Example program ------> e_c16_p4.ada
-- Chapter 16 - Program 4 with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; with DynStrng; use DynStrng; procedure TryStrng is Try_This : STRING(1..13); Name : DYNAMIC_STRING(0..15); Stuff : DYNAMIC_STRING(0..35); Result : BOOLEAN; Neat : constant STRING := "XYZ"; Good3 : STRING(1..3); Good4 : STRING(1..4); Column : INTEGER; begin Name(0) := CHARACTER'VAL(3); Stuff(0) := CHARACTER'VAL(7); Put(Size_Of(Name)); Put(Size_Of(Stuff)); Put(Length(Name)); Put(Length(Stuff)); New_Line; Try_This := "ABCDEFGHIJKL$"; Copy(Try_This,Stuff,Result); Put(Size_Of(Stuff)); Put(Length(Stuff)); Put(Stuff); Put(Stuff); New_Line(2); Copy(Stuff,Name,Result); Put(Name); Put(Name); Put(Name); New_Line; Concat(Name,Name,Stuff,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Delete(Stuff,5,3,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Delete(Stuff,6,3,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Delete(Stuff,6,3,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Delete(Stuff,6,3,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Delete(Stuff,6,3,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Delete(Stuff,6,3,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Delete(Stuff,6,3,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Delete(Stuff,6,3,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line(2); Try_This := "1234567890123"; Copy(Try_This,Stuff,Result); Copy(Neat,Name,Result); Put(Stuff); Put(Name); New_Line; Insert(Stuff,Name,5,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Insert(Stuff,Name,50,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Insert(Stuff,Name,2,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Insert(Stuff,Name,24,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Insert(Stuff,Name,5,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Insert(Stuff,Name,5,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Insert(Stuff,Name,5,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line; Insert(Stuff,Name,5,Result); Put(Stuff); New_Line(2); Good3 := "123"; Try_This := "1234567890123"; Copy(Try_This,Stuff,Result); Copy(Good3,Name,Result); Pos(Stuff,Name,1,Column,Result); Ada.Text_IO.Put("Found in column number"); Put(Column); New_Line; Pos(Stuff,Name,2,Column,Result); Ada.Text_IO.Put("Found in column number"); Put(Column); New_Line; Pos(Stuff,Name,7,Column,Result); Ada.Text_IO.Put("Found in column number"); Put(Column); New_Line; Pos(Stuff,Name,12,Column,Result); Ada.Text_IO.Put("Found in column number"); Put(Column); New_Line; Pos(Stuff,Name,18,Column,Result); Ada.Text_IO.Put("Found in column number"); Put(Column); New_Line; Pos(Stuff,Name,50,Column,Result); Ada.Text_IO.Put("Found in column number"); Put(Column); New_Line; end TryStrng;
Copy("Line of text.", Stuff, Result);
Copy(STRING'("Line of text."), Stuff, Result);
DYNAMIC_STRING包是一个很好的包,您可以学习如何开发包,以及典型包如何工作。然而,它已经被两个新的软件包取代,可用于任何Ada 95程序。名为Ada.Strings.Unbounded,和Ada.Strings.Unbounded是Ada 95标准库的一部分,可供您使用。你应该彻底了解他们的能力和局限性,因为它们可以节省你很多时间。
Example program ------> e_c16_p5.ada
-- Chapter 16 - Program 5 -- This program will calculate the number of days old you are. -- It is a rather dumb program, but illustrates some interesting -- programming techniques. It checks all input to see that they -- are in the correct range before continuing. Since the number -- of days can easily exceed the limits of type INTEGER, and we -- cannot count on LONG_INTEGER being available, a fixed point -- variable is used for the total number of days since Jan 1, 1880. -- This program also passes a record to a procedure, where it is -- modified and returned. with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use ADa.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure Age is LOW_YEAR : constant := 1880; MAX : constant := 365.0 * (2100 - LOW_YEAR); type AGES is delta 1.0 range -MAX..MAX; Present_Age : AGES; package Fix_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO(AGES); use Fix_IO; type DATE is record Month : INTEGER range 1..12; Day : INTEGER range 1..31; Year : INTEGER range LOW_YEAR..2100; Days : AGES; end record; Today : DATE; Birth_Day : DATE; procedure Get_Date(Date_To_Get : in out DATE) is Temp : INTEGER; begin Put(" month --> "); loop Get(Temp); if Temp in 1..12 then Date_To_Get.Month := Temp; exit; -- month OK else Put_Line(" Month must be in the range of 1 to 12"); Put(" "); Put(" month --> "); end if; end loop; Put(" "); Put(" day ----> "); loop Get(Temp); if Temp in 1..31 then Date_To_Get.Day := Temp; exit; -- day OK else Put_Line(" Day must be in the range of 1 to 31"); Put(" "); Put(" day ----> "); end if; end loop; Put(" "); Put(" year ---> "); loop Get(Temp); if Temp in LOW_YEAR..2100 then Date_To_Get.Year := Temp; exit; -- year OK else Put_Line(" Year must be in the range of 1880 to 2100"); Put(" "); Put(" year ---> "); end if; end loop; Date_To_Get.Days := 365 * AGES(Date_To_Get.Year - LOW_YEAR) + AGES(31 * Date_To_Get.Month + Date_To_Get.Day); end Get_Date; begin Put("Enter Today's date; "); Get_Date(Today); New_Line; Put("Enter your birthday;"); Get_Date(Birth_Day); New_Line(2); Present_Age := Today.Days - Birth_Day.Days; if Present_Age < 0.0 then Put("You will be born in "); Present_Age := abs(Present_Age); Put(Present_Age, 6, 0, 0); Put_Line(" days."); elsif Present_Age = 0.0 then Put_Line("Happy birthday, you were just born today."); else Put("You are now "); Put(Present_Age, 6, 0, 0); Put_Line(" days old."); end if; end Age;
1.向 e_c16_p1ada添加一个附加函数,以返回一个值,该值指示可以将更多字符推到堆栈上。(Solution)
2.使用e_c16_p2.ada中的新功能向监视器输出一条消息,指示 Fill_The_Stack 过程结束时堆栈上剩余的空间量。(Solution)
翻译(百度):博客园 一个默默的 *** 的人