1. String和StringBulider的使用
通过书中介绍, 我们得知如下结论:
总结: 当字符串操作比较简单(没有for循环等)时,可以依赖编译器进行优化。 但是如果这个字符串需要使用for循环,那么最好自己创建一个StringBuilder对象,用它来构造最终的结果。
注意: 在使用StringBuilder的时候, 要避免这样写:append( a + ":" + c),这样编译器依然要先处理内部的字符串。这个字符串处理也是创建一个Stringbuilder来处理的。
2. 无意识的递归
这里无意识的递归指的是. 在toString方法中, 想要显示对象的内存地址. 不能使用this, 而要使用super.toString(). 使用this会导致无线循环. 为什么使用this会导致无限循环呢?看下面的代码中的注释就知道了.
package net.mindview.strings; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * 无限循环 */ public class InfiniteRecursion { public InfiniteRecursion(){ } @Override public String toString() { /* * 使用this会导致无限循环,为什么呢? * 因为: this前面是一个字符串,后面跟着+,就会想到将this转换为字符串, * 结果转换成字符串就有调用本身的toString方法了, 导致了无限循环 */ return " InfiniteRecursion address" + this + "\n"; //return " InfiniteRecursion address" + super.toString() + "\n"; } public static void main(String[] args) { List<InfiniteRecursion> list = new ArrayList<InfiniteRecursion>(); for(int i=0; i<5; i++){ list.add(new InfiniteRecursion()); } System.out.println(list); } }
正确的做法是将注释行去掉. 使用super.toString()
3. 格式化输出
格式化输出使用System.out.printf() 或者System.out.format();
package net.mindview.strings; public class SimpleFormat { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 5; double y = 5.332542; System.out.println("Row 1: [" + x + " " + y + "]"); //一下两种方式是等价的. System.out.format("Row 1: [%d %f]\n", x, y); System.out.printf("Row 1: [%d %f]\n", x, y); } }
package net.mindview.strings; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.Formatter; public class Turtle { private String name; private Formatter f; public Turtle(String name, Formatter f){ this.name = name; this.f = f; } public void move(int x, int y){ f.format("%s The Turtle is at (%d.%d)\n", name, x, y); } public static void main(String[] args) { PrintStream outAlias = System.out; Turtle tommy = new Turtle("Tommy", new Formatter(System.out)); Turtle terry = new Turtle("Terry", new Formatter(outAlias)); tommy.move(0, 0); terry.move(4, 8); tommy.move(3, 4); terry.move(2, 5); tommy.move(3, 3); terry.move(3, 3); } }
语法: %[argument_index$][flags][width][.precision]conversion
package net.mindview.strings; import java.util.Formatter; public class Receipt { private double total = 0; private Formatter f = new Formatter(System.out); //打印标题 public void printTitle(){ /* * 含义: 格式化字符串串以%开头 * -: 表示左对齐 * 15: 15表示宽度 * s:表示数据的类型是String * .2:表示保留的小数位数 */ f.format("%-15s %5s %10s\n", "Item", "Qty", "Price"); f.format("%-15s %5s %10s\n", "----", "---", "-----"); } //正文的内容 public void print(String name, int qty, double price){ f.format("%-15.15s %5d %10.2f\n", name, qty, price); total += price; } //总价 public void printTotal(){ f.format("%-15s %5s %10.2f\n", "Tax", "", total*0.06); f.format("%-15s %5s %10s\n", "", "", "-----"); f.format("%-15s %5s %10.2f\n", "Total", "", total*1.06); } public static void main(String[] args) { Receipt receipt = new Receipt(); receipt.printTitle(); receipt.print("Jack`s Magic Beans", 4, 4.25); receipt.print("Princess Peas", 3, 5.1); receipt.print("Three Bears Porridge", 1, 14.29); receipt.printTotal(); } }
Item Qty Price ---- --- ----- Jack`s Magic Be 4 4.25 Princess Peas 3 5.10 Three Bears Por 1 14.29 Tax 1.42 ----- Total 25.06
4. 正则表达式
package net.mindview.strings; public class IntegerMatch { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("-1234".matches("-?\\d+")); System.out.println("5678".matches("-?\\d+")); System.out.println("+991".matches("-?\\d+")); System.out.println("+911".matches("(-|\\+)?\\d+")); } }
true true false true
在这里+有特殊的含义, 所以,表示普通含义的+需要使用\\将其转义。
package net.mindview.strings; import java.util.Arrays; public class Splitting { public static String knights = "Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring!"; public static void split(String regex){ System.out.println(Arrays.toString(knights.split(regex))); } public static void main(String[] args) { //表示的时按照空格分割字符串 //运行结果:[Then,, when, you, have, found, the, shrubbery,, you, must, cut, down, the, mightiest, tree, in, the, forest..., with..., a, herring!] split(" "); //表示按照非单次字符分割字符串--这里的非单次字符是空格和, //运行结果:[Then, when, you, have, found, the, shrubbery, you, must, cut, down, the, mightiest, tree, in, the, forest, with, a, herring] split("\\W+"); //这个表示:费单次字符之前带n的地方进行分割字符串 这里的分割符是n空格和n, //运行结果:[The, whe, you have found the shrubbery, you must cut dow, the mightiest tree i, the forest... with... a herring!] split("n\\W+"); } }
package net.mindview.strings; public class Replacing { static String s = Splitting.knights; public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(s.replaceFirst("f\\w+", "located")); System.out.println(s.replaceAll("shrubbery|tree|herring", "banana")); } }
Then, when you have located the shrubbery, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring! Then, when you have found the banana, you must cut down the mightiest banana in the forest... with... a banana!
package net.mindview.strings; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class TestRegularExpression { public static void main(String[] args) { if(args.length < 2){ System.out.println("Usage:\njava TestRegularExpression "+"characterSequence regularExpression+"); System.exit(0); } System.out.println("Input: \""+ args[0] + "\""); for(String arg: args){ System.out.println("Regular expression: \"" + arg +"\""); //定义一个正则表达式的类对象 Pattern p = Pattern.compile(arg); //使用正则表达式匹配字符串. Matcher m = p.matcher(args[0]); //对匹配到的字符串进行处理. while(m.find()){ System.out.println("Match \"" + m.group() +"\" at positions " + m.start() + "-" + (m.end()-1) ); } System.out.println("\n\n"); } } }
/** * 输入参数:abcabcabcdefabc "abc+" "(abc)+" "(abc){2,}" * @param args */
Input: "abcabcabcdefabc" Regular expression: "abcabcabcdefabc" Match "abcabcabcdefabc" at positions 0-14 Regular expression: "abc+" Match "abc" at positions 0-2 Match "abc" at positions 3-5 Match "abc" at positions 6-8 Match "abc" at positions 12-14 Regular expression: "(abc)+" Match "abcabcabc" at positions 0-8 Match "abc" at positions 12-14 Regular expression: "(abc){2,}" Match "abcabcabc" at positions 0-8