#include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include "tree_17_7.h" char * s_gets(char * st, int n); void eatline(void); void CountYourChar(Tree *pTree); void PutInTree(FILE *fp,Tree *pTree); void ShowAndCount(Tree *pTree); void ShowCharInfo(Item item); void AddChar(Tree *pTree,FILE *fp); int main(void) { Tree Tree,*pTree; pTree=&Tree; InitializeTree(pTree); FILE *fp; if((fp=fopen("Practice17_7.txt","at+"))==NULL) { puts("cannot open file"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } PutInTree(fp,pTree); puts("Choose from the lists:"); puts("a) add your char to tree and append to file"); puts("s) show all the character and count the times they showing up"); puts("f) enter a character and will count times this character shows up in this .txt"); puts("q) quit"); int8_t Choice; while((Choice = getchar())!=EOF && Choice != 'q') { eatline(); switch(Choice) { case 'a': AddChar(pTree,fp); break; case 's': Traverse(pTree,ShowCharInfo); break; case 'f': CountYourChar(pTree); break; default: break; } puts("Choose from the lists:"); puts("a) add your char to tree and append to file"); puts("s) show all the character and count the times they showing up"); puts("f) enter a character and will count times this character shows up in this .txt"); puts("q) quit"); eatline(); } fclose(fp); return 0; } void AddChar(Tree *pTree,FILE *fp) { Trnode * tempSeekResult; Item AddChar; AddChar.Char_Counter=0; puts("enter a character you want to add,enter 'q' to quit"); while((AddChar.EnglishChar=getchar())!=EOF && AddChar.EnglishChar!='q') { eatline(); if(TreeIsFull(pTree)==true) { puts("Tree is full now"); break; } tempSeekResult = SeekItem(&AddChar, pTree).child; if(tempSeekResult != NULL) { tempSeekResult->item.Char_Counter++; puts("add item exist,update the numbers"); } else { if(AddItem(&AddChar,pTree)==false) { puts("add item failed"); break; } printf("Character %c has been successfully added\n",AddChar.EnglishChar); } fputc(AddChar.EnglishChar,fp); puts("enter a character you want to add,enter 'q' to quit"); } } void ShowCharInfo(Item item) { printf("%c %u\n",item.EnglishChar,item.Char_Counter); } void CountYourChar(Tree *pTree) { Trnode * tempSeekResult; Item SearchChar; SearchChar.Char_Counter=0; puts("enter a character,enter 'q' to quit"); while((SearchChar.EnglishChar=getchar())!=EOF && SearchChar.EnglishChar!='q') { eatline(); tempSeekResult = SeekItem(&SearchChar, pTree).child; if(tempSeekResult == NULL) { puts("no such char"); continue; } else { printf("there're %u %c\n",tempSeekResult->item.Char_Counter,tempSeekResult->item.EnglishChar); } puts("enter a character,enter 'q' to quit"); } } void PutInTree(FILE *fp,Tree *pTree) { Item Item,*MyItem; MyItem = &Item; while( ( (MyItem->EnglishChar) = getc(fp) ) != EOF) { MyItem->Char_Counter=1; if(TreeIsFull(pTree)==true) { puts("Tree is not big enough"); break; } if(AddItem(MyItem,pTree)==false) { puts("add item failed"); break; } } } void ShowAndCount(Tree *pTree) { Tree *ForSearch; ForSearch=pTree; while(ForSearch->root->left!=NULL) { printf("%c %u\n",ForSearch->root->item.EnglishChar,ForSearch->root->item.Char_Counter); ForSearch->root=ForSearch->root->left; } ForSearch=pTree; while(ForSearch->root->right!=NULL) { printf("%c %u\n",(ForSearch->root->item).EnglishChar,(ForSearch->root->item).Char_Counter); ForSearch->root=ForSearch->root->right; } } void eatline(void) { while (getchar() != '\n') continue; } char * s_gets(char * st, int n) { char * ret_val; char * find; ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin); if (ret_val) { find = strchr(st, '\n'); // 查找换行符 if (find) // 如果地址不是 NULL, *find = '\0'; // 在此处放置一个空字符 else while (getchar() != '\n') continue; // 处理输入行的剩余字符 } return ret_val; }
