6-1 Point类的运算 (10 分)
Point p; cout<<p<<endl;可以输出该点对象的坐标。
/* 请在这里填写答案 */ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { Point p1(2,3); cout<<p1<<endl; Point p2(4,5); cout<<p2<<endl; Point p3 = p1+p2; cout<<p3<<endl; p3 = p2-p1; cout<<p3<<endl; p1 += p2; cout<<p1<<endl; cout<<(p1==p2)<<endl; return 0; }
输入样例: 无 输出样例: 在这里给出相应的输出。例如: 2,3 4,5 6,8 2,2 6,8 0
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Point{ int x,y; public: Point(int a,int b){ x = a; y = b; } Point operator+(const Point &point2){ return Point(x + point2.x,y + point2.y); } Point operator-(const Point &point2){ return Point(x - point2.x,y - point2.y); } void operator+=(const Point &point2){ x += point2.x; y += point2.y; } bool operator==(const Point &point2){ if (x == point2.x && y == point2.y){ return true; } else return false; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, Point &point){ out<<point.x<<","<<point.y; return out; } }; int main() { Point p1(2,3); cout<<p1<<endl; Point p2(4,5); cout<<p2<<endl; Point p3 = p1+p2; cout<<p3<<endl; p3 = p2-p1; cout<<p3<<endl; p1 += p2; cout<<p1<<endl; cout<<(p1==p2)<<endl; return 0; }
6-2 车的不同行为 (10 分) 定义一个车(vehicle)基类,有虚函数Run、Stop等成员函数,由此派生出自行车(bicycle)类、汽车(motorcar)类,它们都有Run、Stop等成员函数。完成这些类使得主函数可以运行并得到正确的输出结果。
函数接口定义: 完成类代码
/* 请在这里填写答案 */ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { Vehicle veh; Bicycle bic; Motorcar mot; run(veh); run(bic); run(mot); return 0; }
输入样例: 无 输出样例: 在这里给出相应的输出。例如: Vehicle run Bicycle run Motorcar run
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Vehicle{ public: virtual void run(){ cout<<"Vehicle run\n"; } }; class Bicycle:public Vehicle{ public: virtual void run(){ cout<<"Bicycle run\n"; } }; class Motorcar:public Vehicle{ public: virtual void run(){ cout<<"Motorcar run\n"; } }; void run(Vehicle &a){ a.run(); } int main() { Vehicle veh; Bicycle bic; Motorcar mot; run(veh); run(bic); run(mot); return 0; }
6-3 点和线段 (20 分) 已知表示点的类CPoint和表示线段的CLine类, 类CPoint包含:(1)表达点位置的私有数据成员x,y (2)构造函数及复制构造函数 类CLine包含: (1)两个CPoint的点对象(该两点分别为线段的两个端点) (2)构造函数(提示:构造函数中用初始化列表对内嵌对象进行初始化) (3)公有成员函数GetLen,其功能为返回线段的长度,返回值类型为整型 (4)类属性成员count用于记录创建的CLine类对象的个数,及用于显示count值的ShowCount函数; 要求: (1)实现满足上述属性和行为的CPoint类及CLine类定义; (2)保证如下主函数能正确运行。
/* 请在这里填写答案 */ int main(){ int x,y; cin>>x>>y; CPoint p1(x,y); cin>>x>>y; CPoint p2(x,y); CLine line1(p1,p2); cout<<"the length of line1 is:"<<line1.GetLen()<<endl; CLine line2(line1); cout<<"the length of line2 is:"<<line2.GetLen()<<endl; cout<<"the count of CLine is:"<<CLine::ShowCount()<<endl; return 0; }
输入样例: 在这里给出一组输入。例如: 1 1 4 5 输出样例: 在这里给出相应的输出。例如: The length of line1 is:5 The length of line2 is:5 The count of Line is:2
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std; /* 请在这里填写答案 */ class CPoint{ int x,y; public: CPoint(){ x = 0; y = 0; } CPoint(int a,int b){ x = a; y = b; } CPoint(const CPoint &obj){ x = obj.x; y = obj.y; } int getx(){ return x; } int gety(){ return y; } }; class CLine:public CPoint{ CPoint p1,p2; static int count; public: CLine(const CLine &l){ p1 = l.p1; p2 = l.p2; count++; } CLine(CPoint a,CPoint b){ p1 = a; p2 = b; count++; } int GetLen(){ return sqrt(pow(p1.getx()-p2.getx(),2) + pow(p1.gety()-p2.gety(),2)); } static int ShowCount(){ return count; } }; int CLine::count = 0; int main(){ int x,y; cin>>x>>y; CPoint p1(x,y); cin>>x>>y; CPoint p2(x,y); CLine line1(p1,p2); cout<<"the length of line1 is:"<<line1.GetLen()<<endl; CLine line2(line1); cout<<"the length of line2 is:"<<line2.GetLen()<<endl; cout<<"the count of CLine is:"<<CLine::ShowCount()<<endl; return 0; }