SOFARegistry 是蚂蚁金服开源的一个生产级、高时效、高可用的服务注册中心。本系列文章重点在于分析设计和架构,即利用多篇文章,从多个角度反推总结 DataServer 或者 SOFARegistry 的实现机制和架构思路,让大家借以学习阿里如何设计。本文为第三篇,介绍SOFARegistry网络操作之连接管理。
SOFARegistry 是蚂蚁金服开源的一个生产级、高时效、高可用的服务注册中心。
本系列文章重点在于分析设计和架构,即利用多篇文章,从多个角度反推总结 DataServer 或者 SOFARegistry 的实现机制和架构思路,让大家借以学习阿里如何设计。
连接管理是网络操作中的核心。我们知道,一次 tcp 请求大致分为三个步骤:建立连接、通信、关闭连接。每次建立新连接都会经历三次握手,中间包含三次网络传输,对于高并发的系统,这是一笔不小的负担;关闭连接同样如此。为了减少每次网络调用请求的开销,对连接进行管理、复用,可以极大的提高系统的性能。
为了提高通信效率,我们需要考虑复用连接,减少 TCP 三次握手的次数,因此需要有连接管理的机制。
关于连接管理,SOFARegistry有两维度层次的连接管理,分别是 Connection 和 Node。
面向连接的TCP协议要求每次peer间通信前建立一条TCP连接,该连接可抽象为一个4元组(four-tuple,有时也称socket pair):socket(localIp, localPort, remoteIp, remotePort )
有了Connection这个抽象之后,自然的需要提供接口来管理Connection, 这个接口就是ConnectionFactory。
Connection其删减版定义如下,可以看到其主要成员就是 Netty channel 实例:
public class Connection { private Channel channel; private final ConcurrentHashMapinvokeFutureMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(4); /** Attribute key for connection */ public static final AttributeKeyCONNECTION = AttributeKey.valueOf("connection"); /** Attribute key for heartbeat count */ public static final AttributeKeyHEARTBEAT_COUNT = AttributeKey.valueOf("heartbeatCount"); /** Attribute key for heartbeat switch for each connection */ public static final AttributeKeyHEARTBEAT_SWITCH = AttributeKey.valueOf("heartbeatSwitch"); /** Attribute key for protocol */ public static final AttributeKeyPROTOCOL = AttributeKey.valueOf("protocol"); /** Attribute key for version */ public static final AttributeKeyVERSION = AttributeKey.valueOf("version"); private Url url; private final ConcurrentHashMapid2PoolKey = new ConcurrentHashMap(256); private SetpoolKeys = new ConcurrentHashSet(); private final ConcurrentHashMapattributes = new ConcurrentHashMap(); }
省去 AtributeKey 类型定义以及 Log 配置,以上是Connection中主要的成员变量。包括几个方面:
这里提一下 protocolCode 和 version,版本信息会被携带至对端,用于连接的协商。总的来说,通过对于 Channel 的包装,Connection 提供了丰富的上下文及引用信息,是 SOFABolt 连接管理的直接对象。
SOFARegistry建立了ConnectionFactory 连接工厂,负责创建连接、检测连接等。
MetaServerConnectionFactory 就是用来对
其核心变量是一个双层Map,可以理解为一个矩阵,其维度是 Map<dataCenter, Map。
public class MetaServerConnectionFactory { private final Map<String, Map> MAP = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * @param dataCenter * @param ip * @param connection */ public void register(String dataCenter, String ip, Connection connection) { MapconnectionMap = MAP.get(dataCenter); if (connectionMap == null) { MapnewConnectionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); connectionMap = MAP.putIfAbsent(dataCenter, newConnectionMap); if (connectionMap == null) { connectionMap = newConnectionMap; } } connectionMap.put(ip, connection); } /** * @param dataCenter * @param ip */ public Connection getConnection(String dataCenter, String ip) { if (MAP.containsKey(dataCenter)) { Mapmap = MAP.get(dataCenter); if (map.containsKey(ip)) { return map.get(ip); } } return null; } /** * @param dataCenter */ public MapgetConnections(String dataCenter) { if (MAP.containsKey(dataCenter)) { return MAP.get(dataCenter); } return new HashMap<>(); } /** * @param dataCenter */ public SetgetIps(String dataCenter) { if (MAP.containsKey(dataCenter)) { Mapmap = MAP.get(dataCenter); if (map != null) { return map.keySet(); } } return new HashSet<>(); } /** * @param dataCenter */ public void remove(String dataCenter) { Mapmap = getConnections(dataCenter); if (!map.isEmpty()) { for (Connection connection : map.values()) { if (connection.isFine()) { connection.close(); } } } MAP.remove(dataCenter); } /** * @param dataCenter * @param ip */ public void remove(String dataCenter, String ip) { if (MAP.containsKey(dataCenter)) { Mapmap = MAP.get(dataCenter); if (map != null) { map.remove(ip); } } } public SetgetAllDataCenters() { return MAP.keySet(); } }