/* tree.c -- 树的支持函数 */ #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "tree_17_7.h" /* 局部函数的原型 */ static Trnode * MakeNode(const Item * pi); static bool ToLeft(const Item * i1, const Item * i2); static bool ToRight(const Item * i1, const Item * i2); static void AddNode(Trnode * new_node, Trnode * root); static void InOrder(const Trnode * root, void(*pfun)(Item item)); static void DeleteNode(Trnode **ptr); static void DeleteAllNodes(Trnode * ptr); /* 函数定义 */ void InitializeTree(Tree * ptree) { ptree->root = NULL; ptree->size = 0; } bool TreeIsEmpty(const Tree * ptree) { if (ptree->root == NULL) return true; else return false; } bool TreeIsFull(const Tree * ptree) { if (ptree->size == MAXITEMS) return true; else return false; } int TreeItemCount(const Tree * ptree) { return ptree->size; } bool AddItem(const Item * pi, Tree * ptree) { Trnode * new_node; Pair tempSeekBack; if (TreeIsFull(ptree)) { fprintf(stderr, "Tree is full\n"); return false; /* 提前返回 */ } tempSeekBack = SeekItem(pi, ptree); if (tempSeekBack.child != NULL) { tempSeekBack.child->item.Char_Counter++; return true; /* 提前返回 */ } new_node = MakeNode(pi); /* 指向新节点 */ if (new_node == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create node\n"); return false; /* 提前返回 */ } /* 成功创建了一个新节点 */ ptree->size++; if (ptree->root == NULL) /* 情况1:树为空 */ ptree->root = new_node; /* 新节点为树的根节点 */ else /* 情况2:树不为空 */ AddNode(new_node, ptree->root);/* 在树中添加新节点 */ return true; /* 成功返回 */ } bool InTree(const Item * pi, const Tree * ptree) { return (SeekItem(pi, ptree).child == NULL) ? false : true; } bool DeleteItem(const Item * pi, Tree * ptree) { Pair look; look = SeekItem(pi, ptree); if (look.child == NULL) return false; if (look.parent == NULL) /* 删除根节点项 */ DeleteNode(&ptree->root); else if (look.parent->left == look.child) DeleteNode(&look.parent->left); else DeleteNode(&look.parent->right); ptree->size--; return true; } void Traverse(const Tree * ptree, void(*pfun)(Item item)) { if (ptree != NULL) InOrder(ptree->root, pfun); } void DeleteAll(Tree * ptree) { if (ptree != NULL) DeleteAllNodes(ptree->root); ptree->root = NULL; ptree->size = 0; } /* 局部函数 */ static void InOrder(const Trnode * root, void(*pfun)(Item item)) { if (root != NULL) { InOrder(root->left, pfun); (*pfun)(root->item); InOrder(root->right, pfun); } } static void DeleteAllNodes(Trnode * root) { Trnode * pright; if (root != NULL) { pright = root->right; DeleteAllNodes(root->left); free(root); DeleteAllNodes(pright); } } static void AddNode(Trnode * new_node, Trnode * root) { if (ToLeft(&new_node->item, &root->item)) { if (root->left == NULL) /* 空子树 */ root->left = new_node; /* 把节点添加到此处 */ else AddNode(new_node, root->left); /* 否则处理该子树 */ } else if (ToRight(&new_node->item, &root->item)) { if (root->right == NULL) root->right = new_node; else