# Import FPDF class from fpdf import FPDF # Create instance of FPDF class # Letter size paper, use inches as unit of measure pdf=FPDF(format='letter', unit='in') # Add new page. Without this you cannot create the document. pdf.add_page() # Remember to always put one of these at least once. pdf.set_font('Times','',10.0) # Effective page width, or just epw epw = pdf.w - 2*pdf.l_margin # Set column width to 1/4 of effective page width to distribute content # evenly across table and page col_width = epw/4 # Since we do not need to draw lines anymore, there is no need to separate # headers from data matrix. data = [['First name','Last name','Age','City'], ['Jules','Smith',34,'San Juan'], ['Mary','Ramos',45,'Orlando'],[ 'Carlson','Banks',19,'Los Angeles'] ] # Document title centered, 'B'old, 14 pt pdf.set_font('Times','B',14.0) pdf.cell(epw, 0.0, 'Demographic data', align='C') pdf.set_font('Times','',10.0) pdf.ln(0.5) # Text height is the same as current font size th = pdf.font_size for row in data: for datum in row: # Enter data in colums # Notice the use of the function str to coerce any input to the # string type. This is needed # since pyFPDF expects a string, not a number. pdf.cell(col_width, th, str(datum), border=1) pdf.ln(th) # Line break equivalent to 4 lines pdf.ln(4*th) pdf.set_font('Times','B',14.0) pdf.cell(epw, 0.0, 'With more padding', align='C') pdf.set_font('Times','',10.0) pdf.ln(0.5) # Here we add more padding by passing 2*th as height for row in data: for datum in row: # Enter data in colums pdf.cell(col_width, 2*th, str(datum), border=1) pdf.ln(2*th) pdf.output('table-using-cell-borders.pdf','F')