



本文为荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学(作者:Olaf Booij)的硕士论文,共67页。


A novel supervised learning-rule is derivedfor Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) using the gradient descent method, which canbe applied on networks with a multi-layered architecture. All existinglearning-rules for SNNs limit the spiking neurons to fire only once. Ouralgorithm however is specially designed to cope with neurons that fire multiplespikes, taking full advantage of the capabilities of spiking neurons. SNNs arewell-suited for the processing of temporal data, because of their dynamicnature, and with our learning rule they can now be used for classificationtasks on temporal patterns. We show this by successfully applying the algorithmon a task of lipreading, which involves the classification of video-fragmentsof spoken words. We also show that the computational power of a one-layered SNNis even greater than was assumed, by showing that it can compute theExclusive-OR function, as opposed to conventional neural networks.

  1. 引言
  2. 脉冲神经网络概述
  3. 单层SNN学习算法
  4. 多层网络
  5. 标准唇语
  6. 讨论与结论

