本文是文本OCR的后续,因为用到了公式识别,所以阅读了 Mathpix API 文档,编写了一份比较适合自己使用的公式识别的Python程序,具体代码如下,注意使用之前应当去 Mathpix 官网 申请开发者ID
,在我的代码中加入了使用次数的限制,但是需要手动新建一个 ./count.txt
文件用于初始化使用次数,当然在个人信息页的 Usage
下也可以看到 API 的调用情况包括时间和次数。下面是代码实现,可以直接拷贝使用:
import os import sys import json import time import base64 import signal import win32con import winsound import requests from PIL import ImageGrab import win32clipboard as wc def set_clipboard(txt): wc.OpenClipboard() wc.EmptyClipboard() wc.SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT, txt) wc.CloseClipboard() env = os.environ default_headers = { 'app_id': env.get('APP_ID', 'XXX'), 'app_key': env.get('APP_KEY', 'XXX'), 'Content-type': 'application/json' } service = 'https://api.mathpix.com/v3/latex' format_set = ["text", "latex_simplified", "latex_styled", "mathml", "asciimath", "latex_list"] format_set_output = ["latex_styled", "latex_simplified", "text"] count = 0 def changeCount(number): filehandle = open("./count.txt","w") filehandle.write(str(number)) filehandle.close() def getCount(): if not os.path.exists("./count.txt"): return 0 else: filehandle = open("./count.txt","r") number = int(filehandle.read()) filehandle.close() return number def image_uri(filename): image_data = open(filename, "rb").read() return "data:image/jpg;base64," + base64.b64encode(image_data).decode() def latex(args, headers=default_headers, timeout=30): r = requests.post(service, data=json.dumps(args), headers=headers, timeout=timeout) return json.loads(r.text) def sig_handler(signum, frame): sys.exit(0) """ 截图后,调用Mathpix 公式识别""" def LatexOcrScreenshots(path="./",ifauto=False): global count if count >= 1000: print("\nThe maximum number of uses has been reached!") changeCount(count) return if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) image = ImageGrab.grabclipboard() if image != None: count += 1 changeCount(count) print("\rThe image has been obtained. Please wait a moment! ",end=" ") filename = str(time.time_ns()) image.save(path+filename+".png") txt = latex({ 'src': image_uri(path+filename+".png"), "ocr": ["math", "text"], "skip_recrop": True, "formats":format_set }) os.remove(path+filename+".png") have_obtain = False for format_text in format_set_output: if format_text in txt: set_clipboard("$$\n"+txt[format_text]+"\n$$") have_obtain = True break; if have_obtain == False: set_clipboard("") winsound.PlaySound('SystemAsterisk',winsound.SND_ASYNC) return txt else : if not ifauto: print("Count : ",count," Please get the screenshots by Shift+Win+S!",end="") return "" else: print("\rCount : ",count," Please get the screenshots by Shift+Win+S!",end="") def AutoOcrScreenshotsLatex(): global count count = getCount() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_handler) print("Count : ",count," Please get the screenshots by Shift+Win+S !",end="") while(1): try: LatexOcrScreenshots(ifauto=True) time.sleep(0.1) except SystemExit: print("\nLast Count : ",count) changeCount(count) return else: pass finally: pass if __name__ == '__main__': AutoOcrScreenshots()