select name from sysobjects where xtype='u'
select * from sys.tables
use [db_name] go SELECT a.name, b.rows FROM sysobjects AS a INNER JOIN sysindexes AS b ON a.id = b.id WHERE (a.type = 'u') AND (b.indid IN (0, 1)) ORDER BY b.rows DESC
select a.name as 表名, max(b.rows) as 记录条数 from sysobjects a ,sysindexes b where a.id=b.id and a.xtype='u' group by a.name order by max(b.rows) desc
select schema_name(t.schema_id) as [ Schema ], t. name as TableName,i. rows as [RowCount] from sys.tables as t, sysindexes as i where t.object_id = i.id and i.indid <=1
参考文章:一种快速统计SQL Server每个表行数的方法
相关文章:SQL Server 查询 数据库 & 表格 大小