AddNode(new_node, root->right); } else /* 不允许有重复项 */ { fprintf(stderr, "location error in AddNode()\n"); exit(1); } } static bool ToLeft(const Item * i1, const Item * i2) { if ( i1->EnglishChar < i2->EnglishChar) return true; else return false; } static bool ToRight(const Item * i1, const Item * i2) { if ( i1->EnglishChar > i2->EnglishChar) return true; else return false; } static Trnode * MakeNode(const Item * pi) { Trnode * new_node; new_node = (Trnode *) malloc(sizeof(Trnode)); if (new_node != NULL) { new_node->item = *pi; new_node->left = NULL; new_node->right = NULL; } return new_node; } Pair SeekItem(const Item * pi, const Tree * ptree) { Pair look; look.parent = NULL; look.child = ptree->root; if (look.child == NULL) return look; /* 提前返回 */ while (look.child != NULL) { if (ToLeft(pi, &(look.child->item))) { look.parent = look.child; look.child = look.child->left; } else if (ToRight(pi, &(look.child->item))) { look.parent = look.child; look.child = look.child->right; } else /* 如果前两种情况都不满足,则必定是相等的情 况 */ break; /* look.child 目标项的节点 */ } return look; /* 成功返回 */ } static void DeleteNode(Trnode **ptr) /* ptr 是指向目标节点的父节点指针成员的地址 */ { Trnode * temp; if ((*ptr)->left == NULL) { temp = *ptr; *ptr = (*ptr)->right; free(temp); } else if ((*ptr)->right == NULL) { temp = *ptr; *ptr = (*ptr)->left; free(temp); } else /* 被删除的节点有两个子节点 */ { /* 找到重新连接右子树的位置 */ for (temp = (*ptr)->left; temp->right != NULL;temp = temp->right) continue; temp->right = (*ptr)->right; temp = *ptr; *ptr = (*ptr)->left; free(temp); } }
/* tree.h -- 二叉查找数 */ #ifndef _TREE_17_7_H_ #define _TREE_17_7_H_ #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> /* 根据具体情况重新定义 Item */ typedef struct item { char EnglishChar; uint8_t Char_Counter; }Item; #define MAXITEMS 300 typedef struct trnode { Item item; struct trnode * left; /* 指向左分支的指针 */ struct trnode * right; /* 指向右分支的指针 */ }Trnode; typedef struct tree{ Trnode * root;/* 指向根节点的指针 */ int size; /* 树的项数 */ }Tree; typedef struct pair{ Trnode * parent; Trnode * child; }Pair; Pair SeekItem(const Item * pi, const Tree * ptree); /* 函数原型 */ /* 操作: 把树初始化为空*/ /* 前提条件: ptree指向一个树 */ /* 后置条件: 树被初始化为空 */ void InitializeTree(Tree * ptree);\ /* 操作: 确定树是否为空 */ /* 前提条件: ptree指向一个树 */ /* 后置条件: 如果树为空,该函数返回true */ /* 否则,返回false */ bool TreeIsEmpty(const Tree * ptree); /* 操作: 确定树是否已满 */ /* 前提条件: ptree指向一个树 */ /* 后置条件: 如果树已满,该函数返回true */ /* 否则,返回false */ bool TreeIsFull(const Tree * ptree); /* 操作: 确定树的项数 */ /* 前提条件: ptree指向一个树 */ /* 后置条件: 返回树的项数 */ int TreeItemCount(const Tree * ptree); /* 操作: 在树中添加一个项 */ /* 前提条件: pi是待添加项的地址 */ /* ptree指向一个已初始化的树 */ /* 后置条件: 如果可以添加,该函数将在树中添加一个项 */ /* 并返回true;否则,返回false */ bool AddItem(const Item * pi, Tree * ptree); /* 操作: 在树中查找一个项 */ /* 前提条件: pi指向一个项 */ /* ptree指向一个已初始化的树 */ /* 后置条件: 如果在树中添加一个项,该函数返回true */ /* 否则,返回false */ bool InTree(const Item * pi, const Tree * ptree); /* 操作: 从树中删除一个项 */ /* 前提条件: pi是删除项的地址 */ /* ptree指向一个已初始化的树 */ /* 后置条件: 如果从树中成功删除一个项,该函数返回true*/ /* 否则,返回false */ bool DeleteItem(const Item * pi, Tree * ptree); /* 操作: 把函数应用于树中的每一项 */ /* 前提条件: ptree指向一个树 */ /* pfun指向一个函数, */ /* 该函数接受一个Item类型的参数,并无返回值*/ /* 后置条件: pfun指向的这个函数为树中的每一项执行一次*/ void Traverse(const Tree * ptree, void(*pfun)(Item item)); /* 操作: 删除树中的所有内容 */ /* 前提条件: ptree指向一个已初始化的树 */ /* 后置条件: 树为空 */ void DeleteAll(Tree * ptree); #endif