


 下载地址: https://download.csdn.net/download/qq_31293575/18340399

摘  要




关键词 :ACG;动漫;周边;商城;购物;SSM


At the same time,with the development of Internet technology,people's thoughts gradually change,animation culture is gradually accepted by the public and received a large number of young people love. The increase of its enthusiasts group makes it gain a high degree of recognition in the Chinese market,and the output of animation and its related derivatives further promotes the dissemination of culture,and the audience has a very high stickiness and stability. This group of animation peripheral products purchase demand gradually increased,is a large market.

This project designs and implements a ACG peripheral trading platform based on SSM framework. In recent years,with people's ideological awareness and the improvement of living standards,the Internet has been an indispensable part of people's lives,today's computer has entered thousands of households,for most of them,it is very common to be able to check their favorite goods in their own calculations and buy goods. Therefore,online shopping has been rapid development,has become the current trend. Designed to provide users with a more efficient and intimate ACG of trafficking through the Internet  surrounding trading platform,so that users can have a better shopping experience.

At this animation peripheral shopping system development,selected the B/S software design architecture,the system needs to use all the data in the process of running in the server. Using JSP technology,it inherits the advantages of Java stability,security,cross-platform and can also make static web pages and dynamic data web pages. Database uses MySQL database,this database has very high data processing speed,can meet the requirements of all data management in the animation peripheral shopping system.

Keywords: ACG;animation;peripheral;mall;shopping;SSM

目  录

摘  要 I


第一章  绪论 1

1.1 课题背景及意义 1

1.2 ACG相关产业的发展现状 1

1.2.1国外ACG相关产业的发展现状分析 1

1.2.2国内ACG相关产业的发展现状分析 2

1.3 研究主要内容 4

第二章 系统开发技术 5

2.1 Java技术 5

2.1.1 Java技术简介 5

2.1.2 Java开发平台 6

2.1.3 Java文件组成 6

2.2 MYSQL数据库 6

2.3 HTML简介 7

2.4 B/S结构 8

2.5 SSM框架 8

第三章 系统分析 11

3.1 可行性分析 11

3.1.1 技术可行性 11

3.1.2 操作可行性 11

3.1.3 经济可行性 11

3.1.4 法律可行性 12

3.2系统流程设计 12

3.2.1 系统开发流程 12

3.2.2 用户登录流程 13

3.2.3 系统操作流程 13

3.2.4 添加信息流程 14

3.2.5 修改信息流程 15

3.2.6 删除信息流程 16

3.3系统用例分析 16

3.3.1 管理员用例图 16

3.3.2 用户用例图 17

第四章 系统设计 19

4.1 系统概述 19

4.2 系统结构设计 19

4.3 数据库设计 21

4.3.1 数据库设计原则 21

4.3.2 数据库实体 21

4.3.3 数据库表设计 24

第五章 系统界面设计 28

5.1 系统前台主界面 28

5.1.1 注意事项界面 28

5.1.2 商品中心界面 29

5.1.3 用户注册界面 30

5.1.4 找回密码界面 30

5.1.5 个人中心界面 31

5.1.6 购买商品界面 31

5.1.7 购物车界面 32

5.1.8 我的订单界面 32

5.2管理员功能模块的实现 33

5.2.1 管理员管理主界面 33

5.2.2 管理员订单管理界面 34

5.2.3 管理员商品管理界面 34

5.2.4 管理员留言管理界面 35

5.2.5 管理员用户管理界面 35

第六章 系统测试 36

6.1系统测试的意义 36

6.2性能测试 37

6.3测试分析 37

结  论 38

参考文献 39

致  谢 40

