因上一篇 Oacle锁表,ORA-00054 出现锁表的原因是由于存储过程校验执行慢导致的,因此本篇对涉及到的存储过程中涉及到,多表关联查询是否存在导入信息,一个表中根据多个字段查询是否有重复信息,进行优化
update contributiontemp a set a.chectoutstatus = '02', a.chectoutinfo = a.chectoutinfo || '第' || (a.expandfield1 + 1) || '行,未查询到相应的人员信息.' || chr(13) || chr(10) where a.ExpandField2 = '01' and not exists (select distinct pnb.idno from PN_B_Staff pnb left join PN_B_StaffComPlan pns on pns.staffid=pnb.staffid where pns.PlanID =a.planid and upper(pnb.idno)=upper(a.idno) and pnb.name = a.name and pnb.idtype=decode(a.idtype,'身份证','01','居民身份证','01','军人证','02','其他','09','居民户口簿','10','驾驶证','11','军官证','02','士兵证','12','军官离退休证','13','中国护照','14','异常身份证','15','港澳通行证','20','台湾通行证','21','回乡证','16','外国护照','17','旅行证','18','居留证件','19','其它','09','') ) and a.expandfield10 ='20210616152859459551' and a.chectoutstatus is null;
update contributiontemp ctm set ctm.chectoutstatus = '02', ctm.chectoutinfo = ctm.chectoutinfo || '第' || (ctm.expandfield1 + 1) || '行,未查询到相应的人员信息.' || chr(13) || chr(10) WHERE exists( select distinct a.contrilsid from contributiontemp a left join (--1、取本计划所有的人员三证信息 SELECT distinct pnb.name, pnb.idno,pnb.idtype FROM PN_B_StaffComPlan pns left join PN_B_Staff pnb on pns.staffid=pnb.staffid WHERE planid = '20210315111531000001' ) pnstd on upper(pnstd.idno)=upper(a.idno) and pnstd.name = a.name and pnstd.idtype=decode(a.idtype,'身份证','01','居民身份证','01','军人证','02','其他','09','居民户口簿','10','驾驶证','11','军官证','02','士兵证','12','军官离退休证','13','中国护照','14','异常身份证','15','港澳通行证','20','台湾通行证','21','回乡证','16','外国护照','17','旅行证','18','居留证件','19','其它','09','') WHERE pnstd.idno is NULL and a.ExpandField2 = '01' and a.chectoutstatus is null and a.expandfield10 ='20210616152859459551' and ctm.contrilsid = a.contrilsid )
update CONTRIBUTIONTEMP c set c.repeatcount = '02', c.chectoutstatus = '02', c.chectoutinfo = c.chectoutinfo || '第' ||(expandfield1+1) || '行,导入信息重复.' || chr(13) || chr(10) where c.ExpandField2 = '01' and c.expandfield10 = '20210616152859459551' and c.chectoutstatus is null and c.expandfield1 in (select distinct b.expandfield1 from CONTRIBUTIONTEMP b left join CONTRIBUTIONTEMP d on b.expandfield10 = d.expandfield10 where b.expandfield10 = '20210616152859459551' and b.contrilsid <> d.contrilsid and b.name = d.name and upper(b.idno) = upper(d.idno) );
update CONTRIBUTIONTEMP c set c.repeatcount = '02', c.chectoutstatus = '02', c.chectoutinfo = c.chectoutinfo || '第' ||(expandfield1+1) || '行,导入信息重复.' || chr(13) || chr(10) where c.ExpandField2 = '01' and c.expandfield10 = '20210616165734152652' and c.chectoutstatus is null and exists (Select a.contrilsid From CONTRIBUTIONTEMP a Where Exists ( Select b.expandfield1 from CONTRIBUTIONTEMP b where b.expandfield10 = '20210616165734152652' and b.contrilsid <> a.contrilsid and b.name = a.name and upper(b.idno) = upper(a.idno) and b.subenterprisedeid = a.subenterprisedeid ) and a.contrilsid = c.contrilsid )
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