clc clear [X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(linspace(-3,3,101)); F = -X.^2.*Z.^3-(9/80).*Y.^2.*Z.^3+(X.^2+(9/4).*Y.^2+Z.^2-1).^3; hFigure = figure; sz = get(hFigure, 'Position'); set(hFigure, 'Position', [sz(1)-0.15*sz(3) sz(2) 1.3*sz(3) sz(4)]); set(hFigure,'color','w', 'menu','none') hAxes = axes('Parent',hFigure,'NextPlot','add',... 'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1],... 'XLim',[30 120],'YLim',[35 65],'ZLim',[30 75]); view([-39 30]); axis off hidden on p = patch(isosurface(F,-0.001)); set(p,'FaceColor','w','EdgeColor','none'); for iX = [35 38 41 45 48 51 54 57 61 64 67] plane = reshape(F(:,iX,:),101,101); cData = contourc(plane,[0 0]); xData = iX.*ones(1,cData(2,1)); plot3(hAxes,xData,cData(2,2:end),cData(1,2:end),'k'); pause(.1), drawnow end for iY = [41 44 47 51 55 58 61] plane = reshape(F(iY,:,:),101,101); cData = contourc(plane,[0 0]); yData = iY.*ones(1,cData(2,1)); plot3(hAxes,cData(2,2:end),yData,cData(1,2:end),'k'); pause(.1), drawnow end for iZ = [36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 69 71] plane = F(:,:,iZ); cData = contourc(plane,[0 0]); startIndex = 1; if size(cData,2) > (cData(2,1)+1) startIndex = cData(2,1)+2; zData = iZ.*ones(1,cData(2,1)); plot3(hAxes,cData(1,2:(startIndex-1)),... cData(2,2:(startIndex-1)),zData,'k'); end zData = iZ.*ones(1,cData(2,startIndex)); plot3(hAxes,cData(1,(startIndex+1):end),... cData(2,(startIndex+1):end),zData,'k'); pause(.1), drawnow end set(p,'faceColor','r','EdgeColor','w'); pause(.2) set(p,'faceColor','w','EdgeColor','r') pause(.2) text(7,50,70,'I', 'fontWeight','bold','FontAngle','italic','fontsize',100) pause(.5) text(80,50,43,'YOU', 'fontWeight','bold','FontAngle','italic','fontsize',100) pause(.2) %设置签名 line([20 80],[50 50],[52.5 52.5], 'color','k') line([50 50],[20 80],[52.5 52.5], 'color','k') line([50 50],[50 50],[30 80], 'color','k') text(20,50,50,'x') text(48,20,50,'y') text(45,50,80,'z') text(30,60,30,'(x^2+9/4y^2+z^2-1)^3 - x^2z^3-9/80y^2z^3=0', 'fontsize',12) text(35,45,30,'-3<x,y,z costs(jj) costchart(setOpen(I)) = costs(jj); setOpenCosts(I) = costs(jj); setOpenHeuristics(I) = heuristics(jj); fieldpointers(setOpen(I)) = movementdirections(jj); end % else node has already been CLOSED, so check to see if we have % found a better route to it. else % find relevant node in CLOSED I = find(setClosed == posinds(jj)); % update if we have a better route if setClosedCosts(I) > costs(jj) costchart(setClosed(I)) = costs(jj); setClosedCosts(I) = costs(jj); fieldpointers(setClosed(I)) = movementdirections(jj); end end end end if isempty(setOpen) break; end set(axishandle,'CData',[costchart costchart(:,end); costchart(end,:) costchart(end,end)]); % hack to make image look right set(gca,'CLim',[0 1.1*max(costchart(find(costchart < Inf)))]); axis off; drawnow; end if max(ismember(setOpen,goalposind)) disp('Solution found!'); % now find the way back using FIELDPOINTERS, starting from goal position p = findWayBack(goalposind,fieldpointers); % plot final path plot(p(:,2)+0.5,p(:,1)+0.5,'Color',0.2*ones(3,1),'LineWidth',4); axis off; drawnow; % celebrate [y,Fs] = audioread('wee.wav'); sound(y,Fs); elseif isempty(setOpen) axis off; disp('No Solution!'); [y,Fs] = audioread('pewee-ahh.wav'); sound(y,Fs); end % end of the main function %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function p = findWayBack(goalposind,fieldpointers) % This function will follow the pointers from the goal position to the % starting position n = length(fieldpointers); % length of the field posind = goalposind; % convert linear index into [row column] [py,px] = ind2sub([n,n],posind); % store initial position p = [py px]; % until we are at the starting position while ~strcmp(fieldpointers{posind},'S') switch fieldpointers{posind} case 'L' % move left px = px - 1; case 'R' % move right px = px + 1; case 'U' % move up py = py - 1; case 'D' % move down py = py + 1; end p = [p; py px]; % convert [row column] to linear index posind = sub2ind([n n],py,px); end % end of this function %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [cost,heuristic,posinds] = findFValue(posind,costsofar,field, ... goalind,heuristicmethod) % This function finds the movement COST for each tile surrounding POSIND in % FIELD, returns their position indices POSINDS. They are ordered: right, % left, down, up. n = length(field); % length of the field % convert linear index into [row column] [currentpos(1) currentpos(2)] = ind2sub([n n],posind); [goalpos(1) goalpos(2)] = ind2sub([n n],goalind); % places to store movement cost value and position cost = Inf*ones(4,1); heuristic = Inf*ones(4,1); pos = ones(4,2); % if we can look left, we move from the right newx = currentpos(2) - 1; newy = currentpos(1); if newx > 0 pos(1,:) = [newy newx]; switch lower(heuristicmethod) case 'euclidean' heuristic(1) = abs(goalpos(2)-newx) + abs(goalpos(1)-newy); case 'taxicab' heuristic(1) = abs(goalpos(2)-newx) + abs(goalpos(1)-newy); end cost(1) = costsofar + field(newy,newx); end % if we can look right, we move from the left newx = currentpos(2) + 1; newy = currentpos(1); if newx 0 pos(3,:) = [newy newx]; switch lower(heuristicmethod) case 'euclidean' heuristic(3) = abs(goalpos(2)-newx) + abs(goalpos(1)-newy); case 'taxicab' heuristic(3) = abs(goalpos(2)-newx) + abs(goalpos(1)-newy); end cost(3) = costsofar + field(newy,newx); end % if we can look down, we move from up newx = currentpos(2); newy = currentpos(1)+1; if newy <= n pos(4,:) = [newy newx]; switch lower(heuristicmethod) case 'euclidean' heuristic(4) = abs(goalpos(2)-newx) + abs(goalpos(1)-newy); case 'taxicab' heuristic(4) = abs(goalpos(2)-newx) + abs(goalpos(1)-newy); end cost(4) = costsofar + field(newy,newx); end % return [row column] to linear index posinds = sub2ind([n n],pos(:,1),pos(:,2)); % end of this function %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [field, startposind, goalposind, costchart, fieldpointers] = ... initializeField(n,wallpercent) % This function will create a field with movement costs and walls, a start % and goal position at random, a matrix in which the algorithm will store % f values, and a cell matrix in which it will store pointers % create the field and place walls with infinite cost field = ones(n,n) + 10*rand(n,n); field(ind2sub([n n],ceil(n^2.