DataServerConnectionFactory 就是用来对
import; /** * the factory to hold connections that other dataservers connected to local server */ public class DataServerConnectionFactory { /** * collection of connections * key:connectId ip:port */ private final MapMAP = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * register connection * * @param connection */ public void register(Connection connection) { MAP.put(getConnectId(connection), connection); } /** * remove connection by specific ip+port * * @param connection */ public void remove(Connection connection) { MAP.remove(getConnectId(connection)); } /** * get connection by ip * * @param ip * @return */ public Connection getConnection(String ip) { return MAP.values().stream().filter(connection -> ip.equals(connection.getRemoteIP()) && connection.isFine()).findFirst().orElse(null); } private String getConnectId(Connection connection) { return connection.getRemoteIP() + ":" + connection.getRemotePort(); } }
public void connected(Channel channel) throws RemotingException { super.connected(channel); dataServerConnectionFactory.register(((BoltChannel) channel).getConnection()); }
这样往ConcurrentHashMap client放入,是根据IP和port构建了url,然后url作为key。
conn = ((BoltChannel) dataNodeExchanger.connect(new URL(ip, dataServerConfig .getSyncDataPort()))).getConnection();
DataSyncServerConnectionHandler 是 server 的handler。
前文提到了,DataSyncServerConnectionHandler是连接事件处理器 (ConnectionEventProcessor),用来监听建连事件(ConnectionEventType.CONNECT)与断连事件(ConnectionEventType.CLOSE)。
public class DataSyncServerConnectionHandler extends AbstractServerHandler { @Autowired private DataServerConnectionFactory dataServerConnectionFactory; @Override public ChannelHandler.HandlerType getType() { return ChannelHandler.HandlerType.LISENTER; } @Override public void connected(Channel channel) throws RemotingException { super.connected(channel); dataServerConnectionFactory.register(((BoltChannel) channel).getConnection()); } @Override public void disconnected(Channel channel) throws RemotingException { super.disconnected(channel); dataServerConnectionFactory.remove(((BoltChannel) channel).getConnection()); } @Override protected Node.NodeType getConnectNodeType() { return Node.NodeType.DATA; } }
SessionServerConnectionFactory 包括复杂的逻辑。
具体就是,SOFARegistry 将服务数据 (PublisherRegister) 和 服务发布者 (Publisher) 的连接的生命周期绑定在一起:每个 PublisherRegister 定义属性 connId,connId 由注册本次服务的 Publisher 的连接标识 (IP 和 Port)构成,也就是只要该 Publisher 和 SessionServer 断连,服务信息数据即失效。客户端重新建连成功后重新注册服务数据,重新注册的服务数据会被当成新的数据,考虑更换长连接后 Publisher 的 connId 是 Renew 新生成的。
我们假设一个Session server内部有两个 Publisher,都连接到一个Data Server上。
这些 address 格式都是 ip : port,举例如下:
SessionServer address 1 是 : : 1
SessionServer address 2 是 : : 2
SessionServer address 3 是 : : 3
SessionServer address 4 是 : : 4
DataServer address 1 是 : : 1
DataServer address 2 是 : : 2
+----------+ +----------+ | Client | | Client | +----+-----+ +----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | SessionServer address 1 | SessionServer address 2 v v +--------+-----------------------------------+----------------+ | Session Server(process Id) | | | | +------------------------+ +-----------------------+ | | | Publisher(connect Id) | ... | Publisher(connect Id) | | | +------------------------+ +-----------------------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | SessionServer address 3 | SessionServer address 4 | | | | | | | | +----------> +---------------+ <---------+ DataServer address 1 | Data Server | DataServer address 2 +---------------+
这些都代表了本 Data Server 和 其 Session Server 之间的关系。
