import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import; /** * @desc: tompai-common * @name: * @author: tompai * * @createTime: 2021年4月12日 下午9:23:03 * @history: * @version: v1.0 */ public class MapSortTest { /** * @author: tompai * @createTime: 2021年4月12日 下午9:23:04 * @history: * @param args void */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // treeMapReverseOrder(); // treeMapSortByValue(); treeMapSortByValue() } public static void treeMapReverseOrder() { // 默认的TreeMap升序排列 TreeMap<Integer, Integer> map1 = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>(); map1.put(1, 2); map1.put(2, 4); map1.put(7, 1); map1.put(5, 2); System.out.println("map1=" + map1); // TreeMap降序排列 Map<Integer, Integer> map2 = new TreeMap<>((o1, o2) -> o2.compareTo(o1)); map2.put(1, 2); map2.put(2, 4); map2.put(7, 1); map2.put(5, 2); System.out.println("Map2=" + map2); } public static void treeMapSortByValue() { Map<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>(); map.put("a", "dddd"); map.put("d", "aaaa"); map.put("b", "cccc"); map.put("c", "bbbb"); List<Entry<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<Entry<String, String>>(map.entrySet()); Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, String>>() { // 升序排序 public int compare(Entry<String, String> o1, Entry<String, String> o2) { return o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()); } }); for (Entry<String, String> e : list) { System.out.println(e.getKey() + ":" + e.getValue()); } } public static void mapSortByKey1() { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>(); result.put("1", "aaa"); result.put("7", "bbb"); result.put("22", "ccc"); Map<String, String> finalMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // Sort a map and add to finalMap result.entrySet().stream().sorted(Map.Entry.<String, String>comparingByKey().reversed()) .forEachOrdered(e -> finalMap.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue())); System.out.println(finalMap); } public static void mapSortByKey2() { Map<String, Integer> codes = new HashMap<>(); codes.put("United", 1); codes.put("Germany", 49); codes.put("France", 33); codes.put("China", 86); codes.put("Pakistan", 92); // 按照Map的键进行排序 Map<String, Integer> sortedMap = codes .entrySet() .stream() .sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByKey()) .collect(Collectors .toMap( Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (oldVal, newVal) -> oldVal, LinkedHashMap::new)); // 将排序后的Map打印 sortedMap.entrySet().forEach(System.out::println); } public static void mapSortByValue1() { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>(); result.put("13", "aaa"); result.put("37", "bbb"); result.put("22", "ccc"); Map<String, String> finalMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // Sort a map and add to finalMap result.entrySet().stream().sorted(Map.Entry.<String, String>comparingByValue().reversed()) .forEachOrdered(e -> finalMap.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue())); System.out.println(finalMap); } public static void mapSortByValue2() { Map<String, String> codes = new HashMap<>(); codes.put("13", "aaa"); codes.put("37", "fff"); codes.put("22", "bbb"); // Sort a map and add to finalMap Map<String, String> sortedMap = codes .entrySet() .stream() .sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByValue()) .collect(Collectors .toMap( Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (oldVal, newVal) -> oldVal,LinkedHashMap::new)); sortedMap.entrySet().forEach(System.out::println); } public static void mapMerge1() { String k = "key"; HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>() { { put(k, 1); } }; map.merge(k, 2, (oldVal, newVal) -> oldVal + newVal); map.entrySet().forEach(System.out::println); } public static void mapMerge2() { // 创建一个HashMap HashMap<String, Integer> prices = new HashMap<>(); // 往 HashMap 插入映射 prices.put("Shoes", 200); prices.put("Bag", 300); prices.put("Pant", 150); prices.put("Shirt", 10); System.out.println("HashMap: " + prices); int returnedValue = prices.merge("Shirt", 100, (oldValue, newValue) -> oldValue + newValue); System.out.println("Price of Shirt: " + returnedValue); // 输出更新后的 HashMap System.out.println("Updated HashMap: " + prices); } public static void mapMerge3() { // 创建一个 HashMap HashMap<String, String> countries = new HashMap<>(); // 往HashMap插入映射项 countries.put("Washington", "America"); countries.put("Canberra", "Australia"); countries.put("Madrid", "Spain"); System.out.println("HashMap: " + countries); // 合并 key为 Washington的映射 String returnedValue = countries.merge("Washington", "USA", (oldValue, newValue) -> oldValue + "/" + newValue); System.out.println("Washington: " + returnedValue); // 输出更新后的HashMap System.out.println("Updated HashMap: " + countries); } }