*rand(floor(n*n*wallpercent),1)))) = Inf; % create random start position and goal position startposind = sub2ind([n,n],ceil(n.*rand),ceil(n.*rand)); goalposind = sub2ind([n,n],ceil(n.*rand),ceil(n.*rand)); % force movement cost at start and goal positions to not be walls field(startposind) = 0; field(goalposind) = 0; % put not a numbers (NaN) in cost chart so A* knows where to look costchart = NaN*ones(n,n); % set the cost at the starting position to be 0 costchart(startposind) = 0; % make fieldpointers as a cell array fieldpointers = cell(n,n); % set the start pointer to be "S" for start, "G" for goal fieldpointers{startposind} = 'S'; fieldpointers{goalposind} = 'G'; % everywhere there is a wall, put a 0 so it is not considered fieldpointers(field == Inf) = {0}; % end of this function %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function axishandle = createFigure(field,costchart,startposind,goalposind) % This function creates a pretty figure % If there is no figure open, then create one if isempty(gcbf) figure('Position',[395 86 894 700],'Units','Normalized','Name','A星算法路径搜寻演示 —— matlab爱好者出品','NumberTitle','off','Color','w','Menubar','none'); axes('position', [0.01 0.01 0.98 0.98],'FontSize',12, ... 'FontName','Helvetica'); axis off; else % get the current figure, and clear it gcf; cla; end n = length(field); % plot field where walls are black, and everything else is white field(field < Inf) = 0; pcolor([1:n+1],[1:n+1],[field field(:,end); field(end,:) field(end,end)]); % set the colormap for the ploting the cost and looking really nice cmap = flipud(colormap('jet')); % make first entry be white, and last be black cmap(1,:) = zeros(3,1); cmap(end,:) = ones(3,1); % apply the colormap, but make red be closer to goal colormap(flipud(cmap)); % keep the plot so we can plot over it hold on; % now plot the f values for all tiles evaluated axishandle = pcolor([1:n+1],[1:n+1],[costchart costchart(:,end); costchart(end,:) costchart(end,end)]); % plot goal as a yellow square, and start as a green circle [goalposy,goalposx] = ind2sub([n,n],goalposind); [startposy,startposx] = ind2sub([n,n],startposind); plot(goalposx+0.5,goalposy+0.5,'ys','MarkerSize',10,'LineWidth',6); plot(startposx+0.5,startposy+0.5,'go','MarkerSize',10,'LineWidth',6); % add a button so that can re-do the demonstration uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','更新', 'FontSize',12, ... 'Position', [1 1 60 40], 'Callback','astardemo'); % end of this function