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------+ | SessionServerConnectionFactory | | SessionServer | | | | | | | | +-------------------------+ | | +---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | SessionServer address | | | | SESSION_CONN_PROCESS_ID_MAP | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------+ | | | | | +----------------------------------->+ | process Id | | | | | Map| | | +-------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Publisher | | | | | +--+-------------+ | | | | ^ | | +---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | PROCESS_ID_CONNECT_ID_MAP | | +------------------------+-------+ | | | | | ^ | | Map<SessionServer processId, Set> +-------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +------------+ | | |PROCESS_ID_SESSION_CONN_MAP +-------> | Connection +---------+ | | | | +------------+ | | | | | |Map| | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
public class SessionServerConnectionFactory { private static final int DELAY = 30 * 1000; private static final Map EMPTY_MAP = new HashMap(0); /** * key : SessionServer address * value: SessionServer processId */ private final MapSESSION_CONN_PROCESS_ID_MAP = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * key : SessionServer processId * value: ip:port of clients */ private final Map<String, Set> PROCESS_ID_CONNECT_ID_MAP = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * key : SessionServer processId * value: pair(SessionServer address, SessionServer connection) */ private final MapPROCESS_ID_SESSION_CONN_MAP = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); @Autowired private DisconnectEventHandler disconnectEventHandler; }
PROCESS_ID_SESSION_CONN_MAP是 Map<SessionServer processId, pair(SessionServer address, SessionServer connection)>,代表了一个 Session Server 包括哪些Connection,每个Connection 被其Session Server 端的address 唯一确定。
Pair就是SessionServer address, SessionServer connection的组合,定义如下:
private static class Pair { private AtomicInteger roundRobin = new AtomicInteger(-1); private Mapconnections; private String lastDisconnectedSession; private Pair(Mapconnections) { this.connections = connections; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return connections.equals(((Pair) o).getConnections()) && (((Pair) o).lastDisconnectedSession.equals(lastDisconnectedSession)); } /** * Getter method for property connections. * @return property value of connections */ private MapgetConnections() { return connections; } }
当生成时,Session Server 端的address,这是由InetSocketAddress转换而来。此类用于实现 IP 套接字地址 (IP 地址+端口号),用于socket 通信;
public void registerSession(String processId, SetconnectIds, Connection connection) { String sessionConnAddress = NetUtil.toAddressString(connection.getRemoteAddress()); SESSION_CONN_PROCESS_ID_MAP.put(sessionConnAddress, processId); SetconnectIdSet = PROCESS_ID_CONNECT_ID_MAP .computeIfAbsent(processId, k -> ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet()); connectIdSet.addAll(connectIds); Pair pair = PROCESS_ID_SESSION_CONN_MAP.computeIfAbsent(processId, k -> new Pair(new ConcurrentHashMap<>())); pair.getConnections().put(sessionConnAddress, connection); }
processId是在Session Server之中生成,可以看出,是IP,时间戳,循环递增整数构建。这样就可以唯一确定一个SessionServer。
public class SessionProcessIdGenerator { /** * Generate session processId. */ public static String generate() { String localIp = NetUtil.getLocalSocketAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress(); if (localIp != null && !localIp.isEmpty()) { return getId(getIPHex(localIp), System.currentTimeMillis(), getNextId()); } return EMPTY_STRING; } }
因为高层连接管理与业务密切耦合,所以我们接下来分析业务。看看调用 SessionServerConnectionFactory的业务流程。
