<!-- 绑定手机号 --> <view class='content'> <form bindsubmit="formSubmit"> <view class='phone-box'> <text class='phone'>手机号</text> <input name="phone" type='number' placeholder="请输入手机号" maxlength='11' name="phone" class='number' bindinput='lovePhone' /> </view> <view class='phone-box'> <text class='phone'>验证码</text> <input name="phoneCode" placeholder="请输入验证码" class='number' placeholder-style='color:#bbb' bindinput="yanLoveInput" /> <view bindtap='yanLoveBtn' class='getNum'>{{getText2}}</view> </view> <button formType="submit" class='submit'>绑定</button> </form> </view>
.content { width: 100%; height: auto; padding: 0 50rpx; box-sizing: border-box; } .phone-box { width: 100%; height: 89rpx; border-bottom: 1rpx solid #efefef; display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: center; } .phone { color: #333; margin-right: 60rpx; font-size: 28rpx; } .number { color: #333; font-size: 28rpx; width: 200rpx; } .getNum { width:210rpx; height:48rpx; background:rgba(248, 112, 57, 1); border-radius:8rpx; font-size:28rpx; font-family:PingFang-SC-Medium; color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); line-height:48rpx; margin-right:36rpx; text-align:center; } .submit { width: 480rpx; height: 80rpx; background: rgba(248, 112, 57, 1); border-radius: 8rpx; margin-top: 80rpx; color: #fff; font-size: 32rpx; }
const app = getApp(); Page({ data: { // 验证手机号 loginPhone: false, loginPwd: false, loveChange: true, hongyzphone: '', // 验证码是否正确 zhengLove: true, huoLove: '', getText2: '获取验证码', }, // 手机验证 lovePhone: function (e) { let phone = e.detail.value; this.setData({ hongyzphone: phone }) if (!(/^1[34578]\d{9}$/.test(phone))) { this.setData({ lovePhone: false }) //console.log(phone.length) if (phone.length >= 11) { wx.showToast({ title: '手机号有误', icon: 'none', duration: 1000 }) } } else { this.setData({ lovePhone: true }) } }, // 验证码输入 yanLoveInput: function (e) { let that = this; let yanLove = e.detail.value; //console.log(yanLove) let huoLove = this.data.huoLove; //console.log(huoLove) that.setData({ yanLove: yanLove, zhengLove: false, }) if (yanLove.length > 4) { if (yanLove == huoLove) { that.setData({ zhengLove: true, }) } else { that.setData({ zhengLove: false, }) wx.showModal({ content: '输入验证码有误', showCancel: false, success: function (res) { } }) } } }, // 验证码按钮 yanLoveBtn: function () { let loveChange = this.data.loveChange; //console.log(loveChange) let lovePhone = this.data.lovePhone; //console.log(lovePhone) let phone = this.data.hongyzphone; console.log(phone) let n = 59; let that = this; if (!lovePhone) { wx.showToast({ title: '手机号有误', icon:"none", duration: 1000 }) } else { if (loveChange) { this.setData({ loveChange: false }) let lovetime = setInterval(function () { let str = '(' + n + ')' + '重新获取' that.setData({ getText2: str }) if (n <= 0) { that.setData({ loveChange: true, getText2: '重新获取' }) clearInterval(lovetime); } n--; }, 1000); //获取验证码接口写在这里 //例子 并非真实接口 // app.agriknow.sendMsg(phone).then(res => { // console.log('请求获取验证码.res =>', res) // }).catch(err => { // console.log(err) // }) wx.request({ url: 'http://day528.exam9.com/getCode', data:{phone:phone}, success:function(res){ //console.log(res.data) // var code = res.data.data; if(res.data.data==500){ console.log(res.data) wx.showToast({ title: '一分钟后点击发送', }) return false; }; if(res.data.code==200){ wx.showToast({ title: '发送成功', }) }; } }) } } }, //form表单提交 formSubmit(e){ let val = e.detail.value console.log('val', val) var phone = val.phone //电话 var phoneCode = val.phoneCode //验证码 wx.request({ url: 'http://day528.exam9.com/login', data:{ phone:phone, phoneCode:phoneCode }, success:function(res){ if(res.data.code == 500){ wx.showToast({ title: '验证码错误', icon:"none", }) return false; } if(res.data.code == 200){ wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/list/list', }) } } }) }, })
//小程序手机验证码 public function getCode(Request $request) { //当用户点击手机号时先去缓存中查询,当前时间-缓存时间如果大于60s,允许用户继续获取验证码,否则给出提示 //获取手机号 $phone=$request->input('phone'); //print_r($phone);die(); //设置当前时间戳 $time=time(); if (Cache::has($phone)){ // Cache::pull($phone,) if ($time - Cache::get($phone) > 60){ //print_r(Cache::get('time'));die(); $content="【创信】你的验证码是:5873,3分钟有效!"; $res=$this->sendmsg($phone,$content); if ($res) return json_encode(['code'=>200,'data'=>'','msg'=>'发送成功']); return json_encode(['code'=>201,'data'=>'','msg'=>'发送失败']); }else{ return ['code'=>500,'data'=>'','msg'=>'一分钟后点击发送']; } }else{ $content="【创信】你的验证码是:5873,3分钟有效!"; $res=$this->sendmsg($phone,$content); //发送验证码成功后将当前时间存入缓存,以便下次再次点击的时候进行时间的判断 Cache::set($phone,time()); if ($res) return json_encode(['code'=>200,'data'=>'','msg'=>'发送成功']); return json_encode(['code'=>201,'data'=>'','msg'=>'发送失败']); } } //使用curl函数库发送请求 public function curl_request($url, $post = true, $params = [], $https = true) { //初始化请求 $ch = curl_init($url); //默认是get请求。如果是post请求 设置请求方式和请求参数 if ($post) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params); } //如果是https协议,禁止从服务器验证本地证书 if ($https) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); } //发送请求,获取返回结果 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $res = curl_exec($ch); //关闭请求 curl_close($ch); return $res; } //使用curl_request函数调用短信接口发送短信 public function sendmsg($phone, $content) { // 请求地址、appkey $gateway = '你的接口请求地址'; $appkey = '你的appkey'; // https://way.jd.com/chuangxin/dxjk?mobile=*********&content=【创信】你的验证码是:5873,3分钟内有效!&appkey=您申请的APPKEY $url = $gateway . '?appkey=' . $appkey . "&content=" . $content . "&mobile=" . $phone ; $res = $this->curl_request($url, false, [], true); //处理结果 if (!$res) { return '请求发送失败'; } //解析结果 $arr = json_decode($res, true); if (isset($arr['code']) && $arr['code'] == 10000) { //短信接口调用成功 return true; } else { /*if(isset($arr['msg'])){ return $arr['msg']; }*/ return '短信发送失败'; } }
//当用户获取到code验证码之后然后再次发到后台进行验证验证码执行登录 public function login(Request $request) { //获取验证码和手机号 $phone=$request->input('phone'); $data=['phone'=>$phone]; $phoneCode=$request->input('phoneCode'); //查询前台发送过来的code的一致性 if ($phoneCode == 5873){ //判断数据表是否有当前手机号 $res=\App\Models\Login::where('phone',$phone)->first(); if($res){ return ['code'=>200,'data'=>$res,'msg'=>'登录成功']; }else{ //记录手机号 \App\Models\Login::create($data); return ['code'=>200,'data'=>$res,'msg'=>'登录成功']; } }else{ return ['code'=>500,'data'=>'','msg'=>'验证码错误']; } }