function clockplot() % Best in fullscreen mode % VERSION 1.1 % Features: % 1. ANALOG + DIGITAL displays % 2. Black dot in the centre indicates 'P.M' and White dot in the centre indicates 'A.M' % 3. Indicates the year month date and the week numbers also. % 4. The digital display of the time is shown on the corresponding hand % 5. Duration of one tick of the second hand can be set % 6. uses opengl rendering and the hands run more smoothly than in version 1.0 % 7. Display a complete digital display in the form H:M:S:mS... & H --> 0 to 24 % NOTE: CLOCK STARTS AND IS MAITAINED ACCORDING % TO TIME INDICATED BY THE INBUILT COMMAND "clock" % By Sunil Anandatheertha % !x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x! % !x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x! % IMPORTANT NOTE: USE CTRL+C IN COMMAND LINE or FIGURE WINDOW TO END THE PROGRAM % !x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x! % !x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x!x! % \.//\.//\.// % \.//\.//\.// rs=10; % radius of second hand n = 1; hs=[]; hm=[]; hh=[]; digsec=[]; digmin=[]; dighr=[]; digdate1=[]; digdate2=[]; digdate3=[]; digdate4=[]; digdate5=[]; ampm=[]; digtime1=[];digtime2=[];digtime3=[];digtime4=[]; setfigureproperties; setaxisproperties; onetick=0.0025;% (set the duration of one tick. NOTE: an approx.) while n0&&x1 && number=8 && number=15 && number-22 && number<=31 week=4; end end % \.//\.//\.// % \.//\.//\.//
function firework % 烟花烟花满天飞 OldHandle = findobj( 'Type', 'figure', 'Tag', 'FireWork' ); if ishandle(OldHandle) close(OldHandle); end % 图形窗口初始化 figure('units','normalized','position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8],... 'menubar','none','name','烟花满天飞',... 'numbertitle','off','color',[0 0 0],'tag','FireWork'); % 烟花炸开前的初始位置 h0 = line(0,0,0,'marker','.',... 'markersize',18,... 'MarkerEdgeColor',[1 1 1],... 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 1 1],... 'color',[0 0 0]); hold on; h = scatter3(0,0,0,60,'k','filled','Marker','h','Visible','off'); % 设置坐标系显示属性 axis equal; axis([-50 50 -50 50 0 120]); axis off; view(-42,22); % 设置参数 v0 = 45; % 烟花头初始速度 g = -9.8; % 重力加速度 usedtime = -v0/g - 0.8; % 烟花头爆炸前所经历时间 zs = v0*usedtime+0.5*g*usedtime^2; %烟花头爆炸前达到的最高高度 rng(1); theta = rand(500,1)*2*pi; % 各粒子速度的方位角 phi = rand(500,1)*2*pi-pi; % 各粒子速度的仰角 v1 = 20; % 粒子的初始速度 xi = v1*cos(phi).*cos(theta); % 各粒子x方向的速度 yi = v1*cos(phi).*sin(theta); % 各粒子y方向的速度 age = 20; % 粒子生存期 % 常用颜色矩阵 colormat = [1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.75 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.75 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.75 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.75 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.75 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.75]; % 随机产生各粒子对应的颜色序号 colorid = randsample(12,500,true); % 粒子对应的颜色矩阵 colormat0 = colormat(colorid,:); % 粒子颜色与背景色(夜色)的距离 colordist = sqrt(mean(sum(colormat0.^2,2))); rate = 0.25; % 颜色随时间的衰减率 timerA = timer('TimerFcn',@TimerFcnA,... 'executionmode','fixedspacing','Period',0.1); start(timerA); timerB = timer('TimerFcn',{@TimerFcnB},... 