具体registerSession从何处调用,这就涉及到两个消息:SessionServerRegisterRequest 和PublishDataRequest。即有两个途径会调用。而且业务涉及到Session Server与DataServer。
当重新连接的时候,会统一注册 Session Server 本身包含的所有Publisher。对应在Session Server之中,如下可以看到:
public class SessionRegisterDataTask extends AbstractSessionTask { @Override public void setTaskEvent(TaskEvent taskEvent) { //taskId create from event if (taskEvent.getTaskId() != null) { setTaskId(taskEvent.getTaskId()); } Object obj = taskEvent.getEventObj(); if (obj instanceof BoltChannel) { = (BoltChannel) obj; } Server sessionServer = boltExchange.getServer(sessionServerConfig.getServerPort()); if (sessionServer != null) { Collectionchs = sessionServer.getChannels(); SetconnectIds = new HashSet<>(); chs.forEach(channel -> connectIds.add(NetUtil.toAddressString(channel.getRemoteAddress()))); sessionServerRegisterRequest = new SessionServerRegisterRequest( SessionProcessIdGenerator.getSessionProcessId(), connectIds); } } }
public class SessionServerRegisterHandler extends AbstractServerHandler{ @Override public Object doHandle(Channel channel, SessionServerRegisterRequest request) { SetconnectIds = request.getConnectIds(); if (connectIds == null) { connectIds = new HashSet<>(); } sessionServerConnectionFactory.registerSession(request.getProcessId(), connectIds, ((BoltChannel) channel).getConnection()); return CommonResponse.buildSucce***esponse(); } }
当注册Publisher时候。在Session Server之中,可以看到建立了请求。
private RequestbuildPublishDataRequest(Publisher publisher) { return new Request() { private AtomicInteger retryTimes = new AtomicInteger(); @Override public PublishDataRequest getRequestBody() { PublishDataRequest publishDataRequest = new PublishDataRequest(); publishDataRequest.setPublisher(publisher); publishDataRequest.setSessionServerProcessId(SessionProcessIdGenerator .getSessionProcessId()); return publishDataRequest; } @Override public URL getRequestUrl() { return getUrl(publisher.getDataInfoId()); } @Override public AtomicInteger getRetryTimes() { return retryTimes; } }; }
在data server之中,会调用处理,用到了sessionServerConnectionFactory。
public class PublishDataHandler extends AbstractServerHandler{ @Override public Object doHandle(Channel channel, PublishDataRequest request) { Publisher publisher = Publisher.internPublisher(request.getPublisher()); if (forwardService.needForward()) { CommonResponse response = new CommonResponse(); response.setSuccess(false); response.setMessage("Request refused, Server status is not working"); return response; } dataChangeEventCenter.onChange(publisher, dataServerConfig.getLocalDataCenter()); if (publisher.getPublishType() != PublishType.TEMPORARY) { String connectId = WordCache.getInstance().getWordCache( publisher.getSourceAddress().getAddressString()); sessionServerConnectionFactory.registerConnectId(request.getSessionServerProcessId(), connectId); // record the renew timestamp datumLeaseManager.renew(connectId); } return CommonResponse.buildSucce***esponse(); } }
connectIdRenewTimestampMap : 记录了renew时间;
locksForConnectId :只有一个task能够更新;
renew 函数记录本次renew时间戳,启动evict task,如果到期没有renew,就去除。
public class DatumLeaseManager implements AfterWorkingProcess { /** record the latest heartbeat time for each connectId, format: connectId -> lastRenewTimestamp */ private final MapconnectIdRenewTimestampMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** lock for connectId , format: connectId -> true */ private ConcurrentHashMaplocksForConnectId = new ConcurrentHashMap(); /** * record the renew timestamp */ public void renew(String connectId) { // record the renew timestamp connectIdRenewTimestampMap.put(connectId, System.currentTimeMillis()); // try to trigger evict task scheduleEvictTask(connectId, 0); } }
