHash
} else if (destination typeof CWithnessV0ScriptHash) {
    // CWithnessV0ScriptHash


class CScriptVisitor : public boost::static_visitor
    CScript *script;
    explicit CScriptVisitor(CScript *scriptin) { script = scriptin; }
    bool operator()(const CNoDestination &dest) const {
        return false;
    bool operator()(const CKeyID &keyID) const {
        *script << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ToByteVector(keyID) << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG;
        return true;
    bool operator()(const CScriptID &scriptID) const {
        *script << OP_HASH160 << ToByteVector(scriptID) << OP_EQUAL;
        return true;
    bool operator()(const WitnessV0KeyHash& id) const
        *script << OP_0 << ToByteVector(id);
        return true;
    bool operator()(const WitnessV0ScriptHash& id) const
        *script << OP_0 << ToByteVector(id);
        return true;
    bool operator()(const WitnessUnknown& id) const
        *script << CScript::EncodeOP_N(id.version) << std::vector(id.program, id.program + id.length);
        return true;
} // namespace

typedef boost::variant CTxDestination;


    boost::apply_visitor(CScriptVisitor(&script), dest);


    (1) 首先boost提供的visitor模式是需要和boost::variant来配合使用的。boost::variant里是一些不同的类型,这些类型可以通过给variant应用visitor来访问。

    (2) 编写visitor的实现,visitor需要继承boost::static_visitor,这是一个模板类,模板参数代表操作的返回值;

    (3) boost::apply_visitor将visitor应用到variant上;


2 C++11

2.1 std::bind

2.2 std::function

using namespace std;
int func(int i, int j) {
    return i + j;
class Test {
    int f(int i, int j) {
        return i + j;
    static int static_func(int i, int j) {
        return i + j;
struct FuncObj {
    int operator()(int i, int j) {
        return i + j;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    std::function f;
    //normal function
    f = func;
    cout << f(1, 2) << endl;
    //function object
    FuncObj fobj;
    f = fobj;
    cout << f(3, 4) << endl;
    //member function
    Test test;
    f = std::bind(&Test::f, &test, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
    cout << f(5, 6) << endl;
    //static member function
    f = &Test::static_func;
    cout << f(7, 8) << endl;

2.3 std::thread

using namespace std;
int func(int i, int j) {
    cout << "thread normal" << endl;
    return i + j;
class Test {
    int f(int i, int j) {
        cout << "thread member" << endl;
        return i + j;
struct FuncObj {
    int operator()(int i, int j) {
        cout << "thread function object" << endl;
        return i + j;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    std::function f;
    std::thread t1; //null thread
    cout << "thread joinable?" << t1.joinable() << endl; //joinable=false
    t1 = std::thread(func, 1, 2);
    cout << "thread joinable?" << t1.joinable() << endl; //joinable=true
    FuncObj fobj;
    f = fobj;
    std::thread t2(f, 3, 4);
    Test test;
    f = std::bind(&Test::f, &test, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
        std::thread t3(std::bind(&Test::f, &test, 20, 30));
        t3.join(); //必须调用join或者detach,否则会抛出异常

    (1) std::thread对象和线程关联以后,在对象销毁前要么通过join等待线程结束,要么调用detach将线程和std::thread对象脱离,否则会抛出异常。

    (2) thread对象detach以后,线程依然会被OS调度运行;


2.4 lamda表达式


    (1) [capture] (params) mutable exception attribute -> ret {body}


    (a) capture:表示在lamda表达式中所有可见的外部变量列表,至于这些变量是传值还是传引用,请继续看:

    [a, &b]:表示变量a以值的方式传递,变量b以引用的方式传递;




    (b) mutable:表示在lamba表达式内能够改动被捕获的变量,也能够访问被捕获对象的非const成员;

    (c) exception:lamba表达式内可能抛出的异常

    (2) [capture] (params) ->ret {body}


    (3) [capture] (params) {body} 


    (4) [capture] {body}



using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int a = 1;
    auto f = [a](){
        cout << "a = " << a << endl;
        //a = 2; //编译错误
    auto f2 = [a]() mutable {
        a = 2;
        cout << "a = " << a << endl;
    cout << "after lamda:a = " << a << endl; //a = 1 因为以值的方式被捕获,所以lamda执行以后a的值并不会改变
    auto f3 = [&a]() mutable {
        a = 2;
        cout << "a = " << a << endl;
    cout << "after lamda:a = " << a << endl; //a = 2 以引用的方式被捕获,lamda执行以后a的值夜被改变了
    int i = 2, j = 3;
    auto f4 = [](int i, int j) ->int {
        return i + j;
    cout << f4(i, j) << endl;
    auto f5 = [](int i, double d) {
        return i + d;
    cout << f5(1, 2.2f) << endl;

    std::unique_ptr handleNotifyHeaderTip(NotifyHeaderTipFn fn) override
        return MakeHandler(
            ::uiInterface.NotifyHeaderTip.connect([fn](bool initial_download, const CBlockIndex* block) {
                fn(initial_download, block->nHeight, block->GetBlockTime(),
                    GuessVerificationProgress(Params().TxData(), block));


2.5 std::array


    static const std::array buff = {
            17, 79, 8, 99, 150, 189, 208, 162, 22, 23, 203, 163, 36, 58, 147,
            227, 139, 2, 215, 100, 91, 38, 11, 141, 253, 40, 117, 21, 16, 90,
            200, 24

std::string EncodeBase58(const unsigned char* pbegin, const unsigned char* pend)

        EncodeBase58(buff.data(), buff.data() + buff.size());
2.6 using的新用法


    using NodesStats = std::vector>;
    virtual bool getNodesStats(NodesStats& stats) = 0;

2.7 auto和decltype

    std::map > amap;
    std::map >::iterator iter = amap.begin();

    std::map > amap;
    auto iter = amap.begin();


static auto func(int i, int j) {
    cout << "I am a function" << endl;
    return i + j;
    此时需要用C++11中的trailing return type来进行:

static auto func(int i, int j) ->int{
    cout << "I am a function" << endl;
    return i + j;

class reverse_range
    T &m_x;
    explicit reverse_range(T &x) : m_x(x) {}
    auto begin() const -> decltype(this->m_x.rbegin())
        return m_x.rbegin();
    auto end() const -> decltype(this->m_x.rend())
        return m_x.rend();
    看看这个模板类的begin函数,因为无法知道m_x的具体类型,也不知道m_x的rbegin的返回类型,因此begin()函数的返回类型是不能确定的,此时trailing return type就发挥了作用。C++11新引入了decltype来计算表达式的返回类型(不会计算表达式,因此不用担心效率问题),用decltype让编译器去推算出返回类型。

3 小结