'executionmode','fixedspacing','period',0.1); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 定时器回调函数(烟花头) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TimerFcnA(timerA,~) ta = get(timerA,'TasksExecuted')*0.1; if ta 0 && colordist>=0.02 colormat = colormat0*(1-rate*tb); colordist = sqrt(mean(sum(colormat.^2,2))); zi = zs+v1*sin(phi)*tb+0.5*g*tb^2; set(h,'XData',xi*tb,'YData',yi*tb,'ZData',zi,'CData',colormat); drawnow; age = age-0.1; else stop(timerB); delete(h); end end %------------------- end
function Sponge(n) if (n==0) vertices=[0 0 0;1 0 0;1 1 0;0 1 0;0 0 1;1 0 1;1 1 1;0 1 1]; faces=[1 2 6 5;2 3 7 6;3 4 8 7;4 1 5 8;1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8]; patch('Vertices',vertices,'Faces',faces,'FaceVertexCData',hsv(6),'FaceColor','flat') good_axis else levelcontrol=10^n; L=(levelcontrol/(3^n)); l=ceil(L); carp(0,0,0,levelcontrol,0,0,levelcontrol,levelcontrol,0,0,levelcontrol,0,0,0,levelcontrol,levelcontrol,0,levelcontrol,levelcontrol,levelcontrol,levelcontrol,0,levelcontrol,levelcontrol,l) good_axis; end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function carp(x1,y1,z1,x4,y4,z4,x52,y52,z52,x49,y49,z49,x13,y13,z13,x16,y16,z16,x64,y64,z64,x61,y61,z61,limit) if(abs(x1-x4)>limit|abs(x16-x4)>limit|abs(x16-x13)>limit|abs(x13-x1)>limit|abs(x1-x49)>limit|abs(x61-x49)>limit|abs(x61-x13)>limit|abs(x64-x16)>limit|abs(x64-x52)>limit|abs(x52-x4)>limit|abs(x64-x61)>limit|abs(x52-x49)>limit|... abs(y1-y4)>limit|abs(y16-y4)>limit|abs(y16-y13)>limit|abs(y13-y1)>limit|abs(y1-y49)>limit|abs(y61-y49)>limit|abs(y61-y13)>limit|abs(y64-y16)>limit|abs(y64-y52)>limit|abs(y52-y4)>limit|abs(y64-y61)>limit|abs(y52-y49)>limit|... abs(z1-z4)>limit|abs(z16-z4)>limit|abs(z16-z13)>limit|abs(z13-z1)>limit|abs(z1-z49)>limit|abs(z61-z49)>limit|abs(z61-z13)>limit|abs(z64-z16)>limit|abs(z64-z52)>limit|abs(z52-z4)>limit|abs(z64-z61)>limit|abs(z52-z49)>limit) a=abs((x4-x1)/3); b=abs((y49-y1)/3); c=abs((z13-z1)/3); x2=x1+a; y2=y1; z2=z1; x3=x1+2*a; y3=y1; z3=z1; x5=x1; y5=y1; z5=z1+c; x6=x1+a; y6=y1; z6=z1+c; x7=x1+2*a; y7=y1; z7=z1+c; x8=x4; y8=y1; z8=z1+c; x9=x1; y9=y1; z9=z1+2*c; x10=x1+a; y10=y1; z10=z1+2*c; x11=x1+2*a; y11=y1; z11=z1+2*c; x12=x4; y12=y1; z12=z1+2*c; x14=x1+a; y14=y1; z14=z13; x15=x1+2*a; y15=y1; z15=z13; x17=x1; y17=y1+b; z17=z1; x18=x1+a; y18=y1+b; z18=z1; x19=x1+2*a; y19=y1+b; z19=z1; x20=x4; y20=y1+b; z20=z1; x21=x1; y21=y1+b; z21=z1+c; x22=x1+a; y22=y1+b; z22=z1+c; x23=x1+2*a; y23=y1+b; z23=z1+c; x24=x4; y24=y1+b; z24=z1+c; x25=x1; y25=y1+b; z25=z1+2*c; x26=x1+a; y26=y1+b; z26=z1+2*c; x27=x1+2*a; y27=y1+b; z27=z1+2*c; x28=x4; y28=y1+b; z28=z1+2*c; x29=x1; y29=y1+b; z29=z13; x30=x1+a; y30=y1+b; z30=z13; x31=x1+2*a; y31=y1+b; z31=z13; x32=x4; y32=y1+b; z32=z13; x33=x1; y33=y1+2*b; z33=z1; x34=x1+a; y34=y1+2*b; z34=z1; x35=x1+2*a; y35=y1+2*b; z35=z1; x36=x4; y36=y1+2*b; z36=z1; x37=x1; y37=y1+2*b; z37=z1+c; x38=x1+a; y38=y1+2*b; z38=z1+c; x39=x1+2*a; y39=y1+2*b; z39=z1+c; x40=x4; y40=y1+2*b; z40=z1+c; x41=x1; y41=y1+2*b; z41=z1+2*c; x42=x1+a; y42=y1+2*b; z42=z1+2*c; x43=x1+2*a; y43=y1+2*b; z43=z1+2*c; x44=x4; y44=y1+2*b; z44=z1+2*c; x45=x1; y45=y1+2*b; z45=z13; x46=x1+a; y46=y1+2*b; z46=z13; x47=x1+2*a; y47=y1+2*b; z47=z13; x48=x4; y48=y1+2*b; z48=z13; x50=x1+a; y50=y49; z50=z1; x51=x1+2*a; y51=y49; z51=z1; x53=x1; y53=y49; z53=z1+c; x54=x1+a; y54=y49; z54=z1+c; x55=x1+2*a; y55=y49; z55=z1+c; x56=x4; y56=y49; z56=z1+c; x57=x1; y57=y49; z57=z1+2*c; x58=x1+a; y58=y49; z58=z1+2*c; x59=x1+2*a; y59=y49; z59=z1+2*c; x60=x4; y60=y49; z60=z1+2*c; x62=x1+a; y62=y49; z62=z13; x63=x1+2*a; y63=y49; z63=z13; carp(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x18,y18,z18,x17,y17,z17,x5,y5,z5,x6,y6,z6,x22,y22,z22,x21,y21,z21,limit); carp(x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,x19,y19,z19,x18,y18,z18,x6,y6,z6,x7,y7,z7,x23,y23,z23,x22,y22,z22,limit); carp(x3,y3,z3,x4,y4,z4,x20,y20,z20,x19,y19,z19,x7,y7,z7,x8,y8,z8,x24,y24,z24,x23,y23,z23,limit); carp(x17,y17,z17,x18,y18,z18,x34,y34,z34,x33,y33,z33,x21,y21,z21,x22,y22,z22,x38,y38,z38,x37,y37,z37,limit); carp(x19,y19,z19,x20,y20,z20,x36,y36,z36,x35,y35,z35,x23,y23,z23,x24,y24,z24,x40,y40,z40,x39,y39,z39,limit); carp(x33,y33,z33,x34,y34,z34,x50,y50,z50,x49,y49,z49,x37,y37,z37,x38,y38,z38,x54,y54,z54,x53,y53,z53,limit); carp(x34,y34,z34,x35,y35,z35,x51,y51,z51,x50,y50,z50,x38,y38,z38,x39,y39,z39,x55,y55,z55,x54,y54,z54,limit); carp(x35,y35,z35,x36,y36,z36,x52,y52,z52,x51,y51,z51,x39,y39,z39,x40,y40,z40,x56,y56,z56,x55,y55,z55,limit); carp(x5,y5,z5,x6,y6,z6,x22,y22,z22,x21,y21,z21,x9,y9,z9,x10,y10,z10,x26,y26,z26,x25,y25,z25,limit); carp(x7,y7,z7,x8,y8,z8,x24,y24,z24,x23,y23,z23,x11,y11,z11,x12,y12,z12,x28,y28,z28,x27,y27,z27,limit); carp(x37,y37,z37,x38,y38,z38,x54,y54,z54,x53,y53,z53,x41,y41,z41,x42,y42,z42,x58,y58,z58,x57,y57,z57,limit); carp(x39,y39,z39,x40,y40,z40,x56,y56,z56,x55,y55,z55,x43,y43,z43,x44,y44,z44,x60,y60,z60,x59,y59,z59,limit); carp(x9,y9,z9,x10,y10,z10,x26,y26,z26,x25,y25,z25,x13,y13,z13,x14,y14,z14,x30,y30,z30,x29,y29,z29,limit); carp(x10,y10,z10,x11,y11,z11,x27,y27,z27,x26,y26,z26,x14,y14,z14,x15,y15,z15,x31,y31,z31,x30,y30,z30,limit); carp(x11,y11,z11,x12,y12,z12,x28,y28,z28,x27,y27,z27,x15,y15,z15,x16,y16,z16,x32,y32,z32,x31,y31,z31,limit); carp(x25,y25,z25,x26,y26,z26,x42,y42,z42,x41,y41,z41,x29,y29,z29,x30,y30,z30,x46,y46,z46,x45,y45,z45,limit); carp(x27,y27,z27,x28,y28,z28,x44,y44,z44,x43,y43,z43,x31,y31,z31,x32,y32,z32,x48,y48,z48,x47,y47,z47,limit); carp(x41,y41,z41,x42,y42,z42,x58,y58,z58,x57,y57,z57,x45,y45,z45,x46,y46,z46,x62,y62,z62,x61,y61,z61,limit); carp(x42,y42,z42,x43,y43,z43,x59,y59,z59,x58,y58,z58,x46,y46,z46,x47,y47,z47,x63,y63,z63,x62,y62,z62,limit); carp(x43,y43,z43,x44,y44,z44,x60,y60,z60,x59,y59,z59,x47,y47,z47,x48,y48,z48,x64,y64,z64,x63,y63,z63,limit); else fillcub(x1,y1,z1,x4,y4,z4,x52,y52,z52,x49,y49,z49,x13,y13,z13,x16,y16,z16,x64,y64,z64,x61,y61,z61); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fillcub(a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2,a3,b3,c3,a4,b4,c4,a5,b5,c5,a6,b6,c6,a7,b7,c7,a8,b8,c8) verticesA=[a1,b1,c1;a2,b2,c2;a3,b3,c3;a4,b4,c4;a5,b5,c5;a6,b6,c6;a7,b7,c7;a8,b8,c8]; faces=[1 2 6 5;2 3 7 6;3 4 8 7;4 1 5 8;1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8]; patch('Vertices',verticesA,'Faces',faces,'FaceVertexCData',hsv(6),'FaceColor','flat'); hold on; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function good_axis axis equal view(3) set(gca,'Visible','off')
grs80 = almanac('earth','grs80','km'); domeRadius = 3000; % km domeLat = 39; % degrees domeLon = -77; % degrees domeAlt = 0; % km [x,y,z] = sphere(20); xLV = domeRadius * x; yLV = domeRadius * y; zLV = domeRadius * z; zLV(zLV < 0) = 0; figure('Renderer','opengl','color','k') ax = axesm('globe','Geoid',grs80,'Grid','on', ... 'GLineWidth',1,'GLineStyle','-',... 'Gcolor',[0.9 0.9 0.1],'Galtitude',100); set(ax,'Position',[0 0 1 1]); axis equal off view(3) load topo geoshow(topo,topolegend,'DisplayType','texturemap') demcmap(topo) land = shaperead('landareas','UseGeoCoords',true); plotm([land.Lat],[land.Lon],'Color','black') rivers = shaperead('worldrivers','UseGeoCoords',true); plotm([rivers.Lat],[rivers.Lon],'Color','blue') for az = -180 :.2 :30 view(az, 40) drawnow end for el = 90 : -.2 : -90 view(30,el) drawnow end
clc; clear all; close all; h=figure('color','k');axis off; set(h,'menubar','none','toolbar','none'); hold on; syms x y s=uicontrol('style','pushbutton','units','normal','position',[.05 .05 .12 .05],'string','Close','callback','close all'); i=0.25;x=0; a=[-1.5-(x*i) 1.5+(x*i) -1.5-(x*i) 1.5+(x*i)]; text(0,0,'武汉加油','HorizontalAlignment','center','FontSize',22,'color','r') a=randn(1,75);c=randn(1,75); h1=plot(a,c); set(h1,'linestyle','none','marker','*','markersize',10,'color','w'); axis tight; axis off; axis equal; iter=0; while(iter<10) x=3; i=0.25; while((x*i)0) f1=inline('x.^6+y.^6+3*(x.^4)*(y.^2)+3*(x.^2)*(y.^4)-(x.^2)*(y.^3)-3*(x.^4)-6*(x.^2)*(y.^2)-3*(y.^4)+3*(x.^2)+3*(y.^2)-1'); f2=vectorize(f1); h=ezplot(f2); axis([-1.5-(x*i) 1.5+(x*i) -1.5-(x*i) 1.5+(x*i)]); set(h,'LineWidth',6); set(h,'LineStyle','-.','color','m'); x=x-1; drawnow; end pause(0.1); x=3;i=0.25; while((x*i)<=0.90) f1=inline('x.^6+y.^6+3*(x.^4)*(y.^2)+3*(x.^2)*(y.^4)-(x.^2)*(y.^3)-3*(x.^4)-6*(x.^2)*(y.^2)-3*(y.^4)+3*(x.^2)+3*(y.^2)-1'); f2=vectorize(f1); h=ezplot(f2); axis([-1.5-(x*i) 1.5+(x*i) -1.5-(x*i) 1.5+(x*i)]); set(h,'LineWidth',6); set(h,'LineStyle','-','color','r'); x=x+1; drawnow; end iter=iter+1; end