除了具体连接之外,SOFARegistry也对Data 节点进行另一个维度的连接管理。具体在DataServerNodeFactory完成。
public class DataServerNode implements HashNode { private String ip; private String dataCenter; private Connection connection; }
对应Node的连接管理 则是 DataServerNodeFactory。
在具体模块控制上,DataServerNodeFactory拥有自己的Bean。DataServerConnectionFactory 则全部是Static类型,直接static使用。
public class DataServerNodeFactory { /** * row: dataCenter * column: ip * value dataServerNode */ private static final Map<String, Map> MAP = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * key: dataCenter * value: consistentHash */ private static final Map<String, ConsistentHash> CONSISTENT_HASH_MAP = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); }
具体在LocalDataServerChangeEventHandler 和 DataServerChangeEventHandler 全都有涉及。
public class LocalDataServerChangeEventHandler extends AbstractEventHandler{ private void connectDataServer(String dataCenter, String ip) { Connection conn = null; for (int tryCount = 0; tryCount < TRY_COUNT; tryCount++) { try { conn = ((BoltChannel) dataNodeExchanger.connect(new URL(ip, dataServerConfig.getSyncDataPort()))).getConnection(); break; } } //maybe get dataNode from metaServer,current has not start! register dataNode info to factory,wait for connect task next execute DataServerNodeFactory.register(new DataServerNode(ip, dataCenter, conn), dataServerConfig); } } }
public class DataServerChangeEventHandler extends AbstractEventHandler{ private void connectDataServer(String dataCenter, String ip) { Connection conn = null; for (int tryCount = 0; tryCount < TRY_COUNT; tryCount++) { try { conn = ((BoltChannel) dataNodeExchanger.connect(new URL(ip, dataServerConfig .getSyncDataPort()))).getConnection(); break; } catch (Exception e) { TimeUtil.randomDelay(3000); } } //maybe get dataNode from metaServer,current has not start! register dataNode info to factory,wait for connect task next execute DataServerNodeFactory.register(new DataServerNode(ip, dataCenter, conn), dataServerConfig); } }
/** * get dataserver by specific datacenter and dataInfoId * * @param dataCenter * @param dataInfoId * @return */ public static DataServerNode computeDataServerNode(String dataCenter, String dataInfoId) { ConsistentHashconsistentHash = CONSISTENT_HASH_MAP.get(dataCenter); if (consistentHash != null) { return consistentHash.getNodeFor(dataInfoId); } return null; } public static ListcomputeDataServerNodes(String dataCenter, String dataInfoId, int backupNodes) { ConsistentHashconsistentHash = CONSISTENT_HASH_MAP.get(dataCenter); if (consistentHash != null) { return consistentHash.getNUniqueNodesFor(dataInfoId, backupNodes); } return null; }
关于连接管理,SOFARegistry有两维度层次的连接管理,分别是 Connection 和 Node。
SOFARegistry 将服务数据 (PublisherRegister) 和 服务发布者 (Publisher) 的连接的生命周期绑定在一起:每个 PublisherRegister 定义属性 connId,connId 由注册本次服务的 Publisher 的连接标识 (IP 和 Port)构成。
只要该 Publisher 和 SessionServer 断连,服务信息数据即失效。客户端重新建连成功后重新注册服务数据,重新注册的服务数据会被当成新的数据,考虑更换长连接后 Publisher 的 connId 是 Renew 新生成的。
+----------+ +----------+ | Client | | Client | +----+-----+ +----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Session Server(process Id) | | | v v | | +------+-----------------+ +--------+--------------+ | | | Publisher(connect Id) | ... | Publisher(connect Id) | | | +------------------------+ +-----------------------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | Connection Connection | | | | | | | v v +---------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------+ | Data Server | | | | Map| | | | Map<SessionServer processId, Set> | | | | Map| | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
SOFABolt 源码分析12 - Connection 连接管理设计
SOFABolt 源码分析2 - RpcServer 服务端启动的设计
SOFABolt 源码分析3 - RpcClient 客户端启动的设计