( resultType:指定输出结果类型,mybatis将sql查询结果的一行记录数据映射为resultType指定类型的对象。如果有多条数据,则分别进行映射,并把对象放到容器List中。所以即使返回是list数组,resultType也是pojo类型 )
1. MyBatis的传入参数parameterType类型分两种
1. 1. 基本数据类型:int,string,long,Date;
1. 2. 复杂数据类型:类和Map
2. 如何获取参数中的值:
2.1 基本数据类型:#{value}或${value} 获取参数中的值
2.2 复杂数据类型:#{属性名}或${属性名} ,map中则是#{key}或${key}
#{value}:输入参数的占位符,相当于jdbc的? 防注入 自动添加了‘ ’ 引号!
例如:select * from user where username = #{name} //输入的参数lisa,就会自动加上引号
变成:select * from user where username = ‘lisa’
${value}: 不防注入,就是字符串拼接
例如:select * from user where username like '%${value}%' //默认不加引号
select * FROM user WHERE username like "%"'s'"%"//是正确的,符合语法,引号的形式只能是这样,不能变!
3.1 基本数据类型案例
<sql id="Base_Column_List" >
id, car_dept_name, car_maker_name, icon,car_maker_py,hot_type
<select id="selectByPrimaryKey" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="java.lang.Long" >
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
from common_car_make
where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}
3.2 复杂类型--map类型
<select id="queryCarMakerList" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="java.util.Map">
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
from common_car_make cm
where 1=1
<if test="id != null">
and cm.id = #{id,jdbcType=DECIMAL}
<if test="carDeptName != null">
and cm.car_dept_name = #{carDeptName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="carMakerName != null">
and cm.car_maker_name = #{carMakerName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="hotType != null" >
and cm.hot_type = #{hotType,jdbcType=BIGINT}
ORDER BY cm.id
3.3 复杂类型--类类型
<update id="updateByPrimaryKeySelective" parameterType="com.epeit.api.model.CommonCarMake" >
update common_car_make
<if test="carDeptName != null" >
car_dept_name = #{carDeptName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="carMakerName != null" >
car_maker_name = #{carMakerName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="icon != null" >
icon = #{icon,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="carMakerPy != null" >
car_maker_py = #{carMakerPy,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="hotType != null" >
hot_type = #{hotType,jdbcType=BIGINT},
where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}
3.4 复杂类型--map中包含数组的情况
<select id="selectProOrderByOrderId" resultType="com.epeit.api.model.ProOrder" parameterType="java.util.HashMap" >
select sum(pro_order_num) proOrderNum,product_id productId,promotion_id promotionId
from pro_order
where 1=1
<if test="orderIds != null">
<foreach collection="orderIds" item="item" open="order_id IN(" separator="," close=")">
GROUP BY product_id,promotion_id
4. Mybatis (ParameterType) 如何传递多个不同类型的参数
4.1 方法一:不需要写parameterType参数
public List<XXXBean> getXXXBeanList(String xxId, String xxCode);
<select id="getXXXBeanList" resultType="XXBean">
select t.* from tableName where id = #{0} and name = #{1}
由于是多参数那么就不能使用parameterType, 改用#{index}是第几个就用第几个的索引,索引从0开始
4.2 方法二:基于注解(最简单)
public List<XXXBean> getXXXBeanList(@Param("id")String id, @Param("code")String code);
<select id="getXXXBeanList" resultType="XXBean">
select t.* from tableName where id = #{id} and name = #{code}
由于是多参数那么就不能使用parameterType, 这里用@Param来指定哪一个
4.3 方法三:Map封装
public List<XXXBean> getXXXBeanList(HashMap map);
<select id="getXXXBeanList" parameterType="hashmap" resultType="XXBean">
select 字段... from XXX where id=#{xxId} code = #{xxCode}
4.4 方法四:List封装
public List<XXXBean> getXXXBeanList(List<String> list);
<select id="getXXXBeanList" resultType="XXBean">
select 字段... from XXX where id in
<foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list" open="(" separator=","close=")">