clc,clear; Theta = logspace(0,log10(12*pi),36*24+1); Radius = 12*pi+1-logspace(0,log10(12*pi),36*24+1); U = [log(Radius).*cos(Theta); log(Radius).*sin(Theta)]; Mr2 = @(Phi)[cos(Phi),-sin(Phi); sin(Phi),cos(Phi)]; V = Mr2(pi)*U; sample_step = 12; t = 1; time_lapse = 0.1; title_text = '双星系统合并动画'; filename = '双星系统合并动画.gif'; h = figure; set(h,'Position',get(0,'ScreenSize')); set(gcf,'Color',[0 0 0]); axis tight manual; for s = 1:sample_step:length(Theta) plot(U(1,s),U(2,s),'o','Color',[1 0 1],'Linewidth',13), hold on; plot(V(1,s),V(2,s),'o','Color',[0 1 1],'Linewidth',13), hold on; line(U(1,1:s),U(2,1:s),'Color',[1 0 1],'Linewidth',1.5), hold on; line(V(1,1:s),V(2,1:s),'Color',[0 1 1],'Linewidth',1.5), hold on; ax = gca; ax.Clipping = 'off'; set(ax,'Color',[0 0 0]); axis off; title(title_text,'FontSize',16,'Color',[1 1 1]), hold on; view(3); camroll(40); zoom(1.7); t = t+1; drawnow; frame = getframe(h); im = frame2im(frame); [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256); if s == 1 imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif', 'Loopcount',Inf,'DelayTime',time_lapse); else imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',time_lapse); end clf; end % Red screen set(gcf,'Color',[1 0 0]); frame = getframe(h); im = frame2im(frame); [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256); imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',time_lapse); % White screen set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]); frame = getframe(h); im = frame2im(frame); [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256); imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',time_lapse); % Red screen set(gcf,'Color',[1 0 0]); frame = getframe(h); im = frame2im(frame); [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256); imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',time_lapse); % Total paths + merged star ax = gca; set(gcf,'Color',[0 0 0]), set(ax,'Color',[0 0 0]); ax.Clipping = 'off'; line(U(1,1:length(Theta)),U(2,1:length(Theta)),'Color',[1 0 1],'Linewidth',1.5), hold on; line(V(1,1:length(Theta)),V(2,1:length(Theta)),'Color',[0 1 1],'Linewidth',1.5), hold on; plot(U(1,s),U(2,s),'o','Color',[1 0 0],'Linewidth',22), hold on; axis off; title(title_text,'FontSize',16,'Color',[1 1 1]), hold on; view(3); camroll(40); zoom(1.7); frame = getframe(h); im = frame2im(frame); [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256); imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',2*time_lapse);
function [] = Valentine(varargin) if ischar(varargin{1}) someonespecial = varargin{1}; else someonespecial='Me'; end t=0:pi/2048:2*pi; hold on plot(1); xcone=[-40 0 40]; ycone=[-20 -100 -20]; fill(xcone,ycone,'m'); for f=1:500 k1=0; k2=0; while (k1 <= 4 || k2 <= 4) k1=floor(10*rand(1)); %outer flower k2=floor(15*rand(1)); %inner flower end T1=2*pi*rand(1); T2=2*pi*rand(1); Roff=0; Rin=0; while (Roff == Rin || Roff <= 5 || Rin <= 0 || abs(Roff-Rin) Roff bin=Roff; Roff=Rin; Rin=bin; end r1=sin(k1*t+T1)+Roff; r2=sin(k2*t+T2)+Rin; Rplace=50*rand(1); Tplace=2*pi*rand(1); Xoff=Rplace*cos(Tplace); Yoff=Rplace*sin(Tplace); x1=r1.*cos(t)+Xoff; y1=r1.*sin(t)+Yoff; x2=r2.*cos(t)+Xoff; y2=r2.*sin(t)+Yoff; FlowerColor=[rand(1) rand(1) rand(1)]; fill([x1 x2],[y1 y2],FlowerColor,'EdgeColor',FlowerColor) end axis equal h = msgbox( ... ['Happy Valentines Day, ' someonespecial '!'], ... '', ... 'warn' ... ); end