#include<iostream> using namespace std; class person { int a; static int b;//静态成员变量,不属于类对象上 }; int main() { person p;//空对象字节单位是1 //c++编译器中给每个空对象也分配一个字节空间,是为了区分空对象占内存的位置 //每个空对象也有个独一无二的内存地址 //cout<<"size of p="<<sizeof(p)<<endl; person q; cout<<"size of q="<<sizeof(q)<<endl; //静态成员变量,不属于类对象上 return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class person { public: person (int age) { //this 功能一:解决名称冲突 //age=age;/传递错误。会输出乱码 this->age=age;//指向被调用的成员函数所属的对象 } person& personaddage(person &p) { this->age+=p.age; return *this;//this指向p2的指针,*this指向的是p2这个对象本体 } int age; }; int main() { person p1(18); cout<<"p1的年龄为"<<p1.age<<endl; //返回对象本身用*this person p2(10); //链式编程思想 p2.personaddage(p1).personaddage(p1); cout<<"p2的年龄为:"<<p2.age<<endl; return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class person { public: void showclassname() { cout<<"this is class"<<endl; } void showpersonage() { if(this==NULL) return ; cout<<"age is "<<age<<endl; } int age; }; int main() { person *p=NULL; p->showclassname(); p->showpersonage(); return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class person { public: //this指针的本质,是指针常量,指针的指向是不可以修改的 //const person * const this; //在成员函数后面加const,修饰的是this,让指针指向的值也不可以修改 const void showperson()//成员函数加const后,我们称为常函数 { this->B=100; } // 常函数内不可以修改成员属性 int m_a; mutable int B;//成员函数声明时加关键字mutable后,在常函数中依然可以修改 }; int main() { person p; p.showperson(); p.B=100;//B是特殊值,在常对象下也可以修改 //常对象只能调用常函数 return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class person { friend void goodgay(person *per);//goodgay是全局函数,是building类的好朋友,可以访问类内的私有内容 public: string sittingroom="111"; private: string bedroom="222"; }; void goodgay(person *per) { cout<<"好基友正在访问:"<<per->sittingroom<<endl; cout<<"好基友正在访问:"<<per->bedroom<<endl; } int main() { person p; goodgay(&p); return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Building { friend class goodFriend; public: Building(); // 类内申明,类外实现 public: string m_sittingrookm; private: string m_bedroom; }; // 类外实现 Building::Building() { this->m_sittingrookm = "卧室"; this->m_bedroom = "客厅"; } class goodFriend { public: goodFriend(); void visit(); Building* b; }; // 类外实现 goodFriend::goodFriend() { b = new Building; } void goodFriend::visit() { cout << "好基友正在参观" << this->b->m_sittingrookm << endl; cout << "好基友正在参观" << this->b->m_bedroom << endl; // 将goodFriend申明为Building的友元类; } void test01() { goodFriend g; g.visit(); } int main() { test01(); return 0; }
//成员函数做友元函数: #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class Building; class goodGay { public: goodGay(); void visit1(); void visit2(); private: Building * building; }; class Building { friend void goodGay::visit1(); public: Building(); public: string m_sittingroom; //客厅 private: string m_bedroom; //卧室 }; Building::Building() { this->m_bedroom = "卧室"; this->m_sittingroom = "客厅"; } goodGay::goodGay() { building = new Building; } void goodGay::visit1() { cout << "基友正在" << this->building->m_sittingroom << endl; cout << "基友正在" << this->building->m_bedroom << endl; } void goodGay::visit2() { cout << "基友正在" << this->building->m_sittingroom << endl; } void test01() { goodGay gg; gg.visit1(); gg.visit2(); } int main() { test01(); system("pause"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }